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    artillery Beispielsätze


    1. The looming thunder of artillery from the previous night had stopped but still the diesel-growl of moving men and transport played out in the background

    2. bar that he had served with the royal artillery during the War

    3. The expense of the ordinary peace establishment of the colonies amounted, before the commencement of the present disturbances to the pay of twenty regiments of foot ; to the expense of the artillery, stores, and extraordinary provisions, with which it was necessary to supply them ; and to the expense of a very considerable naval force, which was constantly kept up, in order to guard from the smuggling vessels of other nations, the immense coast of North America, and that of our West Indian islands

    4. As the superiority of the modern artillery, too, over that of the ancients, is very great ; it has become much more difficult, and consequently much more expensive, to fortify a town, so as to resist, even for a few weeks, the attack of that superior artillery

    5. There was one thing that never failed during the unloading and swimming and that was the Turkish artillery that bombarded the beaches at every chance

    6. We believed it because the Turkish artillery was lashing the beaches firing down from Achi Baba but what really convinced us was that ‘Asiatic Annie’ was firing her heavy shells at both V and W Beaches

    7. As we moved forward we could see the outposts in front of us and we prepared to make a dash for them but before we got anywhere the artillery behind them opened up with shrapnel shells and we had to go to ground to find cover from the murderous hail that met us

    8. “Alright you lot I know things got a bit hairy there for a moment but it’s not so bad now in fact we are going to try to flank this position further over on the left where his artillery doesn’t seem to be as well set up as it is here

    9. Breaking from cover we rushed the forward post yelling like Dervishes the CSM was right and the artillery covering this sector was very light

    10. They were smarter than that and quite content to sit in their strong points protected by their artillery and machine guns and just slaughter us when we charged them

    11. Like last time there was no way we could push on without artillery support which we didn’t have and there were problems with the ammo supplies so we were pinned down again

    12. In the end the attack failed miserably as we couldn’t get anywhere near to our objectives due to the overwhelming superiority of the Turk artillery and machine guns in fact we ended up no further forward than when we started

    13. “The rest of the Brigade was trying to push up towards us but they were being slaughtered were they stood so naval artillery was called in to silence the machine guns but this did no good because the shells could not find them let alone smash them

    14. We had gone down to the beach and were enjoying our swim when a salvo of Turkish artillery shells was fired at us

    15. We stood in the reserve trenches as our Company had been designated in the second wave and as we looked foreword we could see the first wave of the 88th Brigade stood in the front line trenches waiting and at 2:20pm our artillery bombardment began

    16. But within minutes the Turkish artillery responded with heavy shrapnel and we could hear it pinging and rattling like hailstone on the front trenches were the casualties and dead had began to pile up before a single man had started advancing towards the Turkish lines

    17. And back at our lines our reserve trenches were also chocked with dead and wounded from the Turkish artillery barrage

    18. Then the artillery and machine guns started up again and I thought god they can’t be sending another wave forward into this but they did the murdering bastards

    19. We marched on for most of the day and at times we were forced to halt so that convoys of artillery pieces and horse drawn supply wagons could pass us on their way to the front

    20. In the fields we passed now there was Battery after Battery of artillery both light and heavy and near then huge piles of shells were being stacked in dumps

    21. Later on we reached Albert and we marched into it under a railway arch that led into the town the further in we got the more we could see that it had taken a real pasting from artillery fire

    22. Around us we could hear the creaking of harness and the rattle of curb chains and smell the horsey smell that marked either s supply of artillery unit that had stopped beside the road

    23. The morning hate had been fierce earlier with trench-mortars and artillery firing both ways just to welcome us back to the front

    24. S/Sgt Cocker had his rifle with him and kept a lookout for German patrols and snipers but a massive artillery duel that happened before we arrived yesterday must have cleared them out for the time being

    25. Also the Infantry, Artillery, Engineers, Pioneers and many more service personnel as well as troops from all over the Empire sat in the carriages or corridors as the train thundered on

    26. The vessel was close enough, however, to hear the roar of artillery and the rattle of muskets to know that a battle was going on

    27. “No listen we will have so much artillery and ammunition that the Hun will be blasted into submission

    28. “That will be a first, because I’ve never known us to have enough artillery or even shells to do anything let alone blast the enemy into surrender

    29. In the fields at the roadside Artillery Batteries were stationed everything from howitzers to feildguns and then of course there was the ever present cavalry detachments

    30. “So I take it you didn’t see the chap out by the old artillery limber that’s a shame because you are dead then?” I looked through the eye holes again to where he had said and quartered the ground but I saw nothing

    31. “Frank’s probably right the Brass just want a sample before the main attack then they and the artillery will know what they are up against

    32. “In about an hour’s time the artillery will put a barrage on concentrating on the German wire it won’t be anything big just enough to get them to send a wiring party out

    33. Things were beginning to hot up now on the ‘Shooting Gallery’ (front line) as the Germans stepped up there artillery fire and we also had a lot of ‘Flying Pigs’, ‘Rum Jar’s’ (trench mortar rounds) and ‘Obus’ (howitzer rounds) coming over

    34. Of course with this amount of activity going on we were bound to attract more attention from the German artillery and a lot of ‘Coal Scuttles’ (large howitzer rounds) and 5

    35. He continued saying to us that we had nothing to fear from the Huns because the artillery bombardment was going to be of a duration and ferocity never seen in a battle before

    36. on Gallipoli I don’t trust any Staff when they start talking about artillery and how we will have a walk over

    37. The raid went off without serious incident we made it to the German trenches and shook them up a bit but there artillery gave us a bit of concern as we made our way back to our lines

    38. ” After the briefing was finished we got once more to attack the mocked up trenches but this time we had men with flags simulating the creeping artillery barrage whilst we walked in a line behind it and wondered to ourselves what this would be like with more than seventy pounds of equipment on your person

    39. The first salvo had gone off with one big crash but now the artillery rippled all along and behind the front and you could seethe flashes going off like the devils light show

    40. I went to the trench periscope and watched as the opening salvos of fire from our artillery landed on the Hun positions

    41. “Your right Nobby we could have done with some of this artillery it would have saved quite a few lives

    42. But it wasn’t that much quieter in the reserve trenches especially when the German artillery sent a barrage over and plastered them

    43. ” The artillery had been concentrating on the German rear areas but now some of it concentrated on the front line again and we could see the muzzle flashes of the guns behind us lighting up the sky

    44. The artillery are using shrapnel to cur the wire in order to do this the fuses on the shells must be cut exact

    45. can’t spot for the artillery and tell them where there shells are landing which isn’t very good for us

    46. Well you listen to me they told us that on Gallipoli and half of our men were wiped out in the first half hour this was done by the troops we had been told would be finished by our artillery”, and I glared at him

    47. Moving into ‘No Man’s Land’ going about one hundred yds we looked for the white tapes that marked the start point but they had been blown away by the artillery barrage

    48. The Germans however seemed content to let their artillery deal with any further attacks that might be forming up

    49. Rather than attack again they were quite content to let the artillery have a go at us and they went at it with a vengeance as shrapnel hailed down onto us

    50. I had ceased fire for the moment waiting for the next two that would go when all of a sudden the German artillery opened up again

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    Synonyme für "artillery"

    artillery gun heavy weapon ordnance weapon artillery unit