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    as to

    1. I imagine it has to do with a case you’re working on?

    2. was touched by the manifestation of God’s favor in

    3. As we read that God’s covenant with Levi was to stand

    4. Jesus was the only hope she had, if she was to be rescued

    5. The natural process of healing has to be supplemented with medical intervention when the ailment starts causing more pain than bearable or more serious physical or mental ailments develop

    6. Confirm plans verbally with your surgeon; mark areas to be treated

    7. Tobias told me about how he went to see Micah two months prior

    8. Let us look at David and see how his attitude was towards

    9. Sarah didn’t want to ask, but the bait was too tempting

    10. Fifty eight miles was too far to hang out, more than an all-day journey by coach and lakerunner

    11. The brain has to integrate sensory information from the inner ears, from vision, from proprioceptors (sensors in muscles, tendons and joints that tell the brain where the limbs are positioned) and from pressure sensors in the soles of the feet

    12. Then the muscles have to have enough strength and there has to be enough range of motion to generate the required action, whether it’s stepping or grasping

    13. While he grows physically as per the natural process, to grow emotionally he has to decide through self-will

    14. (This may also explain as to why men are reluctant to ask for directions when lost, why men are more vulnerable to the adverse health effects of stress, and why women enjoy a significantly longer life expectancy than men do)

    15. Praying has to be regular

    16. endure here on earth was to show how much He loves

    17. So we have a situation where a person has to bear the additional responsibilities of his children and parents at a time when he is due to retire

    18. ’ The Inspector said in response to something she has told him

    19. One has to remember that young adults mature significantly between high school and their early twenties

    20. She was pretty sure from the depth of the dust that Jorma and Venna had not discovered it either, but Hernon was too wound to listen to that much reason

    21. One has to highlight the rules of God about what is right and what is wrong in respect of serious problems like drugs, alcohol, pre-marital sex etc so that they can have the moral courage to refuse on their own

    22. One has to provide a moral and spiritual compass that will guide them throughout their life

    23. They should be taught as to how to get to their own truth

    24. He was too close, and they were scrambling all over each other, which helped make their laser rifles practically useless against Big Petey

    25. It nevertheless has to be used with caution and you must avoid breathing

    26. It has to be his world, which you should visualise

    27. Some of his work is very upsetting – children being abused … wives being beaten … I’ve never worked out if it is worse for him having to defend the aggressors or to prosecute them … either way, he has to delve far too deeply into people’s lives

    28. But someone has to do it, I suppose

    29. With the increase in population, the same resource has to be shared by more

    30. Audience has to be interested in listening to your views on the chosen subject because of your experience, knowledge and the clarity of presentation

    31. it was totally the wrong sort of gun, of course, but nobody minded that

    32. "There has to be something you aren't telling me also, like who you are contacting when you send those messages?"

    33. Low foundation walls that allow close to the earth to wood contact are the main areas to look out for as these are prime conditions for the termites to enter the house

    34. It was too dark to see how much skin she lost, their clattering claws on the dry gravel told her which way was west

    35. Look how well he had handled the situation! Of course the boy was nothing but a civilian, and there really wasn’t much of a situation to handle, but Ackers was too relieved to think about any of these things

    36. She thought of tying herself on, but was too tired to do it

    37. His first order of business was to find out who was in the room without being caught

    38. The balance has to be distributed in accordance with the law

    39. It was dim, there was a setting for how transparent each lens was to the outside world, as well as its optical magnification

    40. But Eddie was too afraid to flap his wings, so gliding is all he did

    41. One of the main reasons was to have a real lover and not just a cherub

    42. One has to realize that women evolved as child bearing and home defender- hence nurturing, loving and caring while men evolved as hunter (chaser!), protector, provider and problem solver

    43. 7 miles, Archimedes saw the error in his calculations, but it was too late to plan a return trip

    44. While we grow old and even if we live an independent life, there are occasions when somebody else has to look after our needs

    45. It is important that at least the near relatives and friends understand as to how they can provide better support to elders

    46. "Flopkins here has to put his magic teeth back into your anvil wound

    47. It was to end violently, by a rogue asteroid, just after the mother world had been destroyed by war

    48. He was too tall and too wide for most doorways

    49. She said Barney would be at nursery this morning which means that we’ll have an hour or so to talk before she has to collect him

    50. Don’t over do it as too much soap will burn

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