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    astir Beispielsätze


    1. There is something in October sets the gypsy blood astir;

    2. Dawn found the camp already astir

    3. and listened to the soothing sound that quickened as I realized it was the beating of my heart, astir with bleatings of my mind: a fickle friend out of control that begged of me, “Forget thy dream

    4. Evidently the Father's will interposed no objection, for the words of the Master had scarcely been uttered when the assembly of celestial personalities serving under the command of Jesus' Personalized Thought Adjuster was mightily astir

    5. 3 Though these human observers remained motionless, the vast celestial host was all astir in unified action in obedience to the Creator's word

    6. was astir with the proverbial butterflies, and I felt as if I could talk

    7. It should create quite astir

    8. Those gods became astir with concern

    9. It's an immense wilderness where a man is never lonely, because he feels life astir on every side

    10. His heart astir he pushed in the door of the Burton restaurant

    11. At earliest dawn our camp was astir and an hour later we had started upon our memorable expedition

    12. I won’t speak of those deep currents which are astir in the still ocean of the people, and which are evident to every unprejudiced man; let us look at society in the narrow sense

    13. I sought inspiration among gutted palaces and cloisters embowered in weed, derelict churches where the vampire- bats hung in the dome like dry seed-pods and only the ants were ceaselessly astir tunnelling in the rich stalls; cities where no road led, and mausoleums where a single, agued family of Indians sheltered from the rains

    14. "It is early to be astir this Sabbath morn!" he said cheerfully

    15. His light, a little later, broke though chinks of cottage shutters, throwing stripes like red-hot pokers upon cupboards, chests of drawers, and other furniture within; and awakening harvesters who were not already astir

    16. With such fibres still astir in him, the shock he received could not at once be distinctly anger; it was confused pain

    17. For there was a great commotion as soon as the remaining guests were astir and heard news of the

    18. On October 11, the day when all was astir at headquarters over the news of Mack’s defeat, the camp life of the officers of this squadron was proceeding as usual

    19. The troops of the center, the reserves, and Bagration’s right flank had not yet moved, but on the left flank the columns of infantry, cavalry, and artillery, which were to be the first to descend the heights to attack the French right flank and drive it into the Bohemian mountains according to plan, were already up and astir

    20. The one that Ireland shaped herself with her weathers and waters, her seedings and harvestings, her brans and mashes, her brews, bottlings, and ladlings-out, her summer-grain-colored pubs astir and advance with the wind in the wheat and barley by night: you may hear the good whisper way out in forest, on bog, as you roll by

    21. My faculties, roused by the change of scene, the new field offered to hope, seemed all astir

    22. With little Adèle in my arms, I watched the slumber of childhood—so tranquil, so passionless, so innocent—and waited for the coming day: all my life was awake and astir in my frame: and as soon as the sun rose I rose too

    23. Very early the next morning I heard him up and astir, wandering from one room to another

    24. “By this time the whole house was astir, for I had raised my voice in my anger

    25. Early the next morning the apes were astir, moving through the jungle in search of food

    26. Penetrating further and further into the heart of the Japanese cruising ground, the Pequod was soon all astir in the fishery

    27. Now they are all astir again as they were five years ago

    28. " Shatov was all astir

    29. The troops of the center, the reserves, and Bagratión’s right flank had not yet moved, but on the left flank the columns of infantry, cavalry, and artillery, which were to be the first to descend the heights to attack the French right flank and drive it into the Bohemian mountains according to plan, were already up and astir

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