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    at all times

    1. You had to keep three bags going at all times when running full out like Herndon wanted

    2. Wind, rain and spray doused us painfully at all times

    3. This city needed a Helen on duty in this harbor at all times to launch these thousand ships

    4. She carries a crossbow with her at all times My Lady

    5. Proceed very slowly at this stage and remember at all times to keep your body rolled up into a ball with your knees well bent

    6. Lady Kate made a holder that you will put the egg in and carry with you at all times

    7. "No, your holiness, she is as attractive as decency allows at all times," he said, 'and at other times more attractive than decency allows,' he thought

    8. Lord Tarak was kept advised by Kai, of her whereabouts at all times

    9. Still not convinced Kai insisted on having a warrior in the house at all times, (in close proximity to Mistress Sera)

    10. She was in a state of extreme agitation at all times,

    11. It would run all threat detectors at all times, the threat detector itself would know how often it had to actually run

    12. Although not formally confined to the Grange at all times, the

    13. You will begin a forced march to the southwest, keeping this phone open at ALL times

    14. Kaha seemed to like to lean on him like he was a lamppost, liked to have his arm around her, liked to have her arms around him, and liked to have at least one breast in contact with him at all times and the other in contact with whoever she was talking to, male or female

    15. truth at all times, and warned him that Henri would know

    16. The many tiers of dwellings carved in the face of the cliff were built as barracks; to house a standing army of the Triad at all times

    17. "It would be nice if we all had one or two well trained messenger birds with us at all times," Rendrak said, playing to his audience

    18. heart of God at all times

    19. He had also instituted a twenty four hour watch so that at least four armed people were on the walls at all times

    20. The price of corn, though at all times liable to variation varies most in those turbulent and disorderly societies, in which the interruption of all commerce and communication hinders the plenty of one part of the country from relieving the scarcity of another

    21. The price of gold and silver, when the accidental discovery of more abundant mines does not keep it down, as it naturally rises with the wealth of every country; so, whatever be the state of the mines, it is at all times naturally higher in a rich than in a poor country

    22. In those unfortunate countries, indeed, where men are continually afraid of the violence of their superiors, they frequently bury or conceal a great part of their stock, in order to have it always at hand to carry with them to some place of safety, in case of their being threatened with any of those disasters to which they consider themselves at all times exposed

    23. With the same stock, therefore, he can, without imprudence, have at all times in his warehouse a larger quantity of goods than the London merchant ; and can thereby both make a greater profit himself, and give constant employment to a greater number of industrious people who prepare those goods for the market

    24. the expenses peculiar to a bank consist chiefly in two articles: first, in the expense of keeping at all times in its coffers, for answering the occasional demands of the holders of its notes, a large sum of money, of which it loses the interest; and, secondly, in the expense of replenishing those coffers as fast as they are emptied by answering such occasional demands

    25. A banking company which issues more paper than can be employed in the circulation of the country, and of which the excess is continually returning upon them for payment, ought to increase the quantity of gold and silver which they keep at all times in their coffers, not only in proportion to this excessive increase of their circulation, but in a much greater proportion; their notes returning upon them much faster than in proportion to the excess of their quantity

    26. Let us suppose that all the paper of a particular bank, which the circulation of the country can easily absorb and employ, amounts exactly to forty thousand pounds, and that, for answering occasional demands, this bank is obliged to keep at all times in its coffers ten thousand pounds in gold and silver

    27. For answering occasional demands, therefore, this bank ought to keep at all times in its coffers, not eleven thousand pounds only, but fourteen thousand pounds

    28. A prince, anxious to maintain his dominions at all times in the state in which he can most easily defend them, ought upon this account to guard not only against that excessive multiplication of paper money which ruins the very banks which issue it, but even against that multiplication of it which enables them to fill the greater part of the circulation of the country with it

    29. Their lord could at all times command their labour in peace and their service in war

    30. They told us to go in pairs and remain in sight of at least one other group, at all times

    31. As the capital of the landlord or farmer is more secure than that of the manufacturer, so the capital of the manufacturer, being at all times more within his view and command, is more secure than that of the foreign merchant

    32. At other times, manufactures for distant sale grow up naturally, and as it were of their own accord, by the gradual refinement of those household and coarser manufactures which must at all times be carried on even in the poorest and rudest countries

    33. He is at all times, therefore, surrounded with a multitude of retainers and dependants, who, having no equivalent to give in return for their maintenance, but being fed entirely by his bounty, must obey him, for the same reason that soldiers must obey the prince who pays them

    34. The importation of live cattle, except from Ireland, is prohibited at all times ; and it is but of late that it was permitted from thence

    35. To prevent the stock-jobbing tricks which those opposite interests might sometimes occasion, the bank has of late years come to the resolution, to sell at all times bank money for currency at five per cent

    36. ; and the proportion between the market price of bank and that of current money is kept at all times very near the proportion between their intrinsic values

    37. repositories all the money or bullion for which there are receipts in force for which it is at all times liable to be

    38. In a country of so extensive a coast as our North American and West Indian colonies, where our authority was always so very slender, and where the inhabitants were allowed to carry out in their own ships their non-enumerated commodities, at first to all parts of Europe, and afterwards to all parts of Europe south of Cape Finisterre, it is not very probable that this monopoly could ever be much respected ; and they probably at all times found means of bringing back some cargo from the countries to which they were allowed to carry out one

    39. During this time know that all times are holy that every day holds truth that each tradition is sacred and filled with love a sharing

    40. If importation was at all times free, our farmers and country gentlemen would probably, one year with another, get less money for their corn than they do at present, when importation is at most times in effect prohibited ; but the money which they got would be of more value, would buy more goods of all other kinds, and would employ more labour

    41. To hinder, besides, the farmer from sending his goods at all times to the best market, is evidently to sacrifice the ordinary laws of justice to an idea of public utility, to a sort of reasons of state ; an act or legislative authority which ought to be exercised only, which can be pardoned only, in cases of the most urgent necessity

    42. have to make sure she carried invisibility potions with her at all times

    43. The mother city, though she considered the colony as a child, at all times entitled to great favour and assistance, and owing in return much gratitude and respect, yet considered it as an emancipated child, over whom she pretended to claim no direct authority or jurisdiction

    44. She assigned them lands generally in the conquered provinces of Italy, where, being within the dominions of the republic, they could never form any independent state, but were at best but a sort of corporation, which, though it had the power of enacting bye-laws for its own government, was at all times subject to the correction, jurisdiction, and legislative authority of the mother city

    45. But had France and all other European countries been at all times allowed a free trade to Maryland and Virginia, the tobacco of those colonies might by this time have come cheaper than it actually does, not only to all those other countries, but likewise to England

    46. It not only hinders, at all times, their capital from maintaining so great a quantity of productive labour as it would otherwise maintain, but it hinders it from increasing so fast as it would otherwise increase, and, consequently, from maintaining a still greater quantity of productive labour

    47. One great original source of revenue, therefore, the wages of labour, the monopoly must necessarily have rendered, at all times, less abundant than it otherwise would have been

    48. During negotiations, one should treat an opponent with respect and consideration at all times

    49. That the colony assemblies can never be so managed as to levy upon their constituents a public revenue, sufficient, not only to maintain at all times their own civil and military establishment, but to pay their proper proportion of the expense of the general government of the British empire, seems not very probable

    50. is energy and that you broadcast this energy at all times;

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