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    at home

    1. As I had left my Cat Woman suit at home that day, I natural y assumed that these comments were aimed elsewhere

    2. "Do you think you could ever feel at home here?"

    3. I've never felt more at home than I do at our home off Third Canal, not even in the home I had as an Angel

    4. It can be a great way to relieve tension and could be as easy as renting a funny video and watching it at home

    5. ” Sarah looked around again, but it was dinnertime and everyone was probably safe at home with their families

    6. ’ I said, ‘He said to ring him at home whatever the time was

    7. Thank goodness I went out that evening … if I had been at home on my own, I’d have been completely minus any sort of alibi …

    8. By self-examples at home and outside we can avoid wastage in all these areas

    9. ‘So you should have been at home on your own that evening

    10. Quickly reaching into my purse, I extract a £5 note and slip it into Emma’s hand … I know how short they are of cash now that she is at home with Barney and not working

    11. regrets? Some, but I was twenty-seven and still living at home, it was a bright April

    12. Samuel Sharkey was on the balcony of his top floor office at home in the Wickford hills

    13. "Probably at home," doostEr said

    14. no old man at home, anyway, only the dog, and Cat never thought of her as a moron

    15. "Are you having any problems at home?"

    16. I was at home resting between

    17. Tell me then, who is this master criminal at all, when he's at home?"

    18. He felt strangely at home, like a ripe and powerful

    19. Local people were staying at home

    20. Monday and Tuesday morning she had made it out of bed early and done her make-up at home

    21. "I see Herndon's not answering at home

    22. He heeds his conduct at home, work, play, worship, and in his thinking

    23. They'd owned an aerocar for awhile in the 2350's, while all his children were still at home and alive

    24. Despite the absolute blackness, something so unlike the usual night-dark that we become used to at home, I tried to visualise the space around me

    25. What signs did I miss on London’s streets? When was I marked out? Why was I here? And always that last question, one that persists even now that I am safe and at home here in Beirut

    26. It seemed to me as though all the other lads were off having adventures and there was me, stuck at home

    27. They should ask their husbands at home

    28. their husbands at home: for it is shameful for women to speak in church

    29. I could see smiling faces, maybe a radio on in the background, a picture not so very different from the one at home

    30. It is the same at home in Lebanon

    31. Ironing: If you dream of ironing clothes, it means happiness at home

    32. Unless you’re travelling somewhere or, like me, live alone and can’t be bothered to cook something, everyone eats at home with the family or whatever group they share their home with

    33. Travel Device in the bottom drawer of his room at home

    34. But at home a different story is told,

    35. that we had not been able to have at home

    36. lacked that homely touch

    37. There’s some of us at home, you know,

    38. Only yesterday I was at home in the village of Trevean, in Cornwall, next thing I was in Greece

    39. It was just like traditional Sundays at home used to be with every shop closed at this early hour and every house dozing

    40. I had seen her face in photographs at home; a strong young woman, a woman prepared, unflinching, a warrior in mountain clothes with shining, optimistic vision

    41. Through the narrow paths I trailed my fingers over her stubborn old walls just like I do at home, feeling for connection and warmth

    42. In our village at home, gardens and fences separate one home from the other while here in Sophia there were no such divisions

    43. I felt at home there in spite of the brick-heads, but then there were brick-heads everywhere now

    44. He came from a very pleasant family with a father who worked hard and diligently and with a mother who stayed at home and brought up her children until they were old enough to attend the local senior school

    45. After all of the questions were done with and the lady from social services was satisfied that all was well, he was simply relieved to have his little princess back at home, safe and sound

    46. At home in Cornwall, whenever things were quiet in the library, I'd pretend to busy myself in the Reference Section because from there I could see the waters of the harbour and if I raised my head a little I could just about see past the lighthouse to the distant horizon with its line of silver light

    47. In fact, they were often at pains to explain to old Ted that as good as he was with their little garden they had often seen flowers or eaten fruit on their travels that surpassed the specimens he grew for them at home

    48. Listening to their babble and knowing full well that no one in that group could speak my native language, I felt at home, accepted on trust

    49. Jake explains to me in an aside that Alastair tends to be the one at home after school as Karen doesn’t get home until about 6

    50. These ordinary people cringed and winced as the experts subjected them to crushing and horribly patronising witticisms, The ultimate aim of this personal degradation was focussed on one thing; to single out only the most exceptional talents, while ensuring that the audience at home was vicariously thrilled and titillated by the humiliation of those who failed

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