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    at the side of

    1. John’s POV: The fire fades into Zitteraal standing over him at the side of the bed, the penlight in hand

    2. thought that the dull, humped shape at the side of the road was just a rocky outcrop or

    3. At first the driver thought that the dull, humped shape at the side of the road was just a rocky outcrop or an orphaned section of dry stone wall

    4. Standing at the side of the road, apparently scanning up and down for a break in the traffic, she tried to identify who it was she was reacting to

    5. “I can’t,” she wheezed, dragging her skirt and bodice onto the bench at the side of the room

    6. he hobbled to suitable perch at the side of the road

    7. movement in the long grass at the side of the road

    8. caught a flash of polished metal in the trees at the side of the road

    9. Thinking it was a dumb prank his little brother Wiremu was playing; he brushed away at the side of his face, but didn’t hit anything, no little annoying brother, nothing

    10. I have no other business so dear to me in the world than to stay at the side of this beautiful woman here

    11. She was busy at the side of the van, washing dishes, when he strutted around the side, and sweep her up into his arms

    12. They stood at the side of the house

    13. He swung her from his back, depositing her upon a boulder at the side of the road

    14. He had chosen to step away from the group and was now sitting at the side of the road, a puzzled look on his face as he rubbed his head

    15. The blue globe was dropped into a short metal tube at the side of the lorry wall

    16. He took a route at the side of a hill too rugged and rutted to bother traversing with the bike, but certainly not impossible

    17. Russell knelt at the side of the tomb and lowered a hand to Alex, who grasped it

    18. Thin cakes, with ripe figs spread on them, sat at the side of the table so we could have those later

    19. That left Sebastian alone with Aspen, who sat at the side of his bed

    20. coasted along slowly then pulled in at the side of the empty road and turned off the ignition

    21. Jack sat and placed the carrier bag on the floor at the side of the chair, half hidden

    22. Her hair was a big snarl, there was swelling and discoloration around her right eye and more at the side of her mouth, a sewn cut below her chin, her eyes were lined with red and dried streaks of tears lined her cheeks

    23. As he dove for cover behind a rock at the side of the road, the next round clipped off the tip of his ring finger and bored through his intestines

    24. “No,” she insisted, standing her ground at the side of the table

    25. The following morning, with his heart in his throat, Edgar watched from the confines of his car at the side of the highway, as a customs agent opened the trunk of Michael’s car and began to check luggage

    26. He pulled into the lot at the side of the Port Authority building with an impressive shower of stones and squeal of tires but, as he climbed the stairs to Edward’s second floor office, his legs turned to jelly and his heart beat like a drum in his ears

    27. At the side of his neck came a sudden, awful, searing pain

    28. A large green mass was emerging at the side of the pond

    29. Behind, at the side of the highway, was a car a police cruiser had pulled over

    30. In disgust, she sat at the side of the trail, tore the flopping sole from the bottom of her sneaker and threw it into the bush

    31. ” He rushed over to kneel at the side of her chair

    32. She attempted the Heimlich maneuver, but it didn’t help: he slid from her arms and fell to the floor at the side of the table

    33. She had seen something at the side of her world as it had wobbled in her first look

    34. They might have skidded faster and further had the back wheels not encountered some obstacle, perhaps a deep rut or a stone at the side of the road, and as Jalesow down-shifted and used the clutch to bring the vehicle under control, they slowed considerably

    35. Junya stood at the side of G-

    36. I stand at the side of the room, half listening to Al and Christina’s chatter, and watch Molly fight Edward

    37. He did not gawk, but his eyes were wide-open at the sight of the fantastical beings that had come to stand at the side of the ainatunari in the war

    38. Michele came in with Abbey who stood at the side of the casket and stared at her Nana

    39. undersetters molten, at the side of every addition

    40. down upon an empty crate at the side of the bag, her short legs

    41. They stood on a raised walkway at the side of the railway lines,

    42. helicopter came into view, hovering stationary at the side of the

    43. chocobo could be heard from the small stable at the side of the

    44. investigation at the side of the computer monitor, conveniently

    45. He stopped at the side of the shop and peeped through the corner of the glass

    46. Noah steered the car out of traffic and stopped at the side of the road

    47. chambers of the singers in the inner court, which was at the side of the north gate; and their prospect was toward the south: one at the

    48. at the side of the gate, into the holy chambers of the priests, which looked toward the north: and, see, there was a place on the two

    49. ) Set at the side of the stove to cook very slowly

    50. asked, rummaging through some papers at the side of the bed

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