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    1. Illusions, attachments, irrational behaviour and dependency continue

    2. attachments with women, although he was very

    3. emotional attachments to snakes

    4. Later in this book, you will find practices aimed at helping you free your mind of its attachments to desires so that it may turn its attention to happiness

    5. What binds us is what blinds some unconscious painful attachments

    6. attachments dropping everything from the mind that is holding you back

    7. However, inevitably, you become attached to thoughts and desires associated with being happy, and these attachments make you want to do specific things to become happy

    8. If you rid yourself of the attachments, you still have the desire for these things, but that unfulfilled desire does not block your natural ability to be happy

    9. Your mind’s attachment to these things is automatic, and learning to control your mind and your attention loosens these attachments

    10. ” To do that, you have to give up your attachments to your self-centered desires

    11. The image of a loving God, who is there to receive you, can be a powerful source of the courage you need to let go of your ego attachments

    12. Buddhism emphasizes the same goal as yoga, reducing the power of attachments to self-centered desires as a way to obtain nirvana

    13. Some reasonable term ought to be allowed to enable aliens to get rid for foreign and acquire American attachments; to learn the principles and imbibe the spirit of our government; and to admit of a probability at least, of their feeling a real interest in our affairs

    14. trouble to your family, but attachments are in the mind and will

    15. and accept others without the usual attachments and conditions that society expects

    16. To expedite matters, I faxed the attachments immediately after hanging up and had no further contact with Mickey until I faxed him re the WDs in April

    17. The evidence which I had that the officials who took the “adverse personnel action” against me in reprisal because I made the protected communications was the purported unanimous vote to fire me by the officials who were the subjects of my investigations and/or allegations in the attachments that I supplied to the three IGs

    18. Merritt which allegedly arrived at NASA without the PMBO'’s attachments and the handwritten fax forwarding Stan’s unanswered 11/01 letter to M

    19. The ego consists of roles, attachments, achievements, identifications, conclusions, conditioning, values, beliefs, and more

    20. By doing so you become aware of the attachments and judgments in the thinking mind

    21. Enlightenment - the psychological stage of development of knowing one's self as awareness and residing as awareness, and the deprogramming of the mind of all energy knots (beliefs) and attachments and identification with roles and cleverness of conditioned thought

    22. Peace - the blissful effortless state of residing in awareness without the pull of a mind full of attachments

    23. So many times he’s fantasized about being thirty feet tall and having powerful ostrich-like legs and four long arms, all with retractable wheel attachments so that he can go rolling across the world at several hundred miles per hour, unbound by anything

    24. This is how powerful our attachments are to material things

    25. The attachments are not personal but based on the mind or self-interest

    26. attachments in the second year of life

    27. When we let go of all attachments as to how things should or could be, we wake up to the truth of what is

    28. That‘s why our ‗Infinite I‘s‘ gives us the opportunity to revisit, or re-live, those experiences while in the cocoon; to let go of those judgments, beliefs, and opinions; to look head-on at the fears and break the attachments that have formed the false identity layers of the Ego

    29. All emotions are attachments and the energy source of all attachments is fear

    30. Basically we‘re talking about letting go of our attachments to life itself, peeling off the layers of the Ego that determine our identity and dictate our behaviours based on our fear of death

    31. They too were oval in shape, more beetle-like, and without any apparent attachments

    32. The tender was a cargo ship like Greg’s except that the cargo attachments had been modified to support launching platforms for drones

    33. One of the seating platforms was loose from its attachments and was rolling out the rear door with all the Marines still strapped to their seats

    34. Continue old thought patterns and expectations and attachments will produce the same results, even if you feel you are living differently within those confines; be sure you are genuinely viewing them as they are, not as you are expected to and not by simply squashing and ignoring true feelings of your true being

    35. It is hard to pinpoint most of the original, attachments, No one was watching and distance makes collaboration unlikely

    36. Inside the case were fitted pockets with pieces of his long range sniper's rifle and its many attachments for various different convenient uses

    37. The Buddha guy smiled at her without any attachments

    38. fection and attachments is something "noble and showing compassion toward sentient beings

    39. onto the past, and I needed to release my attachments to South Africa

    40. The CodeIgniter Email library is capable of sending plain text and HTML e-mails, with and without attachments that can be used (with a little configuration) instead of the standard PHP mail() function

    41. You can send attachments with CodeIgniter Email by executing the following steps: 1

    42. attachments sent by people they know

    43. Momentary enlightenment is this letting go of attachments, it happens by itself thru close attention

    44. It’s in the giving up of attachments to the objects of the world that true Freedom is

    45. Hence some of her negative attachments, attached to you

    46. Later we will uncover how to release all attachments

    47. Li, who was quickly reviewing the text of the Jovian travel advisory and its attachments, then frowned on reading a specific name

    48. She said that way the soul would be completely released from the body and from its attachments to any traumas from this life

    49. I had lost all attachments of my life and my world

    50. attachments held in place for each of them

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