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    1. begin to describe His moral attributes which are

    2. from His attributes are shown in His word

    3. Moral Attributes: These attributes are God

    4. Attributes of nature namely OM, space, time and cosmic forces are easily comprehended

    5. In a casual relationship, the importance is always for the physical attributes

    6. In the living room he installed a fifty-six inch television monitor and was able to interact with online services in super-sized mode, which he found particularly useful when inspecting the assets and attributes of various potential brides from far flung lands such as the Czech Republic, the Ukraine and the Philippines

    7. The 5 attributes of a Christian Satanic Warrior:

    8. fermented liquid dried it would mimic the attributes of super glue and that I would

    9. “We are interested in learning what this primitive simian mind attributes to this meaningless computer-generated phrase,”

    10. The human subject attributes to this eye incredible power, believing that its presence is proof of an evil conspiracy,”

    11. Although it made him mad, her clear sight (those very same attributes that now had his arms trembling with anger) made him love her so much

    12. bit of your logic and reason, replacing those attributes with dreams and

    13. But however this may have been, the principal attributes of villanage and slavery being thus taken away from them, they now at least became really free, in our present sense of the word freedom

    14. Promoting well-being and protective factors involve personal attributes of the individual, close and caring family ties, and support from the community

    15. ” One of the attributes or requirements for a “flow state” is mastery of what you are doing

    16. As we have noted throughout, there are many types of older women who are greatly excited by making love to young boys, and while each case history, each woman, was different, each also possessed certain similar attributes

    17. course, these are attributes that you can choose to take on

    18. I have listed here the top ten attributes of self-actualized

    19. What I mean by this is that if specific attributes of design are noted in a specific section of the Bible, the same should be true for other sections

    20. Each word had 16 attributes that were described, each in its own column next to the word

    21. How could the parents have known that their genealogies would someday be recorded in a book that would have a very specific design to it? All of this - the specific names; the attributes of each name i

    22. To provide more detail and insight into the attributes hidden in this passage: Imagine you were asked by a client to write a work of literature in such a way that it would meet very specific requirements and conform to his detailed design specifications

    23. Below is a list of attributes that are associated with this passage, which contains 72 words in the Greek vocabulary, as found by Ivan Panin:

    24. Through this example we can see that the patterned design around 8 is not only contained in the text that comprises the ELS, but even factors in attributes around the life of the person being discussed

    25. attributes of a firewall, and Frank would be fully protected against gp338

    26. The mob attributes of liberals are a crowd"s inability to perceive contradictions and its tendency to form an infatuation for an individual

    27. It shares these attributes with legislation: Although you may enjoy the final product, you do not want to see how it was made

    28. “She’s not heavily endowed with common sense or ambition, but she does have attributes

    29. Yet, though he was certainly human, he couldn't be sure what that meant beyond the more superficial attributes of physiognomy and physiology

    30. Cowardice is certainly not one of his attributes, for as he rode across the Rio Seco, a party of guerilla opened down the ford

    31. (Why do we do the things we do when we understand (beforehand) that it is wrong to do them?) I believe that many of us are oftentimes ―victims‖ of our own internal designs; adopting behavioral attitudes contrary to our discriminating nature(s) that fail to give proper pause to their origin, ―the (cause) of their origin, its history, its qualities and attributes and its results and effects‖

    32. ‖ Perfection can neither add nor subtract from itself in the manner that it (already) exists in a perfect state of existence resistant to change, unlike some (possible) being whose potential attributes or (undetermined) nature remain hidden expression(s) subject to (outward) conceptual designs

    33. As a sports fan who came of age in the sixties, I often ask myself, what have become of the Larry Czonka‘s or the Bill Riggins‘ or the Jerry West‘s or Rick Barry‘s, White Athletes who once dominated their respected sports? Is it conceivable that, in a day and age when the financial rewards are exceptionally high, (White‘s) have suddenly lost their competitive spark? Or could it be that many have fallen victim, in their own right, to stereotypical standards that seem to favor skill specific attributes like speed or vertical aptitude above other, less ―remarkable‖ qualities equally essential for performing on a higher level? Will such patterns eventually mandate the same type of protective status for Whites that are presently afforded to African Americans and other racial minorities competing in the public and private sectors? The latter is a stretch, granted

    34. "It's the purity of one's heart," she said, glancing at Princess Ruby, "above all other attributes; that’s the one that wins this battle

    35. Earlier still in the backdrop of prehistory there seem to have been animal attributes representing powers that Man recognized that he lacked, but had yearned for, over the eons of his rise from out of that natural order that had incubated him

    36. Once again the elder twin slowly gave way to the younger, with the younger seeming to have almost accidentally absorbed some of the attributes of the elder along the way

    37. Then there were the gods who took on the idealized form of Man, whose attributes were seen to be only a little larger than life itself

    38. All of history revealed that there have been many names, many attributes, many understandings, with the latter seeming to borrow some small part from the former

    39. What then were the attributes that preserved nations? Could nations get better with time, instead of declining? Notwithstanding a person’s opportunity and capacity to turn himself around, it became clear to most reasonable thinkers that the First World War, the War to End All Wars, was a painful simplification

    40. they needed to write, a list of all key data and attributes to be migrated, and relevant

    41. We often associate the term ’sexy’ with physical attributes such as

    42. Focus on these attributes and believe in yourself

    43. Classes use the concept of abstraction and are defined as a list of abstract attributes such as

    44. size, weight and cost, and functions to operate on these attributes

    45. The attributes are sometimes called data members because

    46. case values are selected in such a way that largest number of attributes of equivalence

    47. Reality is indescribable, and a God with attributes is not the final Reality

    48. man, and this would elevate him to have godlike attributes, (which he lacked!!!) -

    49. The point is that the childlike attributes, at that age, a child trusts

    50. Paul then starts with a revelation of some of the multi faceted attributes of the personality of

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