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    Verwenden Sie „aviary“ in einem Satz

    aviary Beispielsätze


    1. An aviary came into existence with the number and species of birds flying about inside increasing each visit

    2. wire cage, called an aviary, where the K2 pigeons lived

    3. I found the aviary and opened

    4. fly down and land in its aviary

    5. found in them, other than plants and flowers, a big aviary where birds natural to the local surroundings are bred

    6. He attached the folded notes to the legs of carefully selected homing pigeons from the aviary of his Tower

    7. The next morning Taliesin awoke with the dawn and hastened to his aviary once more

    8. Returned birds pecked at seed on the floor of the aviary

    9. The Troll Lord hurried to scatter additional grain before the homing pigeons alighted from his aviary in search of food

    10. Supports its members in the breeding and conservation of aviary held birds

    11. shadow was spreading across half of the aviary, as it was sur-

    12. ensured the birds would catch, in at least one part of the aviary,

    13. Chen asked Helga if she would like to see his aviary, as

    14. interest, was delighted to take her to the aviary and unveil his

    15. the aviary, Helga following closely behind

    16. Visiting the aviary, Helga was again amazed at how the birds

    17. And to the south of these facilities is Clissold Park, an extensive park that has a menagerie, an aviary and Clissold Mansion itself, a grade II listed building from the late eighteenth century

    18. The songs of the birds were heard in an aviary hard by, and the branches of laburnums and rose acacias formed an exquisite framework to the blue velvet curtains

    19. Their gauzy skirts had brushed up from the grass innumerable flies and butterflies which, unable to escape, remained caged in the transparent tissue as in an aviary

    20. I stood in the middle of the linoleum floor of Fannie's apartment and tried to imagine her here, the ship's deck creaking underfoot as her weight shifted this way and that, as Tosca lamented from the phonograph, and the icebox door stood wide with its enshrined condiments, her eyes moving, her heart beating like a hummingbird trapped in a vast aviary

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    aviary bird sanctuary volary dovecote