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    bad smell Beispielsätze

    bad smell

    1. Then their group leader, a tall thin policewoman who seemed to have a constant bad smell under her nose, led them along the path across the cliff

    2. “It follows me around like a bad smell, like that girl I may add” Harry felt fatigued, he was lucky the man hadn’t opened up the wound behind his ear, it wasn’t as tender anymore but he was still mindful of it

    3. What was it with this city and bad smells? Nem suddenly longed for the sweet smelling forests of his home in Aboria

    4. “It explains the bad smell

    5. The scented soap might help you with handling the body as well, as bad smells are most upsetting

    6. What the reader knows that the trolls didn’t was that the former sheriff’s horse was old and decrepit; she wasn’t in any shape to be running full tilt from anything, much less these bad smelling monsters who wanted to eat her

    7. The shoes replace the bad smelling shoes which must be kept under protection so that no-one touches them with their hands

    8. Nurse stuck her nose in the air as if she were sniffing a bad smell

    9. When Mary finally retired that night he followed her like a bad smell, slipping beside her over the cold, hard, timber surface of the dray

    10. Sometimes before her seizures Emma smelt a bad smell and tried to hide under her blankets

    11. She hated bad smells like his, because they reminded her of too much of her past

    12. The smoke that appears is only water vapor, so there’s no bad smell and no second hand smoking either

    13. The really bad smell of the circu-

    14. Edmund asked Godwyn to begin with a prayer, and Godwyn obliged, but he knew he had been outmanoeuvred, and that was why he looked as if there was a bad smell

    15. The corpse was a week dead, and there was a bad smell, but it had not deteriorated much in the cold ground under the unheated church

    16. There was a grating set in the floor, and a bad smell

    17. A bad smell

    18. AVOID any that look sick or dead, have a bad smell or produce skin irritation rash when handled

    19. Bad smelling and slimy to touch, they can be used as fish bait

    20. To be losing such pleasures was no trifle; to be losing them, because she was in the midst of closeness and noise, to have confinement, bad air, bad smells, substituted for liberty, freshness, fragrance, and verdure, was infinitely worse: but even these incitements to regret were feeble, compared with what arose from the conviction of being missed by her best friends, and the longing to be useful to those who were wanting her!

    21. Then Tarras-Briukhan said: “Ivan, from your clothes there comes a bad smell; go and eat by yourself in the porch

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