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    bathhouse Beispielsätze


    1. There is a modern bathhouse on the ground floor and a decent hypocaust

    2. Theodore wanted to try out the bathhouse

    3. Theodore also praised the bathhouse

    4. “You said down the street? The bathhouse?” I asked and he rubbed his palm on his forehead

    5. historian heading for the banya or bathhouse

    6. “I own the local bathhouse,” he

    7. “’This leads into the bathhouse and laundry - real running water and toilets that flush

    8. Chandler showed me the bathhouse down the hall where I could shower

    9. ” We moved on, "You have seen the bathhouse

    10. There was a private bathhouse

    11. Juko was silent as he limped towards the gladiators' bathhouse, which stood just past the practice field in a squat, bricked building that was built atop their quarters

    12. The inner walls of the bathhouse were covered in brightly colored mosaics depicting the past triumphs of some of Odalia's greatest gladiators but, even as he washed in its heated waters, Juko felt it was all too plain and he missed the mountains of his village

    13. Back in the bathhouse, Juko stepped from the water

    14. bathhouse arm in arm

    15. I camped there for the night, showering blissfully in the bathhouse, and the next morning made my way to Crater Lake

    16. Outside, I cracked open the lemonade and chips and ate them as I made my way toward the little wooden bathhouse the man had pointed out, my anticipation tremendous

    17. He was in a bathhouse, apparently in the promised POW camp

    18. When the new man was led to the bathhouse, Louie saw his chance

    19. And William, between his reckless second heroin binge and the great bathhouse wallow of ’79, was due to be flattened, too, only a funny thing happened post-diagnosis

    20. The homestead consisted of a threshing floor, outhouses, stables, a bathhouse, a lodge, and a large brick house with semicircular facade still in course of construction

    21. The homestead consisted of a threshing floor, outhouses, stables, a bathhouse, a lodge, and a large brick house with semicircular façade still in course of construction

    22. “Now to tell one’s fortune in the empty bathhouse is frightening!” said an old maid who lived with the Melyukóvs, during supper

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