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    bathing costume Beispielsätze

    bathing costume

    1. Bathing costumes are not

    2. It also had cabins for changing in and out of our bathing costumes

    3. And it kept out the penniless and almost certainly sex-starved youths who came to stare and stare at the good-looking young women in bathing costumes and who would sometimes throw an obscenity at them for there was no hope of an exchange of civilities

    4. We started off at nine and by ten or so we were in our bathing costumes stretched out in the sun on easy chairs

    5. Sheri looked smashing in a red bathing costume

    6. “I haven"t got a bathing costume

    7. wearing her tracksuit over a bathing costume, shorts and a t-shirt and we were both

    8. directly to the swimming pool, took off our clothes and in our bathing costumes ran to the poolside showers where the icy water froze our bodies and seemed to shrink our heads

    9. any case, we had neither of us ever worn a bathing costume, much less plunged in the 68

    10. He gave me the bottom part of my bathing costume, which he had been

    11. Dozens of men, women and children in bathing costumes and without, were rubbing themselves in the swamp mud, literally covering themselves and standing around to bake in the hot sun

    12. Near his stand, the Harvard student who was serving as life-guard during the summer months stood, bronzed and athletic, talking to a young fellow whose scant bathing costume revealed the lines and muscles of an Antinous

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