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battlefield Beispielsätze
1. “Vinnie is a probability expert, psychologist and battlefield strategist,” Ackers explained to Nancy
2. Hate to be with her on the battlefield,” Silence continued
3. When brandished, the sun lit the blade so that the entire battlefield was hammered by its glare
4. Didn't make any difference mentioning which battlefield, which country, which continent her dad had served in
5. who respected Son as a God of the battlefield
6. From then on, all those who were not brainwashed, who could still see reason, were brought from the battlefield to the encampment where they learned the truth from the lips of their own
7. He thought back remembering when he had first arrived at the camp; scared and confused, traumatized by what he had just experienced and seen on a battlefield not of his choosing
8. Tom had seen enough battlefield injuries to realise what had
9. A resistance so strong that, in many circumstances, soldiers on the battlefield will die before they can overcome it
10. Drau’d was a genius builder, his talents easily adapting to defensive construction of the battlefield
11. Maybe they were right that he did not belong on the battlefield
12. He was nicknamed the Warlord, not so much for his prowess on the battlefield as for his appearance, for his was the face of a hardened warrior
13. “You should have left me on the battlefield because I would be better off dead than blind with half a lung and half a face
14. The look of shock on his face was worth all the shit he had been talking and then to see him flee the battlefield with his tail between his legs was priceless and made my night
15. Garfield, reached a point where Rosecrans could safely travel to Chattanooga, Garfield returned to the battlefield
16. During the war, when it was discovered that Grant liked his whiskey, in view of Grant"s battlefield successes, Lincoln was observed to have remarked: „Whatever he"s drinking, I want some
17. This made it easier for Adem to see the battlefield, particularly the enemy and where to strike
18. I kept on going until I cane to a quite part of the battlefield and there I was rewarded I looked through my sight as a flare shot up in the distance and I saw the two of them bending down and relieving corpses of their belongings and shoving them in small packs
19. It was then decided that they would make camp then and there; they had moved over five miles from the battlefield which wasn’t far enough, but Carl enforced his wishes to protect these people
20. Negotiations lasted four days in fact, in large pavilion-style tents set up in the centre of the battlefield
21. It was also in quite times like this I got scared of the death I faced on the battlefield you didn’t have time to be scared but here and now it seemed to creep over you
22. Never to be used on the battlefield; those things had the potential to replicate indefinitely, using whichever surrounding material by breaking it down into its base structure
23. She exhorted Wendy and her grandchild never to think badly of William because like she had said he was no coward in fact if anything he was a hero who had been promoted on the battlefield for bravery
24. I watched her strut away, saluting in the dust sprinkled air, while sunrays, like flares, lit the battlefield ablaze with the fall of a noble queen
25. Was that what it seemed like to him? How could she relate to someone who saw everything as a battlefield?
26. At that moment, the moon rose over the forest and cast its clear, blue light over the battlefield
27. In the end, the animals will have stripped the battlefield clean, minus odds bits of clothing and weaponry, and finished the tasks to which they’d been appointed by nature herself
28. There he fell in the midst of faithful service, meeting a soldier's death, if not on the battlefield; and that reflection must afford a slight measure of consolation to our noble Queen, and the afflicted widow and her children
29. Being out here alone was about as appealing as roaming an old battlefield during a full Spirit Moon
30. It may console the friends of many who fell during those terrible days, to know that their dear ones were not thrust into unhallowed graves when they fell on the battlefield, thanks only to these devoted chaplains, who stood bareheaded, motionless, the target for sharpshooters, in the path of spent fire, and emerged unscathed through divine protection
31. The first to arrive were those wounded on the battlefield who had only received first aid, but were in need of additional treatment
32. Sun Tzu proved his theories were effective on the battlefield as he had a successful military career
33. To survive, to persist, to be the last man standing on the battlefield, was the key to victory
34. “According to him, the CIA was responsible for a whole lot more than help on the battlefield
35. Regimented by the monks, he took well to military life (where even Indians, as the invaders referred to his People, were accepted as conscripts) and earned his commission on the battlefield
36. Sometimes you’re just, ‘defeated on the battlefield
37. We had possession of the battlefield
38. Immortality hadn’t really proven its usefulness, and was about to put to the test, not as a solid battlefield advantage which I’m sure every fighting man would be interested in, but as a way to ensure the plan worked and I lived through it
39. sky over the battlefield
40. The smell of the battlefield was brought up from memory
41. Not a word could be heard; the only moments ago bustling battlefield was entombed in silence
42. ‘This is like wandering around a battlefield when the fighting is over; it’s sheer meaningless destruction; nothing but cold-blooded disrespect of another’s life
43. When that happens food can become a chore forced on the children and the dinner table can become a daily battlefield
44. And she didn’t have Oriental eyes but the eyes of a Gaul from a tribe that had seen slaughter on the battlefield in a war with the Moors, the eyes of a tribe that had waited behind the battlements of a castle under siege, the eyes of a tribe that was soon going to die from hunger, the eyes of a tribe that had gone on to achieve the ultimate in civilization and art under the Sun King, the eyes of a tribe whose spirituality and faith and craftsmanship and endeavor and ability had built the Notre Dame, the eyes of a tribe who had spawned Francois Villon, Joan of Arc, Flaubert, and Balzac and Mallarme and Chateau Briand and Baudelaire and
45. Celina and I found ourselves in the center of a battlefield putting us and you in
46. They flew above the battlefield, a gut-wrenching sight
47. A giant darkness had gathered at the center of the battlefield, a portal taller
48. Eyeing the onslaught, he took flight and soared over the battlefield, evidently
49. We were camped on our old bone-strewn battlefield south of the provincial capital
50. Feeling the need to speak to my guide, I had wandered off and started climbing the mountain above the battlefield