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    be bad

    1. Wealth created through hard work without dishonesty and without hurting somebody cannot be bad

    2. It has to be bad for you,' Ish said

    3. It has to be bad for

    4. defence I have – and that would be bad for you

    5. Such knowledge may be bad

    6. She searched the hidden crevices of her mind for whatever it could be that would be bad news to her

    7. ” Just before we jumped off CSM Domby and Sgt Ted Wallace came round to see us and we knew it was going to be bad as soon as they shook hands with us all and wished us good luck

    8. This is going to be bad

    9. The terrorist knows it value and you can classify it as you wish but the effects will be bad enough for those exposed

    10. It would be bad when I stopped

    11. Too many shadows would be bad news, though

    12. It would almost certainly be bad manners to simply place it on the bottom step

    13. There were more Democratic voters in Belle Cors than Republicans, and flaunting one’s politics could be bad for business

    14. and you'll find that I will not be bad,

    15. “What, you think I’d have this nice a piano in my house and be bad?”

    16. This will be bad

    17. “We may both be bad, but there’s a huge difference between us—I’m not content with being this way

    18. Further, torture, imprisonment, and execution had been shown unequivocally to be bad for one’s health

    19. That’ll be bad news for us ‘cause they’ll probably have a whole

    20. He couldn’t wait for the next one, it was sure to be bad for the

    21. " Ganguly says, "That's great! What news could be bad enough to ruin that!?"

    22. So as far as I"m concerned it can never be bad for your health, because it"s a naturally occurring state

    23. be bad for your health

    24. So as far as I'm concerned it can never be bad for your health, because it's a naturally occurring state

    25. I instinctively felt that it would be bad

    26. headaches a couple times a week – they can be bad, but it reminds

    27. a vase or anything we consider to be bad actually changes

    28. This turned out to be bad advice, from an unprofessional lawyer

    29. it there to sizzle, you’d already be badly burned

    30. He would have no way of knowing about time travel, but it would be bad enough to be labeled a pathizer

    31. If he was wrong about this it was going to be bad

    32. Or maybe bad—Charly looked pretty down in the mouth

    33. “It would be bad for business,” the man said, tipping has hat and turning away

    34. "That would be bad for me," Zoe commented dryly, as she looked up and ran her hand through her unruly hair

    35. would be bad news

    36. property would not be bad at all

    37. it had to be bad news

    38. „Will that be bad for the exhibition?"

    39. It’d be bad enough if a friend dropped you, but his father? Tears welled and he couldn’t speak

    40. Losing the house would be bad enough, but she knew too much about Mr

    41. For example, as a result of my Christian upbringing as a human child and later beliefs in new age spiritual theories as a human adult, I judged the body itself to be bad, that it was wrong (unspiritual) to have a body in the first place

    42. But what we cannot do is to judge their situation to be bad or wrong, or even that our situation is better than theirs, and then try to do something to change their circumstances

    43. It's going to be bad for a couple of days

    44. � Reminding himself that the room will soon be filled with his friends and Barry will be badly outnumbered does not quench the fear that fills his belly; �You know me Barry I'm a bit nervous of strangers, but if you say he's all right?� he says seeming to finish half way through the sentence

    45. because it would be bad for me

    46. that drop in her mood be bad? Did something happen to Mickey's mother? The anticipation began to grow

    47. If it’s on your cell phone that could be bad news

    48. Some may be good, some may be bad

    49. be bad at all for my first check

    50. It’s quite common that the things that may appear to be bad luck or a loss at one

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