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    be beaten Beispielsätze

    be beaten

    1. according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes

    2. 48But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with

    3. What can I tell them that would suffice? If I told them of the green bear they thought was killed, I would be beaten and locked away in an asylum

    4. both tried to resist, only to be beaten down in seconds

    5. his master wants will be beaten with many blows

    6. I cannot say that other units did not back down as we once had a serious fatherly talk with twelve members of the Special Guard Unit who refused to get out of their vehicle, and assist a police woman when she was attacked by three men in their presence! Their reason to let a police woman be beaten up beside their obvious cowardliness? They cannot make arrests and appear in court as witnesses, for who will then protect the Nationalists? Well, you know there's still 900 other plastic policemen in your unit who might be able to protect them! I wonder how many rest days we spend in court answering stupid questions from lawyers

    7. He could be beaten, but it would be all right as long as it wasn’t her

    8. A timid driver in a fast car could almost always be beaten by an experienced driver in a slower car

    9. 31 For through the voice of the Lord shall the Assyrian be beaten down, which

    10. 7 And all the graven images of it shall be beaten to pieces, and all the hires of it shall be burned with the fire,

    11. referred to in the text is Psalm 69: 19 to 21, and the fact that Jesus would be beaten

    12. As a street urchin I would attempt to steal into ancient medieval libraries created by our great Indian scholars such as Rabindranath Tagore, only to be beaten by a few precarious nobles

    13. Normally, I’d go downstairs in the morning in just my boxers but I was terrified Carlisle would be there and I’d be beaten to death half naked

    14. Even in that case, I would be beaten for disturbing my Lord’s observations

    15. I do admit that the gas attack in Sming and the spell-craft attack in rural Finitra were wasteful and ill-advised, and those responsible will be beaten several times

    16. So yes, perhaps it’s more true to say that you’re about to be beaten by everyone in The Just Alliance, rather than by me

    17. 47 "That servant who knew his Lord's will and didn't prepare nor do what he wanted will be beaten with many stripes

    18. 48 but he who didn't know and did things worthy of stripes will be beaten with few stripes; To whomever much is given of him will much be required; and to whom much was entrusted of him more will be asked

    19. You will be beaten in synagogues

    20. These are the beginnings of sorrows but be diligent for yourselves because they shall deliver you up to councils and in the synagogues you shall be beaten and you shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake for a testimony against them and the gospel must first be published among all nations but when they shall lead you and betray you; do not hold onto any thought beforehand of what you shall say neither premeditate but whatever shall be given to you in that hour you say it because it is not you who speak only the Holy Spirit

    21. And that servant who knew his lord’s will and did not prepare himself neither did according to his will shall be beaten with many stripes

    22. Reform cannot be beaten out of someone, it has to

    23. Firearms and knives were banned on Aleator One by the Roscos, and if caught with one the perpetrator would be beaten and locked up

    24. An enemy that can never be beaten no matter how much money, force, and strategy is deployed against it

    25. was not going to be beaten

    26. Always at the top of the honor roll, she volunteered for everything, and in November had even run for class president, unfortunately to be beaten by somebody more popular whose name had never graced an honor roll but who was big, literally and figurately, on the basketball court

    27. the white male is about to be beaten

    28. be beaten to death, hanged, or shot

    29. “You’re about to be beaten by your father’s favorite student

    30. danger for Chechen women; they could be beaten, spat on,

    31. Listen to me carefully: Announcer Hager needs to be beaten

    32. But that would probably just cause Laura to be beaten to a pulp, not killed, and then be placed into solitary confinement

    33. Finally, she should be beaten to death

    34. � Tens of thousands of women will be beaten, tortured and starved to death in Ravensbruck alone during this war

    35. he would be beaten, sodomized, and shot to death by the rebels who had been helped

    36. could be beaten

    37. If Germany was to be beaten then it would have been by the Russians and this would have extended the Iron Curtain to Calais

    38. councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be

    39. If she is returned to him, she will probably be beaten, or worse

    40. “But at least he can be beaten

    41. He had to be beaten sometimes, and at others

    42. Thus the lessons learned are: doubt bar the door against miraculous answer to be beaten by the devil, "be doubtful and sink"

    43. I needed to fight it, but it couldn’t be beaten

    44. And all the graven images thereof shall be beaten to pieces, and all the hires thereof shall be burned with the fire, and all the idols thereof will I lay desolate: for she gathered [it] of the hire of an harlot, and they shall return to the hire of an harlot

    45. Then she yelled at Mohammad, ‘No, my son! Stop that no-one’s daughter should be beaten!’

    46. Despite this, he kept threatening us and saying repeatedly that he must not be beaten

    47. Officer Sheikho, the head of the station at that time, said to him, ‘You say you should not be beaten but I, personally, will beat you

    48. He wanted to know the secret of this man whom everybody loved and insisted should not be beaten!

    49. As the horsemen were passing through the narrow window on their horses, the drums of the band would be beaten at length in front of the watching circles of people that would gather each time

    50. Women can’t be beaten in the art of putting men into situations of complete powerlessness and total exasperation

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