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    be conscious of Beispielsätze

    be conscious of

    1. It wouldn’t hurt to be conscious of what she could, but she couldn’t let it overwhelm her

    2. I was also trying to be conscious of Dan

    3. Unless you have reached a rather high state of awareness of the spiritual world, you will not be conscious of the change and nobody else will notice

    4. Q: If you are the world, how can you be conscious of it? Is not

    5. that comes and goes! Who is there to be conscious of uncon-

    6. be conscious of what does not change

    7. though he may not be conscious of it, yet the same pupil will feel it distinctly whenever an usual amount of force is being sent

    8. Be conscious of the negative effects of staying late at nights

    9. Whatever we may be conscious of, the sense of consciousness is something we all share

    10. Whatever we may be conscious of, the faculty of consciousness is something we all share

    11. One machine cannot be conscious of the nature or value of another machine

    12. 6 Next, start to be conscious of your thighs and hip joints

    13. Be conscious of

    14. Still, she missed them a lot, even though her babies wouldn’t even be conscious of her short absence from Timeline ‘B’

    15. other party will be conscious of displaying this complimented trait, and on

    16. Q: If you are the world, how can you be conscious of it?

    17. What’s more, to rest in the place of choicelessness is to be conscious of the fact

    18. When you raise the issue, it will come to your awareness to be conscious of it

    19. The voice of the bird or any other creatures will be more thunderous to his hearing and will be conscious of such embarrassment owing to his bad work

    20. For your exercise this week, concentrate on Harmony, and when I say concentrate, I mean all that the word implies — concentrate so deeply, so earnestly, that you will be conscious of nothing but Harmony

    21. This will give you a good idea of true concentration; you should be so interested in your thought, so engrossed in your subject, as to be conscious of nothing else

    22. At one point, I was telling Lila how I have to be conscious of my movements and gestures, and she said I move more like a typical woman than she does

    23. awareness, which is the capacity to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of events, objects or

    24. be conscious of the new point of view; will realize that your own is coming to you

    25. We may not be conscious of it, but our consciousness, thoughts and emotions are invisible, transcending time and space, flashing within and before us, almost instantly, faster than the speed of light

    26. Humans, with their developed larger more complex brains are able to possess qualities that exhibit higher functions and the ability to experience and be conscious of spiritual relationships and transcendence

    27. We have instructed those who were given the Book before you, and you, to be conscious of God

    28. O you who believe! Be conscious of God, and seek the means of approach to Him, and strive in His cause, so that you may succeed

    29. And eat of the lawful and good things God has provided for you; and be conscious of God, in whom you are believers

    30. So be conscious of God, O you who possess intelligence, that you may succeed

    31. O you who believe! Be conscious of God, and be with the sincere

    32. Turning towards Him-and be conscious of Him, and perform the prayer, and do not be of the idolaters

    33. So be conscious of God as much as you can, and listen, and obey, and give for your own good

    34. Be conscious of the time

    35. Whatever we may be conscious of individual y, the faculty of consciousness is something we

    36. Too wounded to move, and too faint to be conscious of fear, I could only lie, more dead than alive, and watch it

    37. Thus in these brief weeks Dorothea's joyous grateful expectation was unbroken, and however her lover might occasionally be conscious of flatness, he could never refer it to any slackening of her affectionate interest

    38. Brooke; for it is a little too trying to human flesh to be conscious of expressing one's self better than others and never to have it noticed, and in the general dearth of admiration for the right thing, even a chance bray of applause falling exactly in time is rather fortifying

    39. Thus, when selecting NICs, you should be conscious of the hardware resources in use on the computers that will use them

    40. She was sitting cosily on a little bench behind the schoolhouse looking at a picture-book with Alfred Temple—and so absorbed were they, and their heads so close together over the book, that they did not seem to be conscious of anything in the world besides

    41. He saw on the one hand that the military business in which he had played his part was ended and felt that his mission was accomplished; and at the same time he began to be conscious of the physical weariness of his aged body and of the necessity of physical rest

    42. But, perhaps, to be true philosophers, we mortals should not be conscious of so living or so striving

    43. But as it is difficult even for a crocodile to digest a man like me, he must, no doubt, be conscious of a certain weight in his stomach—an organ which he does not, however, possess—and that is why, to avoid causing the creature suffering, I do not often turn over, and although I could turn over I do not do so from humanitarian motives

    44. At this distance of time I cannot remember whether I ever gave a thought to Polina; I seemed only to be conscious of a vague pleasure in seizing and raking in the bank-notes which kept massing themselves in a pile before me

    45. It is impossible, I sometimes thought, that they can be conscious of their guilt, and not acknowledge the justice of their punishment; above all, when their offences were against their companions and not against some chief

    46. If I were unable to dust or not to dust, I would not be conscious of dusting, if I were not conscious of dusting, I would not have the choice of dusting or not dusting

    47. It suffices to be conscious of the love, and moreover to rejoice in it—and there is an end to it

    48. I must be conscious of what I am doing,’ I said to myself, looking neither at her nor at the old nurse

    49. To understand, observe, and draw conclusions, man must first of all be conscious of himself as living

    50. And it might be added that the reader, in the majority of cases, will be conscious of a sense of uneasiness unless the happy outcome is effected not only with his own approbation, but with that of the conscience of each of the lovers

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