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    be convenient Beispielsätze

    be convenient

    1. What sort of time would be convenient, Jo?’

    2. Have a think about what other evening might be convenient and we’ll talk about it then

    3. I said personally I love military people but I since I live 35 miles away from Lackland Air Force Base, I didn't think it would be convenient for a young soldier to live in my house

    4. It would be convenient if you join the conference

    5. I’m happy for myself! Likewise, there have been (too) many unpleasant moments and failures over the years that shouldn’t be swept under the rug to be conveniently hidden away

    6. The greater part of that nation are thereby not only excluded from a trade to which it might be convenient for them to turn some part of their stock, but are obliged to buy the goods which that trade deals in somewhat dearer than if it was open and free to all their countrymen

    7. Every tax ought to be levied at the time, or in the manner, in which it is most likely to be convenient for the contributor to pay it

    8. A tax upon the rent of land or of houses, payable at the same term at which such rents are usually paid, is levied at the time when it is most likely to be convenient for the contributor to pay ; or when he is most likely to have wherewithall to pay

    9. Every constitution, therefore, which it is meant should be as permanent as the empire itseif, ought to be convenient, not in certain circumstances only, but in all circumstances; or ought to be suited, not to those circumstances which are transitory, occasional, or accidental, but to those which are necessary, and therefore always the same

    10. But it seldom happens to be convenient for all the correspondents of a merchant to receive payment for the goods which they sell to him, in goods of some other kind which he happens to deal in

    11. “Oh?” Normally, Amaranthe would applaud the resolution, but having one of her few resources incapacitated for days with the shakes would not be convenient

    12. That would be convenient when completed

    13. Once they joined the Khanate, the Micos saw to it that yams were set up in each village so any visitors would be conveniently placed to visit them or do business in the village

    14. ƒ Using your credit card at an ATM for a cash advance can sometimes not be convenient, as the rate and cash advance fees can total as much as 24% or higher

    15. race that may be convenient for the work that They have to do, and thus the

    16. I’ve a feeling Inspector Kareltin suspects we’re gay, and it would be convenient if he could accuse us

    17. Since you also have need for a similar test library, that one might be conveniently called TEST

    18. � Would that be convenient?�

    19. Would that be convenient for you?”

    20. It would be convenient and aesthetic to use a heavy hemisphere positioned above the device itself, which would play the pendulum role swinging in a ship with the sea waves [7]

    21. They seemed to be all their friends in common, who happened to be conveniently unattached

    22. “That would be convenient”, adds Matthew

    23. Now he heard himself saying, "Would tomorrow morning be convenient?" He had half a dozen meetings scheduled for the morning, but they suddenly seemed unimportant

    24. They were not going to drive from their house in Wimbledon to their destination given the likely traffic delays on the roads that seemed to be constantly being dug up and resurfaced and because when they arrived it would not be convenient to park their car

    25. If he could let them know when would be convenient for them to drop in to see him they could certainly make arrangements for someone else to look after their aged bed ridden mother, their terminally ailing child, their injured partner, a plethora of other needs they had to face

    26. The Sheik’s staff phoned Bangkok to enquire when the viewing would be convenient for the prime master

    27. A cell phone may be convenient, but the same thing can turn out to

    28. Well, at least it would be convenient

    29. They can be conveniently used as an effective poison; that kills without leaving any trace of just what killed you, but more to the point: it was a safe form of murder

    30. The bullshit legend has it that Wenceslas saw footprints in the snow and followed them, when his courtiers were all ready to have their token ‘poor courtier’ waiting to be conveniently found

    31. Schooling has called this the Phi proportion, and it will be convenient to refer to it by this name

    32. The stop was going to be convenient, if nothing else

    33. It will be convenient to bring together in one view the indications afforded by this chapter of what we term the literal sense of Life and Death in our Lord's discourses, in opposition to the prevailing notion that life stands only foreverlasting happiness, and death for endless misery

    34. This can be convenient because seeds can be started even before the last frost and then be replaced until the next spring

    35. But it has just occurred to me how it may be conveniently and even more than conveniently written, and that is in the note-book that belonged to Cardenio, and thou wilt take care to have it copied on paper, in a good hand, at the first village thou comest to where there is a schoolmaster, or if not, any sacristan will copy it; but see thou give it not to any notary to copy, for they write a law hand that Satan could not make out

    36. "Professor," he said to me, "would it be convenient for you to

    37. would be convenient

    38. Would the day after tomorrow be convenient?”

    39. ‘Will four o’clock be convenient?’

    40. It would be convenient if we could use the same simple arithmetic to calculate the vega and rho that we used to calculate the delta, gamma, and theta

    41. She said that everything was in their hands, but it would be convenient for the women if it was on the patch of ground in front of Chai San's shop, with the atap washhouse west of it and pointing towards Ahmed's house

    42. Total predicted excess return can be conveniently decomposed into the sum of these contributions plus the regression intercept

    43. This might be convenient for the backtesting of simple strategies that can be realized directly within the vendor’s platform

    44. As this whole volume is one long argument, it may be convenient to the reader to have the leading facts and inferences briefly recapitulated

    45. In connection with this appellative of "Whalebone whales," it is of great importance to mention, that however such a nomenclature may be convenient in facilitating allusions to some kind of whales, yet it is in vain to attempt a clear classification of the Leviathan, founded upon either his baleen, or hump, or fin, or teeth; notwithstanding that those marked parts or features very obviously seem better adapted to afford the basis for a regular system of Cetology than any other detached bodily distinctions, which the whale, in his kinds, presents

    46. They are happily named, for they are small volumes, which can be conveniently slipped into the pocket and read at odd times

    47. By the process I shall briefly describe, all carbonaceous fluids may be conveniently burnt, and derive great force from their combination with the oxygen and hydrogen gases of water or steam, before or at the moment of ignition

    48. Although we are not now concerned either with the subsequent fortunes of the monument arid the story of its preservation, or with its architectural features and the various attempts which have been made to restore the original design, it may be convenient to recall briefly a few of the more important facts pertaining to these questions

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