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    be essential Beispielsätze

    be essential

    1. have been found to be essential to over-all well-being

    2. what is already out there will be essential

    3. There is, perhaps, but one set of men in the whole commonwealth to whom the bounty either was or could be essentially serviceable

    4. All this would be required just to begin to reach some understanding of what would be essential in achieving the complicated and humanly impossible design that is contained in historic events that have been captured in this document

    5. The last items to be added were a canister of tea, a small bag of salt, some black pepper and several other spices that Elizabeth said would be essential if she was to be able to cook decent meals for all of them

    6. There is a formula that has proved to be essential in a walk with

    7. If longevity isn’t to be the sole criterion, what else might be essential? All belief systems that have passed away seem to have had one thing in common

    8. As for the definition of God, I think that given above by Aquinas would be essentially identical to that envisaged by Maimonides

    9. be essentially invisible to us because it wouldn’t interact with the kind of

    10. should be essentially provided to the staff

    11. Now that his message was sent, he needed to find Kato and make arrangements for the new security measures that were now obviously going to be essential for reconstruction

    12. In order to achieve this, it would be essential to maintain a cruising speed of 28 knots

    13. Something believed to be essential to the afterlife was the traditional preservation of the body through mummification

    14. Then, we have to deal with the intense heat of the reentry into the atmosphere, find a way to be able to pilot our space plane in the vacuum of space and add systems that would be essential to operate the space plane without making it too heavy

    15. It would be essential to have at least two

    16. This would help you with getting wonderful advices on what could be essentially grown! The manner in which the florist asks you about your purpose of growing and wanting the flowers is another sign of good florist etiquette

    17. Regarding microbiological results, for Water For Injection, it is expected that they be essentially

    18. As the Net expands, a compelling VPP will be essential

    19. Collins, the defendant in this matter, to stand for trial upon charges which has been duly brought by the members of the town council, these charges being namely, fraud and deception, grand larceny, and false taking of a tract of real estate called by some "The Rocks", by having represented it to be essentially worthless in order to criminally set a low value upon it, but having known some information not shared to the council men

    20. Of course everyone agrees that in the future it will be essential to have Internet access and that at least the schools should have Internet available

    21. � They knew themselves to be essentially "wrong" in their independent selves, and they feared exposure of that wrongness

    22. But spirits called Satan (the devil) and places called Hell could be said to be essentially biblical metaphors to describe humans’ choice to behave evilly

    23. If we can understand one’s Self, and thus one’s Spirit, to be essentially intangible and invisible, we may not have such a problem with the question ‘has always existed’ or ‘will exist for ever’

    24. Predetermined evolution could be said to be essentially an all or nothing process, but the course of evolution cannot be easily conceptualised in a “black or white” image

    25. In drawing a figure in violent action it might, for instance, be essential to the drawing, whereas in drawing a figure at rest or a portrait, it would certainly be out of place

    26. If it be essential to the propagation of the gospel for men to believe that all who have not known 'the whole truth’ or who have not called the Infinite Creator by the right Names, have been doomed to damnation, it would be better to discontinue endeavours founded on so foul a perversion of the Bible

    27. Th e aforementioned facts imply the commandments to be essential

    28. "Then if it be essential that every knight-errant should be in love,"

    29. And do not suppose that there will be many of them; for the gifts which were deemed by us to be essential rarely grow together; they are mostly found in shreds and patches

    30. In no state of society would he have been what is called a man of liberal views; it would always be essential to his peace to feel the pressure of a faith about him, supporting, while it confined him within its iron framework

    31. Then, the very nature of the opposite sex, or its long hereditary habit, which has become like nature, is to be essentially modified, before woman can be allowed to assume what seems a fair and suitable position

    32. "It is very rough, of course, and it only deals with the points which seem to me to be essential

    33. It would also be essential for DOL and HHS to begin detailed random audits of health plans to determine compliance

    34. Of all the facts which were presented to us we had to pick just those which we deemed to be essential, and then piece them together in their order, so as to reconstruct this very remarkable chain of events

    35. “Evangelizing for our work, indeed, will be essential

    36. After an extended trend run on the trading time frame, the market may be essentially unreadable on that time frame as it enters into a large trading range with many unpredictable movements

    37. It should be essential, therefore, for anyone engaging in financial operations to know whether he is investing or speculating and, if the latter, to make sure that his speculation is a justifiable one

    38. 100) For the authors, investment is to be contrasted with speculation, and they argue: “It should be essential, therefore, for anyone engaging in financial operations to know whether he is investing or speculating and, if the latter, to make sure that his speculation is a justifiable one

    39. While the similarity between standard and 100Base Ethernet enables the adapter to use many of the same components for both protocols, 100VG is sufficiently different from 10Base-T to force the device to be essentially two network interface adapters on a single card, which share little else but the cable and bus connectors

    40. A whole serics of sensible and logical considerations showing it to be essential for him to go to Petersburg, and even to re-enter the service, kept springing up in his mind

    41. The theory of the transference of the collective will of the people to historic persons may perhaps explain much in the domain of jurisprudence and be essential for its purposes, but in

    42. However, relying solely on historical data is fraught with risks of omitting details that might turn out to be essential for future events forecasting

    43. Did she love him well enough to forego what had used to be essential points? Did she love him well enough to make them no longer essential? And this question, which he was continually repeating to himself, though oftenest answered with a "Yes," had sometimes its "No

    44. With all organic beings, excepting perhaps some of the very lowest, sexual reproduction seems to be essentially similar

    45. Valley Road prayer-meetings seemed to be essentially feminine

    46. A whole series of sensible and logical considerations showing it to be essential for him to go to Petersburg, and even to re-enter the service, kept springing up in his mind

    47. The theory of the transference of the collective will of the people to historic persons may perhaps explain much in the domain of jurisprudence and be essential for its purposes, but in its application to history, as soon as revolutions, conquests, or civil wars occur—that is, as soon as history begins—that theory explains nothing

    48. If Great Britain holds on, (and my predictions are not fulfilled, or she will persevere,) she will look for other resources of supply, that, in the event of a war, she may not be essentially injured

    49. If it be essentially necessary, we have a right to recharter the bank

    50. I have known a lady of this city who had been afflicted for many years with asthma, to be essentially benefited by a voyage across the Atlantic

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