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    be located

    1. Angie can go to Abery with JJ until such time as her family can be located

    2. I can confirm a craft of Earth origin – stellar class – had left the atmosphere approximately twenty hours ago and can no longer be located within its designated course---’

    3. We are fortunate to be located close to the heart of the

    4. In today’s language it may not be crystal clear where the firmament would be located or what the Bible intends the reader to understand when talking about the firmament

    5. The enemy used smokeless powder, and their battery could not be located, while the black powder of our guns made a perfect target

    6. The enemy also had smokeless powder, and neither battery nor trench could be located; while the United States Artillery and the Springfields of the National Guard made a continual smoke target, and obscured the view

    7. Public registries throughout the country had been sacked and burned, that young people couldn’t be located and forced into conscription by either side

    8. “Like if there are honey and pollen nearby, or even where it can be located

    9. A middle-aged woman pushing a small cart paused for a moment while negotiating the curb, and Elizabeth stopped her and asked if she knew where the bicycle shop of Mishkie Oblieska might be located

    10. For example, some simple differential equations can represent the movements of the planets within the solar system and accurately predict where they will be located far into the future

    11. We cannot begin to predict where people at even a small cocktail party will be located in five minutes, or who Dave will be hitting on! The existing models of social science, and I’m talking mostly about economics which is nearest to a ‘real science’ in terms of our methodology and approach, are very simplistic and fraught with large error terms

    12. Once they discovered this odd organ inside the head was connected to the rest of the body, they started thinking the soul might be located somewhere inside the brain

    13. state normal school to be located in

    14. This can be located anywhere, so long as all administrative items are centralized

    15. only tendencies to exist and probabilities to behave, move or be located in any particular area at

    16. in the workplace, where they should be located,

    17. The Slavic Orthodox Church and the original Christian Church in Ethiopia held thes books of Enoch but these could be located in Israel also as in the case of the Books of Adam and Eve

    18. May stil be located

    19. The church turned out to be located in the middle of a vast desert

    20. The damaged implant was quickly replaced and her vital signs returned to normal, but her consciousness was could not be located by the Station’s System

    21. Mason said the logistics would require the center to be located in Michigan at Coast Guard Air Stations Detroit or Traverse City

    22. The image of the object or any semblance of the image cannot be located on the flat holographic template

    23. In our universe, objects appear to be related and can be located in a local spacetime grid

    24. We arrived at a newly built, white three story home that happened to be located next to a Funeral Parlor

    25. Nevertheless, badly the priest could be provided with the submission of Tula, who rushed forward at him in a tenacious battle of elbows and words, to be located again in the forefront that was corresponding to him, with the subsequent reply of elbows and words on the part of Father Tobias

    26. The guards after introducing themselves ran to be located on the hard lid of the volume

    27. When he couldn’t be located they tried to contact Stephen

    28. would be located, based on the sensor readings I‘m running?‖

    29. considered not to be physically located or to be located only in the brain, separable

    30. On the other hand, we do clearly experience ourselves to be located somewhere within that image

    31. There are about three thousand members of the AAV worldwide, and they can be located through the AAV Web site at www

    32. Where would it be located on the chopper?"

    33. The defenders sat quietly, patiently floating in their respective orbits radiating as little emissions as possible to minimize their ability to be located

    34. It was my ignorance that led me to believe that only small accounting firms would be located there

    35. may be located in countries with lax or hardly any enforcement

    36. highway where it was supposed to be located

    37. Nancy had barely the time to distribute grenades to the four Afghan policewomen while giving them quick instructions before they had to lay prone and be silent in order not to be located

    38. these rooms should be located within view of staff,

    39. No trace of this deceptive treachery can be located in the scriptures

    40. Why would anyone fish when there was nothing to catch? In the early 1990s, a few cod could be located, but not much

    41. The flirt sign workhouse can be located during conversations

    42. In view of the limited surface available inside your stockade, I would recommend that only the school/community center and the fresh water tank be located inside your compound

    43. The other buildings, which are rather large by your standards, should be located outside of the stockade

    44. – that company would be, National Index – but, you would still be located in Michigan as their

    45. The Affiliate Center can be located in your Member area, on the left menu select AFFILIATE

    46. property be located in the United States

    47. All 25 of these tools and services AND MORE can be located in your Worldprofit Member area

    48. homes can be located on line

    49. in theory be located by an astronaut

    50. first note would be located at the 8th fret, 6th string at the point where the

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