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    be rejected Beispielsätze

    be rejected

    1. The very thing that grieved the heart of God – to be rejected by the people so that they might follow a man – is what we have in our modern day Christianity

    2. and when beneficial will not be rejected but rather adapted into continued

    3. It took a frustrating year before she came to understand that she had to establish an address to talk to, she was talking to nothing, she was just noise to be rejected

    4. It can be rejected or retained, accepted and transformed into something viable and stable

    5. It is not easy to live in ridicule or to be rejected by friends and family, but if we belong to him, the rewards in the ages to come are unfathomable

    6. But he hadn’t the courage, for knowing he would be rejected as an outsider

    7. Your visa can also suddenly be rejected, and you might find yourself being searched and harassed at airports

    8. I do not want to be rejected again

    9. - Now you are lying again! You are saying you will not be rejected, but that is not what it is really about, is it? This is about you being afraid, Enilia

    10. 20 A wise sentence shall be rejected when it comes out of a fool's mouth; for he will not speak it in due season

    11. ” Thus, the need to establish a “causal link” between an allegedly harmful practice and a proposed remedy should be rejected

    12. yourself into a situation where you might be rejected and turned

    13. 25 But first He must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation

    14. To you will I give the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven and whatever you shall bind on Earth shall be bound in Heaven; and whatever you shall loosen on Earth shall be loosened in heaven; And he sternly charged his disciples and warned them that they should not tell any man concerning him that he was the Messiah and from now on Jesus began to show his disciples that he was determined to go to Jerusalem and suffer much and be rejected by the elders and of the chief priests and of the scribes and be killed and on the third day rise up and he was speaking plainly; And Simon Cephas as one grieved for him said Far be you my Lord from that; And he turned and looked on his disciples and rebuked Simon and said Get you behind me Satan for you are a stumbling block to me for you think not of what pertains to God but of what pertains to men

    15. 17 And when they went down from the mountain Jesus charged them and said to them Tell not what you have seen to any man until the Son of man rise from among the dead; And they kept the word within themselves and told no man in those days what they had seen; And they reflected among themselves What is this word which he spoke to us I when I am risen from among the deade And his disciples asked him and said What is that which the scribes say then that Elijah must first come? He said to them Elijah comes first to set in order everything and as it was written of the Son of man that he should suffer many things and be rejected; But I say to you that Elijah is come and they knew him not and have done to him whatever they desired as it was written of him

    16. If then they say to you note he is in the desert; go not out lest you be taken and if they say to you note he is in the chamber; believe not; And as the lightning appears from the east and is seen to the west; so shall be the coming of the Son of man; But first he must suffer much and be rejected by this generation

    17. For whoever believes and is baptized shall be saved; but 9 whoever believes not shall be rejected; And the signs which shall attend those who believe in me are these so that they shall throw out devils in my name; and they shall speak with new tongues; and they shall take up serpents and if they drink deadly poison it shall not injure them; and they shall lay their hands on the diseased and they shall be healed; But you abide in the city of Jerusalem until you be clothed with power from on high;

    18. For if the building be finished there will not be more room for anyone but he will be rejected

    19. Do good works therefore you who have received good from the Lord; lest while you delay to do them the building of the tower be finished and you be rejected from the edifice: there is now no other tower a-building

    20. He knew he was going to be rejected

    21. (Anyone who tries to correct outside of love can be attempting to release sinful garbage into your life, which is certainly not edifying, and therefore should be rejected)

    22. And the worst of it was, he didn't need to be rejected in the first place! He felt no real interest in her—a chubby untutored kid

    23. maybe rejected accusations, put in a word for the beauties

    24. This was what Peter wanted, a normal life and a school where he would not be rejected

    25. Likewise, that which is new but false must be rejected

    26. 2 Peter shuddered at the thought of the Master's dying -- it was too disagreeable an idea to entertain -- and fearing that James or John might ask some question relative to this statement, he thought best to start up a diverting conversation and, not knowing what else to talk about, gave expression to the first thought coming into his mind, which was: "Master, why is it that the scribes say that Elijah must first come before the Messiah shall appear?" And Jesus, knowing that Peter sought to avoid reference to his death and resurrection, answered: "Elijah indeed comes first to prepare the way for the Son of Man, who must suffer many things and finally be rejected

    27. You insist on clinging to the belief that I am the Messiah, and you will not abandon the idea that the Messiah must sit upon a throne in Jerusalem; wherefore do I persist in telling you that the Son of Man must presently go to Jerusalem, suffer many things, be rejected by the scribes, the elders, and the chief priests, and after all this be killed and raised from the dead

    28. Do you not remember about a certain prince who went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, but even before he could return, the citizens of his province, who in their hearts had already rejected him, sent an embassy after him, saying, `We will not have this man to reign over us'? As this king was rejected in the temporal rule, so is the Son of Man to be rejected in the spiritual rule

    29. 2 This sale of animals in the temple prospered because, when the worshiper purchased such an animal, although the price might be somewhat high, no more fees had to be paid, and he could be sure the intended sacrifice would not be rejected on the ground of possessing real or technical blemishes

    30. be rejected for reasons already given

    31. There"s no way possible that a beautiful cat like me could ever be rejected a hundred times over in a single hour, I thought

    32. Jesus knew He would be rejected by Israel and would have to postpone for two millennia

    33. As God, Jesus knew He would be rejected, yet His sorrow for the nation of Israel was

    34. Jesus Christ knew, of course, that He would be rejected and crucified

    35. Because I told you a long time ago that I’d be rejected, persecuted, and killed

    36. Glen Edwards then made a suggestion, even though he was expecting it to be rejected at once

    37. The first and last hypotheses can be rejected on a historical basis

    38. turn up at the pearly gates to be rejected

    39. outcome and the actual one, causing it to be rejected by

    40. image or taking his Mark will be rejected by God, and cast into the

    41. situations where the idea should be rejected

    42. While the offer can always be rejected,

    43. enter into due diligence only to be rejected

    44. Shrink not from chastising and correcting him whenever you see his soul's health requires it, however painful it may be to your feelings; and remember medicines for the mind must not be rejected because they are bitter

    45. the messenger will be rejected

    46. They thought that the offer should be rejected on the basis that it was too low

    47. I know he's a bastard on his best day but I never thought he'd go this far!" She shook her head as her expression saddened, "You cannot know what it feels like to be rejected by your entire village, by your family

    48. not be rejected and it has to be produced and accumulated in plenty

    49. – wealth as it is, is not to be rejected, but what is to be shunned is

    50. The thought had crossed my mind briefly, only to be rejected almost immediately

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