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    be surprised Beispielsätze

    be surprised

    1. why should I be surprised … the cup continues on its journey

    2. With time--and patience--you'll be surprised at how much a rebellious grandchild can change

    3. You would be surprised how shocking that can be

    4. She sets the scene and we all walk through the lines, then we have to do it properly … which, in this case, means Andy and I being in a clinch as the curtain goes up so that we can be surprised by other characters walking in on us

    5. Do not be surprised, my brothers, if the world hates you,” 1 John 3:12-13

    6. Unfortunately, Liesse Yare has had to stand down from the management – his health is deteriorating and, strictly between you and me, I should be surprised if he lasts the year

    7. ‘You’d be surprised how many patients of mine seriously believe jollop is the official scientific name for my concoctions

    8. The barge provided for our journey is much newer than the ones Berndt and I travelled on – but I should not be surprised at that, I suppose

    9. Do not be surprised if you hear a grinding and a cracking noise as your head rotates

    10. You may be surprised but you can quite often kill two birds with one stone when you look for

    11. He said no evidence has been revealed yet, although he would not be surprised to find a cache or perhaps another temple to Athena or at least a statue or fresco in the vicinity,' she said

    12. She would be surprised at his audacity, but secretly look with favor on him

    13. I wouldn't be surprised if all the signals Thom has received from his gear is something Alan has hacked into the instrumentation layer

    14. I have known Joanna too long to be surprised by her tactics

    15. Sheila was heavy-eyed and heavy of movement - goodness knows what she had been doing with the day; Chrissie gave thought to the concept that the other woman used drugs … she’d seen enough addicts over the years not to be surprised or even shocked at the thought

    16. Billy will be surprised when she tells him

    17. He wanted to run from her but that would be even more suspicious wouldn’t it? So he said, “I don’t know, but now that you mention it, I wouldn’t be surprised if it is

    18. Johnny’s shit list; in fact I wouldn’t be surprised if he was already at the top

    19. ‘I wouldn’t be surprised

    20. This was another committee he should have looked into concerning the bad tail, they used operatives often and he wouldn’t be surprised if they had contracted that bad tail

    21. “You’d be surprised what a few letters to the local court house, the social

    22. Here's a friendly line or two just to keep in touch and say that you are thought about you'd be surprised how much! - Sincerely Judith 10/2/79

    23. With its influence, you may be surprised to learn that the USA contains only just under 5%

    24. "Oh you'd be surprised, they're pretty heavy users

    25. "Well, I shouldn't be surprised, Holmes

    26. I shouldn't be surprised if it WERE the same

    27. There is nothing to be surprised about by the possibilities our universe can offer us

    28. Or had she been asleep at all? Her body hurt so much, she wouldn’t be surprised if Tragus had beaten her unconscious

    29. She wouldn’t be surprised if he started walking much earlier than the normal age of two

    30. “Bah, the way things have been since this all started, I wouldn’t be surprised if that only made it worse for me

    31. I’d be surprised if it’s not eventually sanctioned by the council

    32. But you'd be surprised how many doctors have names like that

    33. Armed with the most easily accessible information you can handle, don’t be surprised

    34. What you would not be surprised to discover after having come upon a shipwreck, whether the detritus be flotsam or jetsam

    35. If he was expecting tears, he was going to be surprised

    36. “The FBI isn’t talking to us, but I’d be surprised if they had anything

    37. He said he wouldn’t be surprised to have him be able to pass the bar

    38. We wouldn’t be surprised again

    39. Sure, it had been out of desperation, but she could hardly start carrying a sword and then later be surprised it could cut someone

    40. watching till Toinette should come in and be surprised

    41. you would be surprised how many terrorist's actually volunteered information without the need for unpleasantness

    42. “You would be surprised what a person can get used to,” he countered

    43. We shouldn‘t be surprised by its inevitable outcome

    44. You would be surprised how far day-glow can be seen from the air

    45. It troubled me greatly, but when a man decides to take up and AK47 and attack the country of his birth he should not be surprised when the police come after him

    46. You will be surprised at the level of industrial espionage in Africa

    47. Thorne directed medical procedures from his home? It was absurd, but I couldn’t manage to be surprised about anything he might do

    48. You would be surprised how often this gets results

    49. I wouldn't be surprised that he arrived as Laura's visitor was leaving,� �Steve projected with a stern tone

    50. George said, “Check out inside the cave; you’ll be surprised

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