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    beady Beispielsätze


    1. It had beady black almond-shaped eyes, and a big mouth with a snakey tongue that hung limply from the Imp’s lips

    2. "What are you anyways?" He said to the imp who had landed at his side and was staring up at him with a pair of beady yellow eyes

    3. "Flitter off with you to the top meadow by the forest, take Nimblefax for company as he's got his beady eyes on Mr

    4. He look at the with his black beady eyes and full

    5. When other animals saw him hanging out with his mouth wide open and those beady eyes staring and glaring out in their direction, that was a clear sign that Horrifying Hippo was feeling threatened and would take any measures necessary to defend himself

    6. For example, most of us react with instant alarm to snakes (I do!) and receive a clear, urgent, internal message of “Get-the-heck-out-of here, now!” This is especially true when confronted with the big ones with long, oozing fangs; wiggly, big-forked tongues; and menacing, beady eyes focused in our succulent body

    7. Darniil stared back without flinching; equally serious about the issue, but feeling a light shiver as he stared into those black, beady eyes sizing him up

    8. The officer's puffy and protruding beady eyes, his distended nostrils and near flopping ears were all very much focused at that instant on the obviously demented wench in front of him

    9. above the fangs sat four beady eyes the size of billiard balls arranged in a row

    10. beady little eyes with a straight back

    11. He was a big man, red, husky face, beady blue

    12. The chicken stared up at me with little beady eyes

    13. But then, everywhere I went, its beady little eyes followed me

    14. One beady black pupil gleamed at Russell, the other stared into the pupil of his alien neighbour, and rising from a spot above either eye, antennae swayed and twitched

    15. “Oh snap Swift, you’re about to be shown what’s up tonight for real,” that punk ice Logan said as he greeted me with a condescending tone in his voice and an equally annoying look in his beady eyes

    16. A black bird the size of my forearm turns its head and focuses one beady eye on me

    17. The beady eye of a crow stares back at me, its wing feathers pressed to the side of the pot, its fat body covered with boiling water

    18. Behind the desk sat a squat man, his beady eyes glistening with

    19. from the shadows, its beady stare trained on the black-clad

    20. Then his little eyes swing to the left and he finds me, and I subsequently move to the left and his little beady

    21. One seated had a snake-like head with small, beady eyes

    22. When it came by, my hair stood up in fear as it swung its huge head and beady red eyes in my direction

    23. Charly thanked her warmly, picturing herself in front of Clay Feister, his beady eyes popping with surprise as she bought a CD

    24. It peered at me with its beady, yellow eye as I squeezed the trigger

    25. The beast pawed the sand, glaring at me with beady eyes as it lowered its razor-sharp tusks and waited for the command to kill

    26. It was as though another face appeared on Angela’s body: a countenance with narrow, beady eyes, a bulb-shaped protuberance of a nose, a slit for a mouth, and fat, red cheeks

    27. His eyes were beady and penetrating

    28. Its round head had beady yellow eyes and six mandibles around its mouth

    29. could see his beady eye staring at him, but there was no sign of any discovery

    30. ” Said Shoop with a positively hel ish glint in his beady little eye

    31. bright beady little eyes

    32. that eclipsed the dark slits of his beady eyes

    33. It struck it square between its beady yellow eyes

    34. beady little eyes in a fat face

    35. It looked to her like a small pair of beady

    36. Clord turned his beady

    37. Her beady eyes narrowed within her thumb of a head

    38. His beady eyes glanced up from where he cleaned his thick glasses on the bottom of his shirt

    39. “And that Marks fellow – running around like he owns this place! I imagine he always had his beady eye on the Manor, when he used to come visit Young

    40. A pair of beady eyes was staring back at him

    41. Beady eyes were all over its back, giving it full vision of the room

    42. All sorts of beasts were in the sky: bat-like monsters called Ruevens with six beady eyes and a neck that twisted like

    43. Lord Kikritan's beady eyes glittered

    44. "And that would be generous—if you really were the Unspeller,” Kikritan said, his fingers forming a steeple and his beady eyes calculating

    45. He was a beady little man, with a beak of a nose

    46. “First: Mr Tulip has been with more women than you've had hot dinners, and second, it'll be you that stands before the pillory stocks and it'll be Tulip and I raising bets for the first to knock out one of your beady little eyes

    47. It was a stuffed deer, fresh and new with beady black and brown eyes

    48. We gather around the computer, and I see a middle-aged man with tired, beady eyes appear on the screen

    49. He’s still boring into me with his beady eyes

    50. There were thousands of beady eyes, peeping out from an enormous lake

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