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    become dark Beispielsätze

    become dark

    1. I don’t know how long I stay there, at one with the roughness of the elements but, as the clouds gradually become darker and darker, portentous of worsening weather, I do the sensible thing and go below

    2. In a way, all matter should become dark matter and would remain absolutely invisible to human eyes

    3. But now the sky had become dark, stars were appearing, and the curvature of the Earth became apparent

    4. The rain was falling even harder and the skies had become dark and thunderous

    5. Pray therefore that your flight be not in winter nor on a Sabbath; There shall be then great tribulation the like of which there has not been from the beginning of the world till now nor shall be; And except the Lord had shortened those days no flesh would have lived: but because of the elect whom he elected 19 he shortened those days; And there shall be signs in the sun and the moon and the stars; and on the Earth affliction of the nations and rubbing of hands for the con- fusion of the noise of the sea and an earthquake: the souls of men shall go out from fear of that which is to come on the Earth; And in those days straightway after the distress of those days the sun shall become dark and the moon shall not show its light and the stars shall fall from the heavens and the powers of heaven shall be convulsed and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven and at that time all the tribes of the Earth shall wail and look to the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and much glory; And he shall send his angels with the great trumpet and they shall gather his elect from the four winds from one end of the heavens to the other; But when these things begin to be be of good cheer and lift up your heads; for your salvation is come near

    6. She plugged the hair dryer into the extension cord on the back deck of the house, the pine trees become darker, the coals shining bright and the flames shooting up in the hot hair of the dryer

    7. Originally these were wild Hejaz Bedus who had become darker and darker skinned through intermarriage with Africans

    8. I could not see very much as the evening had become darker

    9. We, too, need to become darkness (mysterious or unknowable)

    10. have become dark to later men

    11. The light that is in us has become darkness; and the darkness of our lives is full of terror

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