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    bedridden Beispielsätze


    1. What was that for? To solve problems while bedridden?

    2. The poison has dulled his faculties and is on its way to rendering him bedridden

    3. She fell into a fever and was bedridden for three days

    4. and had been bedridden ever since

    5. Validating my claim that Motorola’s management at both SPD and CHQ in Schaumburg valued my services highly and only laid me off out of pity for Werner’s bedridden wife and five kids after I was notified in March 1971 that I would be laid off on June 30th, I was given a VP’s office at 52nd and McDowell while the other four lawyers moved over the hill to the Government Electronics Division in Scottsdale on Hayden Road

    6. "But she'll be bedridden for weeks with horrible hives

    7. blossoms and I was bedridden

    8. She was bedridden

    9. Malaysia to look after his bedridden mother (at that time, his

    10. could not care for his bedridden mother

    11. Her father-in-law had had a stroke and had now become bedridden

    12. All that suddenly changed and he was bedridden, relying on a walker to get around, which was difficult for him

    13. Before his last collapse – the one that made him bedridden – Forrest insisted that Donna Rigden was out to get him

    14. 1999, I was bedridden and officially diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue

    15. their flesh as they lay bedridden and incapacitated

    16. We saw more than enough bedridden patients on the way to the con-210

    17. as she was most of all afraid to be bedridden; after all, she was only fifty

    18. “According to our films, the girl is completely healthy, though the old films show that, at a minimum, right now she should be bedridden

    19. After Mag had departed, Rheus wasted no time in asking, �How did you do that? And why have you never told me that you can do that? Every time she has a conversation with me, I end up almost bedridden from the headache

    20. Bedridden and locked in her room, Catherine made sure all at the palace believed her to be in the full throes of a healthy pregnancy

    21. me about his bedridden parents and how he couldn’t be away from them, but I managed to

    22. “He had been bedridden and he held on,” he buried his face in his hands, sobbing and unable to speak

    23. Bedridden, he complained to two friends visiting him, that he had been left alone in

    24. At some point he was bedridden and could not leave his bed

    25. bedridden, were clustered around him

    26. Eight days ago, he broke his hip in a fall at home, and upon his release from the hospital he will be bedridden for the rest of his life

    27. He mentioned to me as a secret, that he is courting a young lady who has, as no doubt you are aware, a bedridden Pa

    28. A sevenmonths' child, he had been carefully brought up and nurtured by an aged bedridden parent

    29. CBS’s Japanese bureau chief called the number and reached Watanabe’s wife, who said that her husband couldn’t speak to them—he was gravely ill and bedridden

    30. What luck that he was bedridden! of her new marriage, she had been in a fever to see his account books and find out just The store stood near Five Points, its new roof glaring against the smoked bricks of the old walls

    31. The old man himself was getting bedridden

    32. Featherstone's insistent demand that Fred and his mother should not leave him, was a feeble emotion compared with all that was agitating the breasts of the old man's blood-relations, who naturally manifested more their sense of the family tie and were more visibly numerous now that he had become bedridden

    33. Being bedridden, she must have been starved for company

    34. I’d never have told stories about the bedridden Lady Elinor or about the magister girls snubbing the general’s sons

    35. He became so weak that he was bedridden for the rest of his life

    36. The owner of this house, as Alyosha knew, was a bedridden old woman, living with her daughter, who had been a genteel maid-servant in generals' families in Petersburg

    37. But who can reproach her, who can boast of her favor? Only that bedridden old merchant, but he is more like her father, her friend, her protector

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    bedfast bedrid bedridden sick-abed shut-in sick indisposed ill