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    being discharged Beispielsätze

    being discharged

    1. The good news is you're being discharged because since you were able to jump in and save the life of another patient, I think you've regained your senses

    2. His mood changed when he arrived back at the hotel after being discharged

    3. “You’re being discharged tomorrow,” Smith said as he sat back on the chair next to the bed, “after that I’m afraid we’re going to have to arrest you

    4. She had been upbeat the last few times he had visited; her belly was getting big and there was a strong possibility of her being discharged early to have the baby

    5. In addition to all this commotion, there came a further disturbance to increase the tumult, for now it seemed as if in truth, on all four sides of the wood, four encounters or battles were going on at the same time; in one quarter resounded the dull noise of a terrible cannonade, in another numberless muskets were being discharged, the shouts of the combatants sounded almost close at hand, and farther away the Moorish lelilies were raised again and again

    6. Mom agreed that after being discharged from the hospital, she would go to the Hanley-Hazelden treatment center in West Palm Beach and complete the twenty-eight-day program there

    7. The shot was on the point of being discharged when

    8. "Don't hurt him!" he repeated, and without suspecting it, his first success was to arrest the pistol in the act of being discharged, and to paralyze Marius, in whose opinion the urgency of the case disappeared, and who, in the face of this new phase, saw no inconvenience in waiting a while longer

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