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    bell tower

    1. He employed more interesting building details for the facade and added a bell tower of sorts, nothing ostentatious just well adapted to the balance and symmetry of the structure

    2. unremarkable but for its truncated bell tower

    3. “What happened to a journalist’s keen senses?” she said, and pointed with an index finger to the church bell tower

    4. He then looked at the church and the bell tower before closing his eyes and letting the warm sun touch his face, inch by inch

    5. The steeple and bell tower

    6. The bell tower, or campanile, was graced with a series of Catalán Gothic single lancet windows

    7. Through the rain, Hilario saw the bell tower atop the old village church, and headed for the sanctuary

    8. see just a glimpse of the bell tower atop the two-story, iconic structure to the west

    9. Once he was finished, he raced to the bell tower

    10. Built in the form of a Latin cross, its white and gray stone walls surrounded a huge bell tower

    11. that‘s the one with the bell tower Dame Carcas was ringing—there are tombs of two bishops

    12. Foulques, riding just ahead of his two sergeants-at-arms, had to say that Auxerre seemed to be quite a nice-looking city, with the Yonne River running along its eastern walls and with the Saint-Germain abbey dominating the northeast corner of the city with its bell tower

    13. Its bell tower struck the hour the moment Phillip opened the door to the Office Skills classroom

    14. The cream-colored bell tower of Central Moravian Church, just off the Hill-to-Hill Bridge, loomed up ahead of them gracefully, like a silent music concert to God

    15. of the curious children had found a body in the bell tower

    16. bell tower that doubles as a priest"s office on the ground level

    17. When they heard the English were coming, the sly peasants drove their cattle and sheep into woods, stashed sacks of flour in holes in the ground, and hid bales of hay in the bell tower of the church

    18. West of the stadium, a vast, flat assembly area, the Maifeld, had been leveled and a great limestone bell tower was being erected

    19. A little less than ten years in the future, in the last few desperate days of the Third Reich, scores of Hitler Youth—boys as young as ten or eleven—would crouch below the bell tower among blocks of fine Franconian limestone, the rubble of the buildings now being erected, shooting at advancing Russian boys, many of them not a great deal older than they

    20. Joe and his crewmates wandered through a gateway to an area under the looming bell tower and came across a detachment of Hitler’s military honor guard marching back and forth, goose-stepping across stone pavement with such gusto that granite dust flew up from under their black hobnailed boots

    21. At 3:50 Hitler arrived at the bell tower

    22. Louder than any crack of thunder that I’d ever heard, the detonation rolled away through the orchard, but in the aftermath a solemn tolling continued in my ears, as if I were not atop a two-story building but were inside the bell tower of a cathedral

    23. ' and then in condescension to my paganism, she added: 'He's in a very beautiful place you know by the sea - white cloisters, a bell tower, rows of green vegetables, and a monk watering them when the sun is low

    24. Here we see resolution in the first stage, but resolution of a special kind: he resolved to do it like jumping over a precipice or from a bell tower and his legs shook as he went to the crime

    25. Venice’s bell tower suddenly collapsed in rubble in 1902, and the following year 578 people were killed at a New Year party in Chicago when the Iroquois Theater went up in flames

    26. While this tower’s incline is intentional, the building with the farthest unintentional lean is not the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy but the bell tower of the protestant church in Suurhusen, Germany, which leans with an angle of inclination of 5

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