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    best wishes Beispielsätze

    best wishes

    1. their appreciation and best wishes encouraging her to

    2. With best wishes and much affection,

    3. Barry asked me to send his best wishes

    4. ’ I replied, handing him the tape of the concert ‘Oh, and Alastair sends his best wishes

    5. Lastly but not the least congratulations and best wishes for both of you

    6. This is usually an informal note expressing best wishes and may contain contact information

    7. respects and best wishes for Christmas

    8. As we left just after noon, Ignace and Goa stood by the door to see us off, but only offered a “good-bye” in return for our best wishes for them and their children

    9. running anymore, stopped to will their best wishes to each other

    10. A President in these times must have our best wishes, and our hopes and prayers that he will put the nation first

    11. My best wishes to you

    12. Our very best wishes for your continued success in your new position, and thanks again for your many contributions to our advertising in recent months

    13. Best wishes to you,

    14. Sincerest regards and best wishes for your continued success,

    15. Best wishes for a life of laughter and happy

    16. and the Premier of Ontario have already gone on television sending their best wishes to the families of the victims and also stating that the three assailants will be punished to the full extent of the law

    17. Once having drugged Alina into submission, Sabrina took a few moments to visit with her daughter and her granddaughter and give best wishes for the new one on the way

    18. The girl was thrilled, even more so when Elvis signed an autograph to her saying, “Best wishes, Johnny Cash

    19. Patterson was standing now, graciously accepting best wishes, while the beauty

    20. as a fellow inventor all my very best wishes go with you

    21. ‘’Extend our best wishes for their sojourn on Eris and tell them we will be happy to visit them in a year

    22. “You can give her your best wishes later

    23. “Shan’t keep you a moment, sir, but my boss, Group Captain Charles Bowman, particularly asked me to pass on his best wishes to you

    24. But he specially asked about you, though, and sends his best wishes and all that

    25. With best wishes, to you, and your family,

    26. With My best wishes

    27. They send their best wishes and hope you’re happy with the rewards The Galactic Federation has bestowed on you

    28. Since she’s the protagonist of the party, she had to spend the whole day standing beside Ali, smiling and thanking random people for their best wishes, people who according him, are their extended family, she and Ali are actually third cousins, after all

    29. Don sat in mute embarrassment as the family expressed their best wishes

    30. The benefactor would like to remain anonymous, but hopes you accept this gift with his best wishes

    31. I also later learnt that the phrase I was learning translated more into ‘best wishes’ or ‘all the best’ than happy birthday

    32. For most of my friends, and there were a lot of them still living overseas, I resorted to electronic cards and best wishes

    33. “Our father sends his best wishes

    34. deep concerns and best wishes to her

    35. Pounding him equally hard on the back I said, “Congratulations Talin best wishes now let me go!”

    36. ” Flint said with a flourish and I smiled warmly on cue, as the little man went into double time in his never ending speal of best wishes, my overwhelming beauty, how lucky Flint was, whom he called James, and how lucky I was

    37. Yes, she’s not well and papa sends you his best wishes from his study room

    38. Commander in chief sends best wishes, in which he is heartily joined by

    39. "I hope it's not too late in the day to offer my best wishes," said Ignatius Gallaher

    40. My prayers and best wishes are with you

    41. With best wishes and Heil Hitler

    42. To Lynette and Art, thanks for everything and best wishes to you in Florida

    43. With best wishes for Xmas and the New Year, may God bless you

    44. Casaubon, and that gentleman, expressing the best wishes for his cousin, politely waived the pleasure of any further leave-taking on the morrow, which would be sufficiently crowded with the preparations for departure

    45. Your father and I miss you awfully each day, as does your brother, who likewise sends his best wishes

    46. ” She additionally signed and inscribed below the first signature, in black ink, this time mysteriously signing her name twice, reading in full: “Happy Birthday June 1, 1962/My Best Wishes/Marilyn/Marilyn

    47. What are you crying out about? My best wishes for the day

    48. My best wishes for the day, Stepan Doroveitch," replies the latter politely, as he bows, glass in hand, towards Stepka, whom the moment before he had called a blackguard

    49. She hung her card, "Engaged," upon the door leading into the hall (some one had scrawled "Best Wishes" underneath the printed word), and proceeded to get her dinner in a thoughtful frame of mind

    50. Here let me remark, that to those two contending powers, whenever their interest, or the interests of either of them come in contact with the interests of my own country, I feel no preference, I make no discrimination; my first best wishes ever are at home

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