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    1. 25 And if a woman have an issue of her blood many days out of the time of her separation, or if it run bey ond the time of her

    2. Amin was visiting his brother Saleem Bey, who was living in Turkey

    3. The Will of Almighty God arranged for the significant Syrian business men, the owners of notable companies and large factories, to assemble in the house of the retired general, Saleem Bey, in the presence of his venerable brother, M

    4. They complained saying, ‘O Saleem Bey! We have suffered many difficulties and worked hard all our lives and exerted ourselves to earn our fortunes

    5. · “The chief difficulty with Emin Bey arises from his very goodness and purity

    6. · “For all his fundamentalism, Emin Bey is very tolerant and practical in his outlook

    7. Totally bewildered and full of wonder General Saleem Bey said to his brother, ‘Djemal Pasha’s niece offered herself to you and you refused her advances! Oh, Brother… Oh! How could you do such a thing? How could you refuse to marry her? Why? Don’t you know that Djemal Pasha is the Prefect? Don’t you know that he is now trying to separate his prefecture from the Porte?[54]Do you know what that means? It means that he will be the king of Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Hijaz and Yemen! How could you regard his authority with such disdain? How could you turn down the chance to establish a relationship with Djemal Pasha? How could you refuse to marry the girl whom everybody wishes to marry?

    8. They were desperate for his help in a very serious matter and begged him saying, ‘Oh Bey! Our son has been sentenced to death; this unjust judgement will be executed today

    9. Oh Bey! We swear that he is innocent and this sentence has been passed unjustly and wrongfully against him

    10. The story did not escape the attention of Saleem Bey, Mohammad Amin’s brother while our officer paid no attention to it at all

    11. Yet since Saleem Bey had seen the exquisite charm and matchless beauty of the girl, he said, ‘Mother, my brother is a handsome young man, still not married, and she is a tempting and glamorous woman… ’

    12. General Saleem Bey, Mohammad Amin’s brother, was the commander appointed to one of the forward Turkish military divisions in the vanguard of the Turkish Army

    13. On one occasion Saleem Bey asked him if he would be so kind as to collect his salary

    14. General Saleem Bey, commander of a division of the Turkish army that had defeated the enemy? His position had suddenly become complicated!

    15. Such a strong and positive introduction astonished the sultan and filled him with admiration, as (by our officer’s quickness of intellect and appropriate behaviour) he did not have the slightest reason to believe that the man before him was impersonating General Saleem Bey

    16. Startled at what he had heard from his brother, Saleem Bey said, ‘By God! I didn’t carry out even one percent of the heroic performance and military genius you have related to me!’

    17. But it seems his rest was soon to be interrupted when there was a knock on the door! It was an old friend who wanted to ask a special favour from Mohammad Amin and begged him, saying, ‘Oh Bey! [128]I’ve seen an excellent horse in the horse market

    18. Afterwards, Officer Mohammad Amin went to visit his brother, General Saleem Bey, who was living in Istanbul

    19. During these critical times, the eminent scholar Mohammad Amin was visiting his brother Saleem Bey, who was living in Turkey

    20. The Will of Almighty God arranged for the significant Syrian business men, the owners of notable companies and large factories, to assemble at the home of retired general, Saleem Bey, in the presence of his venerable brother, Mohammad Amin, where they explained their troubles to him expressing their distress and bitterness at the fate of their fortunes at the hands of the oppressive Turkish Empire

    21. They complained saying, ‘Oh Saleem Bey! We have suffered many difficulties and worked hard all our lives and exerted ourselves to earn our fortunes

    22. Sheikho and his brother, General Saleem Bey, who had come from Istanbul to visit him in Damascus, were invited to attend an official festival, along with many leaders of society, officers, and wealthy gentlemen who were also present at the gathering

    23. · The chief difficulty with Emin Bey arises from his very goodness and purity

    24. If he were an ordinary man, however learned he might be, I should not even trouble to spend hours discussing theology, but Emin Bey is not an ordinary man

    25. Even Emin Bey himself bore uncountable troubles for my sake

    26. · As an example of his murids’ faith in him I will cite what one of his murids told me of a dream he had about a year ago – just at the end of ten years of close work with Emin Bey, whom he always calls ‘my guide’

    27. He dreamed that he was sitting in his open court with a few murids, as they do on Fridays, and Emin Bey was, as usual, expounding on the Qur’an

    28. As he was speaking, a young man came in who was very beautiful and took his seat to the right of Emin Bey

    29. The same method of waging spiritual war was applied by some of the greatest commanders known in the past, such as Timur bey or Timurlenk, who gained most of his victories in this way

    30. Mohammad Amin Sheikho and his brother, the general Saleem Bey, who had come from Istanbul to visit him in Damascus, were invited to attend an official festival

    31. M A Sheikho, “You, bey!! You hold a name!!”

    32. Tyler positioned his Bey Blade next to Ethan’s and started the countdown

    33. This began the longest game in the history of Bey Blades

    34. Once he’d deposited the Bey Blades, the pocket vanished

    35. How Pouli Bey, his personal Italian procurer, rounded up beautiful women for him, how he arranged for naked troupes of dancers to entertain him, how, even, his thing was of immense proportions

    36. Badran bey, the accountant was frank

    37. “Ya Bey, that"s the last straw! Do you think I have money for that? Anyway, when she comes near me it is like electricity

    38. There's always Talaat bey looming in the background and I 24

    39. quite a lot of each other,” said Talaat bey graciously

    40. “Mustafa bey, I have two cases to put before you

    41. Then, when the course of action was settled, Talaat bey took out his visiting card and passed it on to the lawyer

    42. I was often invited there by Talaat Bey but I never went

    43. Mustafa bey, Leila's father, had died a few years back but her formidable mother was in and out of the house constantly

    44. “Osama Bey is in

    45. "It seems the fellow had been caught wandering nearer to the harem of the Bey of Tunis than etiquette permits to one of his color, and he was condemned by the bey to have his tongue cut out, and his hand and head cut off; the tongue the first day, the hand the second, and the head the third

    46. I always had a desire to have a mute in my service, so learning the day his tongue was cut out, I went to the bey, and proposed to give him for Ali a splendid double-barreled gun which I knew he was very desirous of having

    47. But when I added to the gun an English cutlass with which I had shivered his highness's yataghan to pieces, the bey yielded, and agreed to forgive the hand and head, but on condition that the poor fellow never again set foot in Tunis

    48. [2] See the interview of the special correspondent of the MATIN, with Mohammed-Ali Bey, on the day after the entry of the Salonika troops into Constantinople

    49. The Marmara in Antalya, Turkey, has 24 bedrooms in its rotating top section, which offers views across the Mediterranean and Bey Mountains

    50. ——of Georgia or of Massachusetts, all transient and fleeting phenomena, till I am ready to leap from their court-yard like the Mameluke bey

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