Verwenden Sie „beyond dispute“ in einem Satz
beyond dispute Beispielsätze
beyond dispute
1. “Whatever my brother believes or fails to believe, one truth is beyond dispute
2. 1 It is true beyond dispute that bonds as a whole enjoy a degree of safety distinctly superior to that of the average stock
3. His love for humanity I recognize as a most sincere and deep feeling, free from any sort of pose, and his love for mother as something quite beyond dispute, though perhaps a Uttle fantastic
4. But man seeks to worship what is established beyond dispute, so that all men would agree at once to worship it
5. Every one, perhaps, felt from the first that the case was beyond dispute, that there was no doubt about it, that there could be really no discussion, and that the defense was only a matter of form, and that the prisoner was guilty, obviously and conclusively guilty
6. Man likes to make roads and to create, that is a fact beyond dispute
7. Whether or not the time has arrived for abolishing the State is a question which could not be answered were it not that we possess other means that will assist us to settle it beyond dispute
8. If we are now able to inoculate preventatively with diphtheritic microbes, to find a needle in a body by means of X-rays, to straighten a hunched-back, cure syphilis, and perform wonderful operations, we should not be proud of these acquisitions either (even were they all established beyond dispute) if we fully understood the true purpose of real science
9. The necessity of extending the sphere of love is beyond dispute
10. Still less possible is it to prove them by experiment, since the whole matter turns on the question, ought we to try the experiment? The question whether or not the time has come to make an end of government would be unanswerable, except that there exists another living means of settling it beyond dispute