Verwenden Sie „bigger“ in einem Satz
bigger Beispielsätze
1. These were much bigger devices, but similar in function
2. He was hunched over his desk, shifting through piles of paperwork and tossing it around with abandon, creating a bigger mess than he had before
3. The eggs sold here are tiny, no bigger than pigeon eggs, so he scrambled a dozen
4. But he won't get any bigger than this
5. With a deep sigh, he turned on the antique chairs and smashed them to pieces until there wasn’t a chunk bigger than his fist
6. "To me, you seem like you're worried about that old starship for a bigger purpose than the money
7. But do not just have an item, facility, bigger house, different car that you do not need, simply because you have the money
8. A fake helicopter lands on the center wagon wheel, which is bigger than the other two
9. When making bins or piles, the bigger the pile the more heat it will be capable of producing
10. To grow a greener lawn, have healthier trees, and cultivate bigger vegetables, the soil needs to be enriched
11. "I have delivered lock fittings bigger than this but that was at competitive wages
12. He only got his fourth eye up at first and it waved a series of polite negations before getting the middle eye up, the one that was like a thonga in that it was bigger than the others
13. But of course the bigger question is who did he cross here who was able to do this to him? Zamir was a ruthless psychopath with no conscience and a taste for torture
14. There was a little streak, it was getting bigger
15. His short black hair was greased back like a Hollywood wise-guy He was a big man, bigger than Rafa and muscular where Rafa was obese
16. They are connected to something much bigger
17. The same as local hard-man Derek Reilly only a bit bigger
18. The clearance to view the data for that was a much bigger boon than non-technicians knew, for it allowed access to the diagnostic recording system and once one knew how to use the diagnostic recording system it was relatively simple to get access to every data stream in the crew, every sense, every output, even hormone levels
19. Yet, she suggests she and I should change houses: she prefers to live in my house, on the ground floor, because it is bigger and it has a veranda; therefore, I will move into her apartment, on the second floor, which is much quieter since it is not so close to the street and the outdoor garage
20. The asteroid seemed to loom above them and it seemed much bigger than six miles wide
21. The planet could already be destroyed, they could already be on their way to the next stop, a world they knew to be even bigger than this one
22. Sometimes God calls us out for something bigger that what we’ve known
23. even bigger negative vortex that then reflects to them all
24. He became so good at sitting and watching and waiting that a local farmer who lived like a feudal lord in one of the bigger mountain villages employed him as a geriatric shepherd boy
25. Lastriss is much bigger than Hazorpean and is still the largest city by far that Desa has seen in the Zhlindu basin, at least one eighth as large as Talthaic
26. There's three tape-reseller khumes coming off the southeast slope of Rankor Hill toward the Karthuum Valley that are bigger than this
27. Jesus’ death upon the cross is something bigger than humanity as well
28. Just as the fall was bigger, the salvation is bigger
29. She could render it out into numbers and even see that the field she had labeled 'address modifier' was often '1', but sometimes had bursts of bigger numbers with attention codes
30. Then the probe came upon a much bigger native city
31. Basically, “The stuff Herod is doing… if you have faith… you can do bigger than that…”
32. Has Caesar been a good ruler? Has he brought you peace? Has Herod been all that you have hoped he would be? Have the rulers and the governments over you really brought you the peace that you were hoping for? Have they really supplied for your needs? Or are your needs deeper than stuff? Are your needs and your deepest longings for something bigger and greater than that which has been given you? Choose ye this day: Caesar or Christ? Herod or Jesus?
33. The header assumed one already had a context set up that was bigger than the message
34. God is somehow in control and is bigger than our lives
35. It was moving fairly quietly, but it was fairly big, bigger than an inglethor
36. grows bigger on the rising sea
37. Angie is determined that little Karalintze will know all about her famous Great Aunt as she gets bigger
38. The starship stays in space, it is much bigger than the shuttle, more like the size of Yoonbarla
39. A leese is bigger than a human, it was more than he could eat in fact, so it would attract hakken and quibarta
40. The other tasty one kept using sticks on the fire and it got bigger and bigger
41. “Our homes are bigger, but smaller on the inside” said
42. “As your dragon gets bigger, it will take on a more mature voice
43. The stream was fine, more like the first one they camped near while his foot healed, but bigger
44. They knew he was telling the truth; this was bigger than all of them
45. But then he was supposed to be the bigger, stronger male wasn't he? And wasn't he much younger than Desa's four hundred Earth years or Luray's three thousand?
46. He was bigger than Lady Jennie, but not quite as big as Jake
47. At the water's edge I found tiny bits of waving, organic fluff clinging to the pebbles just where the bubbles melt away; curious purple pieces of seaweed no bigger than a crumb lying on the beach and spiky bits of crab shell attached to the occasional limb
48. The mountain of the city was bigger than the pad of a thumb held at arm's length
49. There were antimatter traps, nondestructive quantum-state sensors, particle sources and a magneto-cancellation chiller, all aimed at a vacuum chamber no bigger than a pea
50. After all, the political and media establishment knew about the magic powers this wonderful document possessed and the great politician knew that these people, who generally failed to see the bigger picture, would be as keen as mustard to see how unfit or stupid various members of the government might be