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    bite off Beispielsätze

    bite off

    1. Don’t people bite off their tongues when they have fits?”

    2. “Careful now, don't bite off more than you can chew!”

    3. ‘Don’t bite off more than you can chew?’ called a voice from the back

    4. “Chica says that once she has had a pleasant conversation with an animal, it’s hard to just go break its neck and bite off its head,” said Gordo


    6. That brought the whole reality of his situation to the boy, who quickly took a bite off his piece of fish and chewed on it with apparent content to placate his host

    7. The earth had pledged to nourish and protect the seeds, but I forgot this and lolled about the boat with angst screwed into my face until one day Wille said that I was apt to bite off my bottom lip

    8. He watched them charge into the coral like mechanical diggers and bite off chunks

    9. “Remember when Mike held that baby T-rex and it tried to bite off his hand?”

    10. Bob filled this time with thoughts of what a fish took to, and the probability that he could bite off rest of the boy’s fingers before his friend fired a single shot

    11. The touch from another human that didn’t want to bite off her face would be worth a million cans of stew

    12. I took the fork and twirled it in the spaghetti as she had done and then I watched her pull the bite off the fork

    13. Sancho promised him with much earnestness to keep his mouth shut, and to bite off his tongue before he uttered a word that was not altogether to the purpose and well considered, and told him he might make his mind easy on that point, for it should never be discovered through him what they were

    14. Now Ahlgyrnahn watched the sweep hand bite off the last few seconds

    15. I bite off the tip

    16. The monster darted its head back to bite off Jaume’s face

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