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    black woman Beispielsätze

    black woman

    1. He was told by a black woman in a light blue uniform that he would need an appointment

    2. PM Clay was a tall, willowy, and extremely beautiful black woman

    3. First, a tall, obviously black woman in a tan jump suit stepped onto the tarmac, followed closely by a shorter black woman similarly dressed

    4. I turned around, surreptitiously studying the slim black woman who had entered the room

    5. But before I could do that, an attractive black woman joined us

    6. black woman, dressed in what appeared to be an old Red Cross

    7. Why should I have to be a thug just to show a black woman that I can

    8. Doris Collins was an attractive middle aged black woman who kind of resembled Diane Carroll if you squinted your eyes

    9. came back to me and scenes of a white man having his way with a black woman

    10. "I have some liquid for you, Miss," said the chubby black woman upon entering Monica's room

    11. been able to maintain a close and intimate relationship with another black woman since

    12. it’s absolutely necessary for me to love a black woman in order to deal with my past

    13. She is a mentally challenged and unstable black woman in her mid 60s who is a widow with lots of money

    14. black woman and suddenly wished that she’d known what it was

    15. from the beautiful black woman and wiped the tears off her face

    16. Just then a handsome, majestic, black woman passed near the group

    17. Tears welled up in the young scientists eyes as he looked into the pitiable face of the old black woman

    18. A large black woman

    19. They crept up the stairs and breezed into the lounge, standing in a half circle between the television and their surprised hostess who took one look and began to scream, whether at the sight of four large and fit naked men and one nude black woman, or the apparent resurrection of her son, was unclear

    20. As a more or less white male he would have no problem, whereas a black woman would have them calling the cops to check her identity and police record

    21. Now, what if I told you that she is a black woman? Were you picturing her as a generic

    22. A black woman

    23. Oh my! I had never been with a black woman in all my travels

    24. She was a black woman with a checkered past, a Federation Marine lieutenant who had converted to marry her husband, a white Jewish man who held the rank of lieutenant in the Federation Space Force

    25. To see a white man married to a black woman boiled his blood

    26. The officers turned around to see a black woman standing at the mouth of the ladder; hands at her side and a pleasant smile on her face

    27. The other inmate was a huge black woman with a ghastly pale scar on the left side of her face, appearing capable of crushing skulls with her bare hands

    28. Laura walked up to the black woman and spat at her

    29. She was a large black woman with solid bones, the hips of a mare, teats like live melons, and a round and perfect head armored with a hard surface of wiry hair which looked like a medieval warrior’s mail headdress

    30. One of the other people on the committee was a black woman

    31. When the meeting ended the black woman offered to shake hands and made the crude comment that the black wouldn't rub off

    32. When she entered the lounge, she found a black woman in her forties busy sweeping the floor

    33. “Junebug,” Wickland said rather loudly, startling the middle-aged black woman whose rotund figure jiggled as she jumped and shouted as if she had been attacked

    34. Unfortunately, the word of a black woman counted for little against that of a white policeman

    35. A young black woman soon came to speak to them, keeping a safe distance while two Spacers covered her with stun pistols

    36. The young black woman glared at him before replying to him

    37. In the largest chair sat a smal black woman

    38. Jonathan and the same pleasant looking young black woman who Diane D saw smiling and posing in the web pictures with Jonathan is standing on Jonathan’s right side

    39. “How about the rest of your family’s organization?” the second black woman asks

    40. “Wow that’s nice,” the first black woman says

    41. Who is this handsome guy?” The first black woman starts touching and rubbing on Jonathan’s shoulder

    42. “Gosh Diane D?” the second black woman says

    43. “Yes we’ll leave,” the second black woman says

    44. “I don’t understand,” the first black woman says

    45. A medium built black man around his mid 40’s and a shorter chubby black woman with short hair around her mid 40’s puzzled look at Candis as Candis is about to hysterically rush past them

    46. They see a medium built black woman in her late 20’s with a very short hair cut wearing a cap, a short jacket and pants at the opposite end of the hallway, standing in the entrance doorway

    47. The following day, a black man around his early 30’s and his girlfriend, a black woman around her early 30’s are in the street reading a newspaper with an article that reads: DIANE D'S COUSIN DANA FALLS OFF LADDER AT GRANDPARENTS' HOME! SOUND AND AFTERMATH OF ACCIDENT IS CAPTURED ON VIDEO! QUENCH PAYS MULTI-MILLION FOR RIGHTS OF VIDEO TO BE SHOWN ON TELEVISION!: “My God,” the woman says

    48. By sheer luck, the flying ventilation grill struck the nearest terrorist, a black woman, on the side of her head, knocking her to the ground

    49. “Yeah I read that article when I was on the bus,” the second black woman says

    50. “Yeah I heard it was her cousin Dana too,” the second black woman says

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