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    blotting Beispielsätze


    1. A cloud passed overhead, blotting out the remnants of the Midnight Sun

    2. Clouds gathered over the sky blotting the moon intermittently

    3. Slikit squinted his eyes from habit, but he needn't have bothered this time because he had no trouble making out the great fireball that had suddenly erupted into the sky, blotting out everything before it

    4. His presence filled my mind, blotting out my mind and pinning me beneath his filthy weight

    5. He remembered the last time that huge dark storm clouds swept in, blotting out the horizon, and he remembered the wind that came with it roaring like a lion

    6. (This is symbolic of blotting out the sins

    7. He was unflappable, had a blotting paper brain that learned lines after two readings, did everything asked of him unquestioningly, and was universally liked

    8. But the mist swirled up from the floor, blotting out that giant brown form

    9. And as he watched, the walls and ceiling of the hut seemed to widen, to grow remote and vanish, merging with infinite immensities; the smoke rolled about him, blotting out everything

    10. Meanwhile the Picts had made themselves complete masters of Aquilonia, practically blotting out the inhabitants

    11. Blotting what once was

    12. He closed his eyes against the dust which filled the entire scene, blotting out the sun

    13. “Exactly,” Wickland mumbled as he made a couple of notes on his blotting pad

    14. desk with both hands flat on his blotting pad, looking straight at Jack

    15. Blotting out the new sun

    16. said it could be millions of asteroids blotting out parts of the sun moon

    17. The desk had a few items on it—a set of trays jammed with papers in one corner, and a pen holder and blotting pad in the middle

    18. For a long time he stood like that, the soft terrycloth blotting out his perceived sins

    19. This blotting out, he perceived, would have to be achieved in Milan, and quickly

    20. Here he had got everything, everything to make him happy for the rest of his life,--the wife he loved adoring him, believing in him, blotting out by her mere marrying him every doubt as to the exact manner of Vera's death, and all he had to do was to be kind and ordinarily decent

    21. slid the blotting paper holding the squares onto

    22. Watching the captain as he slid the blotting

    23. 14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;

    24. He asserts that the blotting out of the writing of Moses did not annihilate them, leaving us to draw the conclusion he suggests, that they must always exist

    25. For to him, blotting out means “wandering” like a lost sheep, or prodigal son

    26. Nor would the Lord have called it a blotting out

    27. And that is what blotting out means

    28. 'Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; ’ and there as here, it manifestly signifies not reformation of character, but the blotting out or remission or forgiveness of offences that are past

    29. That he had watched the times for a time of action, and that they had shifted and struggled until the time had gone by, and the nobility were trooping from France by every highway and byway, and their property was in course of confiscation and destruction, and their very names were blotting out, was as well known to himself as it could be to any new authority in France that might impeach him for it

    30. I removed them from their glassine envelope, identical save for the sun blotting more of one shot than the other, taken from an obscure angle to emphasize its resemblance to the mouth of a baptismal font

    31. There, looking at her table, with the malachite blotting case lying at the top and an unfinished letter, his thoughts suddenly changed

    32. Julia was sitting in a cube of blotting paper, her hands folded in her lap, so still that I had passed by without noticing her

    33. ” He’d folded a monogrammed washcloth into thirds and, after blotting her wound dry, wrapped the makeshift bandage around it

    34. After blotting his armpits with paper towels, he’d stepped back into the hall

    35. He stood there thoughtfully for a moment, mechanically taking pinches of powdered wood for blotting ink from the wooden bowl which stood on the table, and he added:—

    36. The chair into which he allowed himself to fall was placed in front of that mirror, so fatal for him, so providential for Marius, in which he had read Cosette's reversed writing on the blotting book

    37. He screamed as the tyrant’s jaws enveloped his head, blotting out the light

    38. There is more sand there than you would use in twenty years as a substitute for blotting paper

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