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    Verwenden Sie „bookmaker“ in einem Satz

    bookmaker Beispielsätze


    1. A thickset, ugly looking man, who informed him, that if he didn’t pay back what he owed to the bookmaker by the end of the month, he wouldn’t have a business, a house, or legs that worked

    2. The BACK ODDS available with a traditional Bookmaker (they do not have LAY

    3. In this example the Bookmaker has as overround of 11

    4. Don’t forget, the odds and amounts under the BACK area are from those wishing to take on the role of Bookmaker, and are hoping the horse will lose

    5. You have read the chapter A Few Pointers, and understood, I hope, how a Bookmaker makes his profit by applying an overround into the odds he offers

    6. I walked over to a bookmaker and

    7. The bookmaker changed the price from 10-1

    8. That’s why you want to have some money with a third bookmaker which you can use as the temporary second one while the money is being transferred

    9. In that case, you always have the freedom for placing your wagers with the bookmaker offering the best odds

    10. The bookmaker has collected a total of $220 (2 x $110) for this game

    11. On this operation, the bookmaker will have made a profit between what he has collected, $220 and what he has paid, $210

    12. Get to know the bookmaker coming out of George Considine’s Metropole bar, chat with our acquaintance, the plainclothes man

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    bookie bookmaker gambler layer of odds odds maker