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    bowel Beispielsätze


    1. This may result in less fiber intake causing bowel complications

    2. She had already made it plain she wasn’t bound by the needs of stomach, bladder or bowel, so she couldn’t say she was in the bathroom

    3. Chamomile is very helpful in gastric disorders and inflammatory bowel problems plus it is the first herb to try for any variety of anxiety problems

    4. A second later the cultist was freed from all worries concerning his legs, as the bowel was

    5. In one year alone, I was hospitalized three times because of a bowel obstruction, and it was hard to stay optimistic when the fear of having a colostomy again was very real

    6. Even with all the hardships I live with on a daily basis: the pain, bowel restrictions, numbness in my right arm, and the worry about my future

    7. I will never know whether it was the truth about Tommy or my ulcerated bowel that tipped me over the edge

    8. Campos, during the 6/9/10 appointment, besides changing Mike’s prescriptions to new, stronger drugs, had 1] given Mike a written diagnosis that he was an alcoholic and drug addict accompanied by a 5 sheet list of all Connecticut rehabs, urging him to enter one immediately, and 2] ordered Mike to have a colonoscopy on June 28, 2010, because of his having 6-7 daily watery and blood bowel movements

    9. appendicitis, bowel cases, trauma etc

    10. Jannes bowed and pointed to a water bowel near him

    11. including doctors believe that it is okay to not have a bowel movement for 4 days!

    12. But when a person drinks enough water, normal bowel function usually returns

    13. Hours later, he stitched and stapled the boy back together after finding the nicked vein in his liver and repairing the punctured lung and torn bowel

    14. On massive doses of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory for the 104º fever, bowel infection and pneumonia, with over half his blood volume replaced and a machine breathing for him, Major Garret sighed and cautiously pronounced him critical but stable

    15. Your bowel injury is very serious

    16. When you try to have at least one or two bowel movements each day, you would become more conscious on the foods that you eat

    17. I also periodically suffered from haemorrhoids, one of the consequences of my sedentary job, but my raging hypochondria immediately attributed my symptoms to bowel cancer

    18. -Frequent bowel movements following the use of medications

    19. The diagnoses included gallstones, bowel trouble, exhaustion, colds, La Grippe and liver issues

    20. Under the circumstances, he knew a stomach and bowel wash wasn’t going to do Melissa much good

    21. bowel movement in the tray

    22. common and can often happen when a cat has had painful bowel movements

    23. The body erupted in a loud gurgling noise as stomach and bowel fluids were expelled by shoulder pressure on the belly

    24. The sight of them would probably induce a strong bowel movement in the average Kiwi who would more than likely cross the street to avoid any form of contact

    25. The result was slurred speech, loss of movement on my entire right side (not just muscular movement of my arms and legs, but everything, including chewing, bowel control and all the little functions we take for granted) and an incredible sleepiness

    26. bladder and bowel at that point, but Shoop wasn’t worried, because he knew

    27. The evidence is best for a protective effect of vegetables in the large bowel and for fruits and vegetables in stomach cancer

    28. High consumption of meat, especially red meat and processed meat, is linked with higher risk of bowel, breast, prostate, and pancreatic cancer

    29. the human intestinal tract, but rather serve as a food supply for the friendly bacteria of the large bowel (bifodobacteria

    30. known to produce bowel carcinogens

    31. to reduce concentrations of carcinogens in the large bowel, improve digestion,

    32. provide a health-promoting ef ect on the function of the large bowel, reduce high cholesterol levels, and help regulate

    33. bowel, softens the stool for easier elimination, and by absorbing water it may help to dilute the effects of bowel

    34. Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Celiac, ulcers, chronic fatigue, migraines, heartburn, indigestion, constipation, arthritis, eczema, psoriasis and auto-immune diseases are digestive in origin and the sooner we understand this, the sooner we can be one the road to wellness

    35. The upshot of that test, an extensive clinical interview, and an array of other studies indicated that Rob was suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, sometimes called colitis, or simply I

    36. More directly, the Chen Li Pills are a formula used to help with your irritable bowel syndrome

    37. He poured her a cup of wine from his wine sack and into a wooden bowel

    38. Types of stomas include an ileostomy, made in the small intestine; a urostomy, which connects to the urinary tract; and a colostomy, connecting to the large bowel of colon

    39. Recent change of bowel habits or constipation in the elderly may be an early symptom of cancer of the large intestine especially when this is accompanied by bleeding through the anus during defecation, and weight loss

    40. We don"t want to see heterosexuals, gays or lesbians slobbering over each other in public, any more than we want to see bowel movements in public

    41. As the volume in the bowel increases, a reflex muscular contraction occurs, stimulating a bowel movement

    42. concluded that six acupuncture treatments over two weeks did not improve bowel

    43. Biofeedback techniques have been shown to significantly increase the frequency of bowel movements among women with chronic constipation

    44. Roughly ten more inches of my small bowel had to be removed

    45. Within a month, we will know when they have a regular bowel movement

    46. He says that when there is trouble in the small intestine, bowel, or any digestive organ, it can cause weakness in the corresponding region of the abdominal wall

    47. deck while having a bowel movement and an orgasm at the same time, is when I"ll

    48. Pearl # 7: Phosphate-Containing Bowel Preps Should be Used With Caution

    49.  Instead use polyethylene glycol for the bowel prep (only downside is the volume that

    50. Research into combating bowel cancer

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