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    briar Beispielsätze


    1. “That seems clear then,” a little bird-like man offered, and puffed contemplatively on a battered old briar pipe

    2. Winter lavender and thorn, briar and lemongrass

    3. Fauquier County; horses and Cadillac�s, long-haired blondes from Sweet Briar and Hood driving their convertibles around to horse shows

    4. Every man present had filled his clay or briar pipes with good Virginia tobacco and an aromatic thick cloud of smoke drifted within the tavern

    5. "Man! You should have seen that son-of-a-bitch blow," cried a white haired pensioner waving an old briar pipe

    6. "Briar Cottage" as they called it, without the Reeds

    7. The group took their leave of the Reeds and Briar Cottage and walked along the road towards the government jetty and the waiting seaplane

    8. woods which were separated from the meadow by a high briar hedge

    9. “And where is your home? There are no villages or houses in The Black Briar,” Heckler questioned further, still playing the hypnotic tune

    10. A frightened stag might move thus through forest and briar, skirting old growth oaks

    11. Now, as he sat puffing on his old briar pipe; ok so he still had other vices too; he was pondering on the problem

    12. And Doady, knock the ashes from your pipe, the seasoned briar you still fancy when the curfew rings for you (may it be the distant day!) and dout the light whereby you read in the Sacred Book for the oil too has run low, and so with a tranquil heart to bed, to rest

    13. Born and bred in a briar patch, Brer Fox

    14. The sky, too, cream, had seemed close above the green trees, but now the blue was high and rare, the sun slipped sooner to the west and, once there, foretold a touch of frost, As the wind freshened from the south, the red and yellow beech leaves rasped sinking slow and big and drowsy, crimson as the rose hips that covered the briar

    15. Among his minor peculiarities are that he is careless as to his attire, unclean in his person, exceedingly absent-minded in his habits, and addicted to smoking a short briar pipe, which is seldom out of his mouth

    16. And Summerlee, too, there he was with his short briar between his thin moustache and his gray goat's-beard, his worn face protruded in eager debate as he queried all Challenger's propositions

    17. “Who dragged you through the briar patch?”

    18. The swift growth of the wild with briar and eglantine and trailing clematis was already drawing a veil over this place of dreadful feast and slaughter; but it was not ancient

    19. After many, many years there came another king's son into that land, and an old man told him the story of the thicket of thorns, and how a beautiful palace stood behind it, in which was a wondrous princess, called Briar Rose, asleep with all her court

    20. Then the young prince said, "All this shall not frighten me; I will go and see Briar Rose

    21. Then he went on still further, and all was so still that he could hear every breath he drew; till at last he came to the old tower and opened the door of the little room in which Briar Rose was, and there she lay fast asleep, and looked so beautiful that he could not take his eyes off, and he stooped down and gave her a kiss

    22. And then was the wedding of the prince and Briar Rose celebrated, and they lived happily together all their lives

    23. He rushes on and on, never missing his footing, never hesitating, threading his way with perfect skill between tree trunks, jumping over bush and briar and the smaller streams, wading the larger, swimming the largest of all

    24. In the dim light of the lamp I saw him sitting there, an old briar pipe between his lips, his eyes fixed vacantly upon the corner of the ceiling, the blue smoke curling up from him, silent, motionless, with the light shining upon his strong-set aquiline features

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    Synonyme für "briar"

    briar briar pipe brier erica arborea tree heath bullbrier catbrier greenbrier horse-brier horse brier smilax rotundifolia eglantine rosa eglanteria sweetbriar sweetbrier