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    1. Humpbacked bridges arched down almost to the water and then back up again

    2. ‘The brakes failed on Liz’s car this afternoon … she crashed into one of the motorway bridges

    3. On this branch of history the modern day Atlantis looked more like China, with hundred story buildings along the shore and great hanger bridges and even venerable motorway bridges spanning between islands

    4. They had a tall fruit tree in each corner of the tiny lot, and bridges of hard-bean slung well up into them to aid in the harvest of both

    5. They strolled a few more steps, there were people, steps and bridges to deal with

    6. From here it was a wild tangle of towers and gables, overhanging floors, arched covered bridges with round and oval windows

    7. Along the journey, Kaitlyn and Chloe pointed out the Hausmann renovations, historical parks and bridges

    8. Soon he reached the smaller of the bridges connecting the

    9. There was music coming from many establishments, and hired drivers yelling from the coaches which crossed this khume, often on bridges inside it on an upper floor

    10. They traveled over bridges and thru tunnels, up ornate stairways and thru plaza's choked with people

    11. isolated medieval, hump-backed bridges

    12. I told a friend who informed me that sometimes Satanists would put cursed cassette tapes on the bridges over a freeway

    13. Now that the valley was in shadow it was dim enough down there that many lanterns were lit and the atriums twinkled thru the branches and bridges below

    14. Except that the surface of the volcano was a jagged wonderland of pinnacled jungle canopy connected with webs of bridges

    15. "Oh I love that mountain hamlet," she told him, "Unlike some, I burned no bridges when I left there, I'm overdue to return

    16. The views of the canyons of the upper south slope were fine, the bridges sometimes dizzying

    17. Here along the avenue it still averaged twelve to twenty stories and there were pedestrian bridges across on the third or fourth floor every now and then

    18. There was a bit of congestion at the intersection because of a big hall of some kind with bridges to its second floor balcony around three sides of the square

    19. In all the different countries of Europe then, in the same manner as in several of the Tartar governments of Asia at present, taxes used to be levied upon the persons and goods of travellers, when they passed through certain manors, when they went over certain bridges, when they carried about their goods from place to place in a fair, when they erected in it a booth or stall to sell them in

    20. Every conversation, belch and sneeze on their bridges was being recorded by another collection of Deni's 'secret' little gadgets

    21. It took days of analyzing the recordings, they were still making, of the several pirates' bridges before enough data allowed for the Captain's initial plans to coalesce sufficiently

    22. He did well to build bridges and take great care to never let them catch fire

    23. That said, the bridges you build at this stage with your list members will hugely stand the test of time and will benefit you both immeasurably going forward

    24. He had seen lives interrupted by burned bridges and pillaged coffers

    25. When the time is ripe, the returning soul goes back into tunnel of light which bridges the spiritual plane and the physical Earth

    26. He saw the two bridges he would need to cross

    27. When high-roads, bridges, canals, etc

    28. The labour of the country people, for three days before, and for three days after, harvest, was thought a fund sufficient for making and maintaining all the bridges, highways, and other public works, which the commerce of the country was supposed to require

    29. It required 170 bridges and culverts of fifteen feet or more, 134 of less than fifteen feet, and was successfully

    30. As we walked though them every so often we would pass under plank bridges that spanned the trench we would also have to turn right angle corners were the blast walls where

    31. Alex knew that he had many bridges to rebuild with his daughter but before that, he needed to get some sleep - and find some work

    32. The rails and bridges have been bombed and have not yet been repaired

    33. What now? Home he supposed, to try to mend some bridges

    34. ‘Limon Province, continually neglected by the corrupt power structure of the federal government: bridges down and a plague of crack cocaine infecting the province, and what does the federal government do? Nothing

    35. Few bridges remained intact, and twice their heavy truck had to be ferried across rivers by barge

    36. On most other occasions, they used Bailey or pontoon bridges erected by Army engineers parallel to the wreckage of destroyed German structures

    37. “The Russians are thick on the roads to the west, and all the bridges have guards

    38. Filling unevenly, the overflow from one would have torn through the narrow bridges of land that separated these huge cisterns, in the process, forming what is now known as the Great Lakes

    39. less and seem content living in the woods or under the bridges

    40. will mend all of the bridges you have burned between you and your

    41. Arriving at rivers without bridges (none of them had bridges because they were normally dry and used as roadbeds), I found they were now running in full spate

    42. It's heard, as the trees whisper on bridges,

    43. Bridges crossed the Oos on every half a kilometer

    44. Powerful, smelling of pine needles of the antiquity trunks of trees, like a sentinel on his duty, were guarding the bridges on both sides

    45. Walking along the shore, hearing the murmur of the river, listening to the whisper of leaves, it seems that you are on the eternal circle of nature and peace, and only numerous bridges, each unique in its own way, remind that this path is linear, and even if this is a circle, it will be finished still after a very long time

    46. enhancements or data bridges from external systems (also called "interfaces") your focus will be on testing

    47. bridges and interfaces holding everything together

    48. Armed volunteers from all the cities and towns around the lake swarmed into Tenochtitlan while the Ordu commandeered every boat available and soon had several pontoon bridges across the small canal

    49. It was too deep to ford and the enemy had cut the crude rope bridges across it

    50. We would make ourselves useful by building permanent bridges across the streams around the city

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    bridges harry bridges