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    bristle Beispielsätze


    1. Herndon had a strong chin, now dark with a day's growth of bristle

    2. A short, wide man with cropped black hair and bristle moustache

    3. In contrast to his grey bristle she had softer longer fur of a light cream colour

    4. I was starting to bristle at the insurance company"s callous treatment of a nice guy

    5. “But how many of these were the expressions rooted in the hope of someday garnering a piece of his pie? How many were from celebrants who would bristle at one harsh word directed at their reputations?” Johnnie asked, pointing out, “The fraternity of wealth and power remains faithful to itself

    6. see Zia struggling in the water, as wel as every bristle on the hippo’s

    7. His face, however, was an astonishing contrast; deeply tanned and delicately beautiful rather than handsome, large dark eyes and heavy black eyebrows framed by bristle cut hair that caught the light like flecks of gold

    8. He felt the short hair bristle chilly at the back of his neck and put the matter hastily out of his mind

    9. It made the short hairs bristle on the back of his neck

    10. For the first time in ages, I was washed in a copper tub of heated water and scrubbed with soft bristle brushes until my skin blushed pink

    11. Conan glared in silence, feeling the short hairs bristle at the back of his neck

    12. He had bristle hair

    13. Only the Bristle Cone Pines were older

    14. Sharp spines seemed to bristle against Ashley’s skin, raising her anxiously off the bed

    15. The majority of women will bristle at this and accept your challenge

    16. the back of his neck began to bristle

    17. The hair on the back of his neck started to bristle as if he already sensed something serious

    18. Ty stood up and bushed himself out in full bristle,

    19. the bed and faced her, his fur at full bristle

    20. Use a brush with well spaced rounded nylon quills in preference to a bristle brush, and use a protective conditioner before blow-drying your hair

    21. Vigorous brushing with a gentle bristle brush will stimulate the scalp and remove the dandruff; scalp massage will help bring more nutrients to the scalp to feed the skin and hair

    22. Johnny rubbed his bristle and tried to guess what Best was getting at

    23. We've never witnessed it, but it has been reported that they go after bristle worms too

    24. She also gazed at the antlers on the wall, for the wall continued to bristle with antlers right up to the top of the house

    25. Despite telling me he didn't care what people thought of him, he seemed to bristle at Celia's assessment of his ungentlemanly conduct

    26. He had more bristle growing down his throat leading to a hairy chest at which Fern stared in amazement at the curls of hair that popped out above his open shirt, she’d never seen so much chest hair

    27. Obviously, in different regions there are different climates, therefore producing various types of bristle, varying in length, thickness, and rigidity

    28. Natural bristle is extremely porous by nature and thus it soaks up a great amount of water that it touches

    29. In fact, if one uses a natural bristle brush in water based or latex paint, the brush will paint like a "mop" in no time at all

    30. Both black and white bristle is shipped to Purdy®, along with Ox bristle

    31. The white bristle is a finer smoother bristle than the black, and the Ox hair is used where an extremely smooth finish is required

    32. On the flip side of this, the black bristle has much more of a 61

    33. Dynamic auras bristle around glorified expressions, Beneath the absinthe stars of the charged country, Where ordinary people:

    34. She screwed her eyes shut and felt her power bristle just underneath the surface

    35. I felt Faith’s body bristle next to me and gripped her hand tighter

    36. Our bookstores and newstands bristle with

    37. He may have to live all his days with a telephone tied up to his head and bristle all over with scientific antennae like a figure in a fantastic tale

    38. Among bony fish, I noted grizzled wrasse unique to these seas, deep–water gilthead whose iris has a fiery gleam, one–meter croakers whose large mouths bristle with small teeth and which let out thin cries, black rudderfish like those I've already discussed, blue dorados accented with gold and silver, rainbow–hued parrotfish that can rival the loveliest tropical birds in coloring, banded blennies with triangular heads, bluish flounder without scales, toadfish covered with a crosswise yellow band in the shape of a Τ, swarms of little freckled gobies stippled with brown spots, lungfish with silver heads and yellow tails, various specimens of salmon, mullet with slim figures and a softly glowing radiance that Lacépède dedicated to the memory of his wife, and finally the American cavalla, a handsome fish decorated by every honorary order, bedizened with their every ribbon, frequenting the shores of this great nation where ribbons and orders are held in such low esteem

    39. Most? I bristle but refuse to be distracted

    40. I bristle but he’s right

    41. He was of a sickly color, and his thin, sandy hair seemed to bristle up with the intensity of his emotion

    42. His brown eyes were wide, and his normally unruly hair seemed to bristle in all directions as he skidded to a halt

    43. It was not in reality a very stiff task, though there were moments which made my hair bristle upon my head

    44. It was long, whitish, and blotched with pimples, the nose flattened, and the lower jaw projecting, with a bristle of coarse whiskers round the chin

    45. My God! what a nightmare the whole thing is! You remember the great bristle of sharp canes down below where we found the skeleton of the American? Well, that is just under ape-town, and that's the jumpin'-off place of their prisoners

    46. As danger thickened his jaunty manner would increase, his speech become more racy, his cold eyes glitter into ardent life, and his Don Quixote moustache bristle with joyous excitement

    47. ” Suzhymahga seemed to bristle ever so slightly, but Thirsk continued in the same measured tones

    48. the two bristle like game-cocks over who should be the first to kiss the fluttering and “You’d think they’d had enough fighting in Virginia,” said Cade bitterly, as he watched flattered Aunt Pitty

    49. I bristle at his insinuation

    50. The minute McFadden left, the bristle of danger dropped right out of the room

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    bristle stand up uprise abound burst