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    bureaucracy Beispielsätze


    1. up…’ Oh no! Not more battles with the bureaucracy? I

    2. I've never heard bureaucracy used as a metaphor for economics before

    3. Even a chance of a discount on one of their own machines was just too much for them to offer; something to do with the strict rules on profit and the constraints of bureaucracy, the company policy more or less stated

    4. know that everyone in any bureaucracy, public or private, has a

    5. With their stamp seals on your piece of paper, you’re in, or at least you can go to the next level of the bureaucracy

    6. It had seemed to him a reasonable price to avoid the headache and expense of an encounter with American bureaucracy, and he couldn’t help but laugh when he realized that he had been had; he could have charged five times the amount, and still she would have paid willingly, because Sylvia was also a cocaine trafficker! He chuckled as he flipped papers, anxious for her return to Costa Rica so he could surprise her with his knowledge, then further astound her with his own admission

    7. “More like you should just try to understand the power of a religious bureaucracy, firmly embedded in the political fabric of the Empire and the mass consciousness of the laity

    8. “Unfortunately, the Obama EPA favors bureaucracy and heavy-handed intervention more than jobs and

    9. Thai bureaucracy there is but it’s not so bad that you can’t handle it

    10. He has instructed the entire bureaucracy to promulgate regulations that have no authority in law, and he

    11. It is commanded by the state-owned bureaucracy that legislates on behalf of the economic area to administer the Country

    12. Trillion dollars are wasted in the productive activities and another trillion are consumed in the bureaucracy to fulfill ridiculous economic fundamentals on behalf of the current system

    13. The systematics generates immense economy of organizational resources because it eliminates the cost of the bureaucracy and idleness of the applied resources

    14. It accomplishes all its control, installation of the structure and operation in the virtuality through the electronic computation, without generating bureaucracy or repetition of any document type in paper form or register

    15. Its reports become dynamicalally available through Internet or other electronic ways that avoid paper work and bureaucracy

    16. The results will be expressive as: generation of trillion dollars in potential GDP; abundance of products and services; end of the misery, hunger and of the social abandonment; obtainment of international prestige and citizenship; liberation of the financial dependence; personal development; immense surplus of money for the State; environment protection; and high gain with elimination of the waste, country cost and of the bureaucracy

    17. in the virtuality, without bureaucracy and without

    18. It eliminates the fixed cost and the redundancies of tasks, it turns the most efficient organizations, without waste and bureaucracy, since its processes act through Usuarist Projects

    19. Besides, this standard unit propitiates to terminate with fixed cost, it eliminates the state-owned bureaucracy, it liberates the entrepreneurs of the country-cost and of the waste and it makes possible its execution for billions of people with consequent generation of income, without burdening the costs of the production

    20. Also, it terminates the bureaucracy in the economic relations among countries with tributary inspection that regulates the exportation and importation

    21. Derek had had enough of bureaucracy but he couldn’t push it

    22. The EU is run by what former Czech president Vaclav Havel has described as the type of “layered bureaucracy” that characterized the tyranny of the former Soviet Union

    23. The administrators of the education bureaucracy fear choice and competition even more than the teachers do

    24. These “educrats” know better than anyone else, though they would never admit it, that most of the massive school bureaucracy is not merely useless, but an overbearing impediment to good education

    25. Government, bureaucracy and unions are a large part of the problem

    26. ―Unfortunately, the Obama EPA favors bureaucracy and heavy-handed intervention more than jobs and growth

    27. I decided to delve into the EU’s Byzantine bureaucracy to find out why it is

    28. iceberg, as the exact subsidy figures are disguised within the EU‘s maze of bureaucracy

    29. government, and now is in the Brazilian justice system, with all the bureaucracy that

    30. I think that their subjects are actually better off without them – what with their constant bureaucracy and refusals

    31. would not require the creation of another expensive bureaucracy

    32. expanded their bureaucracy, created a large army and

    33. He expanded their bureaucracy, created

    34. chain of command is a hierarchy and bureaucracy

    35. The armed forces, the church, the corporation, and the bureaucracy

    36. I'd had some experience of Middle Eastern bureaucracy by then and didn't want to spend the next month in Benghazi

    37. I have every confidence in their goodwill, but I also imagined I knew bureaucracy

    38. bureaucracy thought it better to trust in the idea of a limitless resource base, and deferred

    39. the bureaucracy of today?

    40. ‗Give it to the government so they can waste is on self advertising and bureaucracy

    41. God, it sucks living in a society ruled by a bureaucracy

    42. And the bigger the bureaucracy the more of its available resources get wasted (like police power and parking spaces)

    43. He also had a problem with the army bureaucracy

    44. Dreams that occupy our daily spaces and encounters that which is the worst form of ostracism against change: bureaucracy

    45. You can use bureaucracy to everything, even to the future

    46. This is the essence of bureaucracy

    47. Suits smack of city dudes, big business or government bureaucracy where the all-white staff maintain a warped philosophy of "We know what's best for Native Indians

    48. She was used to bureaucracy

    49. His presence was intended to help us wend our way through your Byzantine bureaucracy

    50. crimes? The answer can be found in Wild Fire, as John and Kate have no concern for the slow, get-nowhere procedures, as they bypass the bureaucracy

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