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    burst open Beispielsätze

    burst open

    1. The cockpit door burst open and the pilot sticks his head out, shouts something in Arabic to Khalid, ducks back inside

    2. BANG! Suddenly the metal door burst open, slams against the wall

    3. Suddenly it burst open as Warriors and Scathers plowed thru the door engaged in a pitched battle

    4. The door of the sitting room suddenly burst open and Mickey appeared

    5. Her heart beat harder, faster, threatening to burst open her chest

    6. Behind her the door burst open and a gaggle of lunatics scurried in

    7. Then the door of the gas station burst open, and I jumped back in shock, my knife already instinctively in my hand

    8. Chris did not have chance to move to safety before the crack, which ran between his feet, burst open and just over a metre’s width of rock nearest the edge began to steadily lean out across the crevasse

    9. Blood spattered across the ring as her lip burst open

    10. The door burst open and two guards entered

    11. The office door burst open and Abbott stormed in, his face red and agitated

    12. just as the shed door burst open

    13. She had just reached the top when the door to her father’s study burst open and a slim, red-haired girl came racing down the hall toward her, tears streaming from her swollen eyes

    14. that” then gulped “I love you Margarette” his heart wants to burst open

    15. Before she said anything further, the door burst open and group of

    16. She ran until her legs failed her, and then she slumped, stunned, to the floor just as the doors burst open and a flood of men came in

    17. The door burst open, pushing both women backwards

    18. After a time period of grace that Amonas seemed to be less than averse to and once they both felt they could do so without pain and anguish from bellies about to burst open, they started off towards what Amonas had declared to be the proper direction

    19. ” The door burst open and a red-faced Councilor Trent came barging in

    20. The door burst open and a large man stared in at us

    21. The lab door was burst open by violence, Ana appeared breathless

    22. Before she had a chance to ask them, the door burst open and Jerome stumbled in

    23. She felt herself spinning around and around the smile on the faceless person growing and growing till it was laughing at her, then the wheelchair going around and around the man in it reaching for her but never quite able to touch her, the faceless smile stopped laughing and started screaming building up into such a high pitch she thought her head would burst open

    24. Before the words were out of his mouth the door burst open and Hank Saunders tumbled through, carrying with him a barrage of splintered wood

    25. seconds afterwards, as if it were about to burst open again

    26. One or two barrels floated in the water, but they had burst open and were quite empty

    27. It would burst open then, I expect

    28. It had burst open, and lay on the ground, showing a tin lining that was waterproof

    29. But without another word her father turned and went into the cottage, carrying the box, burst open and cracked, its tin lining showing through under his arm

    30. As the door burst open it became apparent that the weather was nothing short of magnificent!

    31. The door of the room burst open

    32. The door burst open, and Zach came haring out, pursued by a cloud of grey smoke

    33. His eyes burst open, but they were fixed, as if he were in a trance

    34. The door burst open and Zoe bustled in, muddied and wet

    35. The final casket lid burst open and there, snarling at me with rotted teeth, was the decayed skull of Roho, the witch doctor

    36. Suddenly the door burst open with heavy enough force to send

    37. Her breath feels hotter than the midday air! Her entire body spasms and she feels that she will burst open like some ripe piece of fruit… And with great relief she finds that indeed she does

    38. It is quite a tight squeeze, and this time the astronaut's luggage burst open as she struggled through

    39. The door burst open and the assistant, looking more than a little ruffled, interjected, “It’s upstairs

    40. In a split second the coils burst open, spraying gallons of ammonia into the boiling mass of reacting chemicals, suddenly and dramatically increasing the already critical pressure inside the dome

    41. The casing burst open with an ear splitting crack

    42. The instant the reaction vessel had burst open a huge shockwave was produced

    43. to burst open with life

    44. God burst open the prison gates for Paul

    45. Then the door burst open and Nathan was walking in

    46. The top burst open and the corpse shot out, rolling stiffly about the road, with her mouth half-opened, as though about to cry ‘what’s going on?’ It was a horrible scene

    47. As they approached the door, it burst open

    48. The bedroom door burst open and there she was, the Red Woman, looking haggard and unkempt, barefoot

    49. The curtained burst open and Lezura stepped inside; hair tied into a bun at the back with a pink and white cloth, and wearing a cotton white blouse with brown hems and black leathery tights

    50. burst open at the seams

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