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    buy-in Beispielsätze


    1. To get the charter approved you need to maximize buy-in from stakeholders in the community you will serve

    2. consulted about major changes and sometimes worker buy-in to a decision is more

    3. big picture overview and it secures their buy-in

    4. and start the process of getting their acceptance and buy-in to the new processes

    5. The reason you need buy-in from top management is that with

    6. Use audience involvement to gain “buy-in

    7. maybe when I opened my wallet to pay the buy-in? But that seemed unlikely

    8. perspectives, prompt more buy-in, and are more likely to

    9. Additionally, as the models are shared with others in the enterprise for their buy-in, you can elicit their verbatim on what needs better support in the business

    10. It should not take any more than perhaps a day to complete this modeling, which can then be shared with others for input, buy-in and revision as needed

    11. 4 Action plan with full buy-in, celebrating results

    12. 4 Action Plan With Buy-In

    13. 3 Action Plan Without Buy-In

    14. The power of that lie comes from the collective buy-in of that dream and the acceptance of the belief that we couldn’t change things even if we wanted to

    15. ters with a $5,000-buy-in, in a no-limit Texas Hold’em game

    16. table as Henry and bought in with a $5,000 buy-in

    17. And, since a supposed buy-in of twenty-five thousand dol-

    18. “My leadership would’ve meant nothing without the buy-in of the locals

    19. Regardless of who takes the role, it involves achieving buy-in at all levels in the organization

    20. In the story, Mary, who began as a media organization consultant, became the CIO by default, thanks to buy-in from senior management

    21. It takes a concerted internal corporate marketing effort to achieve buy-in from the knowledge workers and managers the technology is intended to empower

    22. Vendors should be ready and willing assist with the buy-in process by participating in an official kickoff event and by providing management and knowledge workers with additional information

    23. It’s tempting to oversell a solution to achieve buy-in, but the downside is that the users may have unrealistic expectations that the Knowledge Management system will never meet

    24. And, since a supposed buy-in of twenty-five thousand dollars was in order, the deputy warden supposedly had to have taken the cash out of his personal checking account using his debit card, and that’s how the high-stakes gambling proceeds ended up in his personal account

    25. Corporate actions, buy-ins, dividends, rolls in futures, interest rates in forex accounts, currency conversions for assets held on foreign exchanges, and options assignments can all cause issues, so develop an obsessive habit of checking statements and records after any of these events

    26. His columns in the Washington Times had been an early and insistent voice for US military intervention in Darfur, with or without UN Security Council buy-in

    27. On an overall basis, buy-ins have the following relative advantages for stockholders:

    28. If, as is frequently the case, buy-ins are at a price below the value based on corporate reality, the per-share corporate reality value of the shares not bought in is enhanced

    29. Where the price of the stock can be a tool to be used by the company in, say, future acquisitions, buy-ins can result in a more favorable price for shares that remain outstanding than would otherwise be the case

    30. First and foremost, if the buy-ins are of massive size, investors may be forced out of a company altogether, at a price that may be very low compared with corporate reality, even though such a price could be at a substantial premium over market

    31. Even if not forced out, they would find that the shares remaining after a buy-in may have only very limited marketability, since buy-ins are usually only a sometime, irregular source of cash to stockholders, whereas dividends can be counted on as a regular, continuing source of cash receipts

    32. And public stockholders understand dividends, but there is something remote and mysterious about buy-ins

    33. Buy-ins also bring certain other relative disadvantages to corporations, even to those that unquestionably have surplus cash and no better use of it than to repurchase shares selling at prices that are attractive relative to corporate reality:

    34. We stress that buy-ins are a legitimate use of corporate cash

    35. As a practical matter, buy-ins are likely to remain a limited activity simply because for most corporations, no matter how attractively priced their managements think their stock is, share repurchases are impractical—the company lacks either the liquidity or the legal authority to repurchase or retire shares

    36. In most cases, though, companies will lack enough cash or borrowing power to undertake meaningful buy-in programs

    37. However, the buy-in program conducted by IBM Corporation that commenced in 1977 and has continued, gave buy-ins a new cachet and respectability that was lacking previously

    38. One of the main advantages of a business that has values is that it creates buy-in from employees by giving them a form of ownership in the business, which increases the chances of successful execution

    39. In this scenario we establish a long position in the FTSE 100 index at 5100, and place a trailing stop order to sell at a distance of 200 points below our buy-in price

    40. In this example the price never falls back quite far enough to trigger the stop order, and by the end of the chart we are assured a profit of almost 300 points above our original buy-in price

    41. Place a limit order to buy just above the support level, to buy-in towards the bottom of the trading range

    42. Between the buy-in level of 825 and the sell-out level of 1350 she has secured a profit of almost 64% – all of which she would have lost in the course of the following year

    43. But I did apply a stop loss order at my original buy-in price of 62p, so as to hopefully eliminate any potential loss – providing the stop-loss was to execute at the specified price

    44. On the other hand, the real risk of DCA is that your entire buy-in period may occur during a powerful bull market, which may be immediately followed by a prolonged drop in prices

    45. Rumors flew about buy-ins and harassment of stock lenders by AMCC to stop lending stock

    46. And all of it was there for the reading in the June 1986 convertible prospectus, long before the precipitous decline in the stock price began in October 1986-and not a short squeeze or buy-in in the whole saga

    47. In the stock market in the early 1990s, a short position in excess of 15 percent of the float seemed to have generated buy-ins

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