Knume had probably spent half the sleep down at Myimpaden complaining about Valla or campaigning for the lumber party
The people have been campaigning for a complete return to Earth and these miners think they can go against
This, however, did not stop my children from campaigning for a puppy
It was only now that he realised the truth about what he had been campaigning against
Thoughtful Americans felt a thrill of pity when they saw the unkempt and emaciated insurgents, who had steadfastly endured three years' campaigning
On many issues Wallace was amazingly brave and before his time, such as campaigning in the deep south with Black candidates and refusing to speak to segregated audiences
He laughed and agreed that it was worth all the misery of thirty years of campaigning in the Khanate of the Green Mist
Both of them had been on campaign in the Khanate of the Green Mist for four years where they earned their promotions, had returned home, and wandered about for couple of years, ran into each other and decided to try campaigning in the Khanate of the Clouds, since they had heard rumors that the next campaign would be against a great empire, instead of the endless small tribes in the Green Mist
“Yes, it is, almost full strength after two years of campaigning
When we camped, we talked about hunting, campaigning, the weather—everything except why they were taking me to the Khakhan
They would have to send their young men to be trained, but campaigning was never required
they were campaigning in that town
Necowee—Ani’ Yun’-wiya (Cherokee) brother of Ghigooe, who tells Karl about campaigning in The Clouds
the concept that campaigning is more important than government
In the process of trolling for votes, campaigning on “soak the rich” plays well
AN INTERVIEW WITH ROSE KENNEDY It was my father’s idea to interview Rose Kennedy when she swung through Chapel Hill, campaigning for her son
“You want an exposure without being accused of electioneering or premature campaigning
the extortion of loot, favours, values or special treatment from one section of the population to be given to the campaigning minority
Instantly, as if I had said that he would be buried alive in the depths of an Aztec pyramid, without bread or water for three hundred years, he erupted in pleading with the same vehemence of a campaigning politician and prostrating at my feet as an animal crawling, he begged me:
Civil Society organizations have been actively campaigning to combat climate change
There was great excitement in the household and the local Irish community in the run up to the election, with Bridget campaigning vigorously on the doorsteps and through a megaphone in Sean’s car
She made it her priority to bring these facts that she learned on the doorsteps of Slough while campaigning before council meetings and resolve the issue as best she could
election year and he was out campaigning
Senator Smith was campaigning in Baltimore and stayed overnight at a hotel in the city on the evening of the murder
Candidates for federal positions in congress or justice or the white house need to complete a detailed position statement, maybe 5-15 pages on the average, to identify and lock in their position on all key issues before campaigning
The fact that Germany was a republic at the time allowed Hitler to continue campaigning
What luck that she had been campaigning in Cincinnati that day
‘’Very well! Right now, I am busy campaigning against the traitor, Pepin of Aquitaine, and his partisans in Aquitaine, thus will have to deal with that situation later
This will give the candidates time to do their campaigning
Modi had been relentlessly campaigning that day across Bihar and Bengal, and had addressed half a dozen rallies
Campaigning had ended in 121 seats in twelve states, but Modi knew the interview would be carried across all the channels which subscribed to the agency just ahead of the polling
I remember meeting a few Delhi-based social activists who were campaigning against Modi
This was quintessential ‘shock and awe’ campaigning, Modi-style
But in the rush of the last phase of campaigning, it seemed he had no time for even a short conversation
Her abhorrence of apartheid and her campaigning for its removal earned her the respect of black African leaders and the contempt of the white minority government as she threw herself into the movement against apartheid and, especially, the promotion of the
While all the signs were building up into an inescapable picture of the cataclysm to come, he’d been campaigning
The man is almost sixty and still campaigning
Over twenty years campaigning had taken a toll on his health
But now the buildings were built and the settlers were settled, and Jacob feared the start of a new campaigning season would soon be upon them
In the last three years it had intensified not only its campaigning, but its violence had become more brutal and frequent
early in 1994, he started campaigning for the general election
political fundraisers, and campaigning against the Labor candidate
campaigning that they barely spoke
On November 22, 1963, while campaigning in Dallas, Texas,
“All winter, he’s staying for the campaigning season with Uthyr
And as was proper, he had Ambrosius’ old campaigning tent with him, his praetorium, and the men to erect it
“Ambrosius’ old campaigning table!” and he went over to it, ran a hand over the top and gave a sigh
with any major party and running as an Independent, not campaigning, and taking a
If he had, and if he had discovered the truth: that the unseen things communicating with him are the very source of evil which he is campaigning against: not the greatest boon of mankind: they would never have let him on the air
human rights listed above (in which case they should be campaigning
from one section of the population to be given to the campaigning
You of the rude campaigning, (which we shared,)
My meaning may be learned from Homer; he, you know, feeds his heroes at their feasts, when they are campaigning, on soldiers' fare; they have no fish, although they are on the shores of the Hellespont, and they are not allowed boiled meats but only roast, which is the food most convenient for soldiers, requiring only that they should light a fire, and not involving the trouble of carrying about pots and pans
When not campaigning, her husband is usually ensconced in his study
Out of respect for the fifty-two captives, Carter has done little campaigning for reelection
Ronald Reagan endorsed the candidacy of his former vice president but did very little campaigning on his behalf
Ford also sowed seeds of discontent among Reagan backers by inviting influential delegates to the White House, campaigning for delegates seeking political office, and allowing key delegates to be seen with him at important celebrations, such as the 1976 U
) I have spent many years campaigning against the abuse of human rights, and I do so admire what you are trying to achieve, but you are a child yourself, Miss Mackenzie, and I cannot in good conscience stand by and see you take this project to fruition
This applies, most dramatically, to 1972 when he was campaigning for reelection
“In campaigning for the United States Senate in California in 1950, in campaigning for the House of Representatives in 1946, I never once mentioned the word, ‘Republican
What should the President’s posture be from the Republican Convention to the election? When should he start campaigning? How much travel should he do, where should he go, what type of activities should he engage in?
Following the Republican Convention in August and taking full cognizance of events between the Democratic and Republican Conventions, I think the President should pursue a strategy totally consistent with that of a self-confident, competent statesman who is above frantic political campaigning
In six weeks of campaigning many of those had fallen, and others had deserted, to find their way home with their saddlebags full of gold
I had run up a substantial debt campaigning, which I knew he could help me pay off by sponsoring a couple of big fund-raising events
Because I did not have a strong opponent coming into the 1996 election, I decided to spend time on the road to help the Democratic Party win back the House, campaigning and raising money for thirty-five different candidates across the country
(When asked about the difference between campaigning for me and for my dad, she reportedly shot back, “Patrick says thank you
We were all trying to do whatever it took to get Al Gore elected and hold the White House; I had been dragging President Clinton to so many events over the summer that he said, only half-jokingly, that he was campaigning harder that year than he ever had for his own presidency (of course, he was also campaigning for Hillary for Senate)
“Of course you aren’t, but Vicar Allayn tells me that between a quarter and a third of Bishop Militant Bahrnabai’s older rifles should have been converted by the time the weather makes campaigning possible again
greybeards rode by the side of lean dark youths, marked by all the hardships of campaigning, with strips of raw beef twined round the crowns of their hats, and huge iron spurs fastened to their naked heels
For that matter, they’d just experienced the difficulty of moving a force barely six percent that size along the Holy Langhorne when it was frozen, so what happened when winter closed the brief northern campaigning season once more in October?
You may have observed the previous winter that campaigning is far easier closer to the equator, and the heretics have secure communications which would allow them to pull as many of those half-million men as they want back from Westmarch and ship them by water to Thesmar
Davis is out there campaigning on the front steps and you’re—”
Environmental groups started campaigning in the 1960s and 1970s to save endangered animal species, but by the 1980s they were turning their attention to the appalling damage being created by industrial pollution
Women were active in all the nationalist and revolutionary groups, and in Western countries they were actively campaigning for the right to vote
That disaster helped spearhead a major youth movement campaigning against nuclear power in the 1980s
The day after Rostov had been to see Boris, a review was held of the Austrian and Russian troops, both those freshly arrived from Russia and those who had been campaigning under Kutuzov
When campaigning, Rostov allowed himself the indulgence of riding not a regimental but a Cossack horse
Only a man who has experienced it- that is, has passed some months continuously in an atmosphere of campaigning and war-can understand the delight Nicholas felt when he escaped from the region covered by the army’s foraging operations, provision trains, and hospitals
“Was he perhaps misled by his experience of campaigning in Poland, where the winter is no more severe than in France? Was he deceived by those sunny October days, which surprised even the Russians themselves? What midsummer madness was it that scattered the wits of Napoleon and his army? What mist was it that obscured their vision? What was the resource on which they counted? Even if all heads were turned by the notion of concluding a treaty of peace within the walls of Moscow, they had still in any case to march back again
The day after Rostóv had been to see Borís, a review was held of the Austrian and Russian troops, both those freshly arrived from Russia and those who had been campaigning under Kutúzov
When campaigning, Rostóv allowed himself the indulgence of riding not a regimental but a Cossack horse
Only a man who has experienced it—that is, has passed some months continuously in an atmosphere of campaigning and war—can understand the delight Nicholas felt when he escaped from the region covered by the army’s foraging operations, provision trains, and hospitals