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    Verwenden Sie „canard“ in einem Satz

    canard Beispielsätze


    1. Slowing down, he kept the nose high, in high-alpha flight, with the canard fore-planes grappling and wrestling with the air

    2. When Gautam protested and demanded to know who had spread that canard, Vivek suffered no qualms in naming Manian

    3. Overall, the XF-83 looked quite similar to what the future F-22 had looked in Nancy’s time, except maybe for its canard surfaces and its lack of stealth features

    4. He was also monitoring the position settings of their forward canard surfaces, which could move slightly forward or aft on internal rails in order to keep the aircraft trimmed for level flight despite the changes to the center of lift of their wings caused by their passage through the transonic flight domain, as well as monitoring the positioning of the movable sections of their engines air inlets

    5. Canard: A small winglet, mounted on the forward area of an aircrafts fuselage, in the opposite location (in front of the wing) to where horizontal tail fins or elevators, are typically located

    6. A canard can control or alter the aircrafts direction or angle of rise or fall without removing lift, in fact quite the opposite, they have an additive effect

    7. "What's a canard?" said Twoflower

    8. Instead of resigning to protest “the whole canard of journalistic objectivity,” as he liked to claim, Zig had been fired for fabricating stories, and some combination of that secret and a subsequent fistfight in which he’d broken Richard’s nose had caused the rift between them

    9. This ugly canard was quashed, but not before Alexander Pape suffered a comedown among the cognoscenti

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