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    Verwenden Sie „caning“ in einem Satz

    caning Beispielsätze


    1. “You liar,” said he, still shivering, “You are afraid that the kid would start caning you, isn’t it?”

    2. He felt like giving the car a bit of a caning but didn’t want to until it was properly run in

    3. fourteen years, with or without caning

    4. imprisonment for two years, with or without caning

    5. and shall also be punished with caning with not less than

    6. caning of one hundred lashes and in addition, two years

    7. But what most impressed the gathering was the story of the caning and his skill in sabotaging the teacher’s car

    8. The Leprechauns got a nice cheer when they fi nally ran around Lloyd, who was still caning the paper

    9. The stems of sugar cane plants are so rigid that they have been used since time immemorial to build thatch houses with and as punishment rods to beat slaves, women and children with… The practice of caning servants or children still exists today in some parts of the world

    10. Beresford called it but the modern God's Englishman calls it caning on the breech

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