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    Verwenden Sie „canonized“ in einem Satz

    canonized Beispielsätze


    1. Canonized, raised to the rank of founder in

    2. - And why he has canonized then?

    3. When the time comes for me to be canonized though you should mention that I did once try to become a priest, which should score me some brownie points

    4. of Scripture which were canonized

    5. Why would he have felt the need to include this advisory within his writings? He was born a scant thirty years after the Council of Nicaea had canonized the works chosen from the many that purported to truthfully convey the Christian message

    6. One last point: should he be canonized? I have learnt that moves are afoot at the United Nations to confer on him the title ‘World hero of Social justice

    7. I know you are both canonized saints and I am far from that

    8. Moreover, in 325 the first Nicene ecumenical council, under the direction of the emperor Constantine, selected and canonized the four Gospels included in the New Testament out of numerous versions, with the purpose of strengthening the Church and personal authority

    9. Why thy canonized bones, hearsed in death,

    10. Insights, The—the recorded pronouncements and observations of the Church of God Awaiting’s Grand Vicars and canonized saints

    11. His order has produced forty popes, two hundred cardinals, fifty patriarchs, sixteen hundred archbishops, four thousand six hundred bishops, four emperors, twelve empresses, forty-six kings, forty-one queens, three thousand six hundred canonized saints, and has been in existence for fourteen hundred years

    12. And the Pope has gone home to the Vatican, having canonized in his lifetime 463 saints

    13. Had you descended from the Pequod's try-works to the Pequod's forecastle, where the off duty watch were sleeping, for one single moment you would have almost thought you were standing in some illuminated shrine of canonized kings and counsellors

    14. Thomas à Becket, the martyr of the principle of ecclesiastical supremacy, whose slaughter at the high altar of Canterbury Cathedral occurred in 1170, and who was canonized in 1173

    15. William had invaded those parts of the north of England which were previously held in a species of feudality by the Kings of Scotland, and was disgracefully defeated at Alnwick, and committed to captivity, just at the time when the English monarch, whose forces accomplished the victory and capture, was enduring his humiliating penance at the tomb of the canonized archbishop

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    Synonyme für "canonized"

    canonised canonized glorified