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    1. “He is probably so dazzled by my report that he"s speechless! He"s probably worried that I"ll end up being promoted to HIS job! Maybe he realizes now that he can"t afford to pay me the millions of dollars a year that I"m worth

    2. Your decision is yours alone! I can"t or won"t help you with this one

    3. “You don"t say? It can"t be! Why, she"s an old woman!” Their exclamations told me they weren"t sure if they should believe me or not

    4. “That can"t be, my dear

    5. “You can"t control these events

    6. “But I can"t do that

    7. “I can"t believe that brother of mine!” Her irritation was visible

    8. “Joseph isn"t the only reason I can"t let myself cry aloud, Ruth

    9. I can"t intrude on their celebration

    10. “I can"t make noises, Ruth

    11. “I can"t wait,” I said, my impatience showing

    12. “Poor Matthew can"t pick up a tool without bruising, or cutting his hand or something even more dramatic

    13. “It"s because the Priests can"t use wormy wood in the altar fires

    14. “Are they the ones who can"t drink wine?”

    15. They can"t even go near a grape vine or eat a grape

    16. “I can"t explain Alexandria to you

    17. “I don"t know why that angel can"t come see me in the day time

    18. “Fuck off you Turkish bastard’s cant you even let us swim in peace on our day off

    19. “I can"t think of a thing that is more special than your spending a little money to make much more

    20. “That can"t be

    21. “They can"t eat the skin or even the seed of the grape

    22. “He"s the one who had an injury years ago and can"t walk, isn"t he?”

    23. “Come on lad lets get you a seat with that bad leg of yours we cant have our heroes standing up can we”, and she sat me down by the fire and sat next to me

    24. “I am sorry about that lad what must you think and me using language like a docker but I just cant stand blokes like that they make my blood boil

    25. “Are you sure I cant get you anything Billy Boy after all you need to keep your strength up?” I replied

    26. “I cant complain really I will come downstairs after and make your tea I know you will like that I will find something nice for your tea because you’re a good lad Billy Boy

    27. “Yes I know and I know you don’t have the same feelings for me but I cant help the way that I feel you must believe that

    28. “As long as you understand that nothing can happen between us and that I cant love you in that way then its alright I suppose I should be flattered and I will always love you like a brother

    29. “Just leave them to it we cant kill all of them there must be a thousand of the buggers in here and more of their relatives arriving by the minute

    30. “Helen I cant believe that I am holding you there have been times when I never thought I would see you again but this makes up for all of them

    31. “You listen to me Elijah Mack and I wont be saying this again I don’t care what you look like or that you cant see as long as I have you safe back here and that’s what the children think as well

    32. “Just a moment you two heroes we know you cant wait to see your mates but listen to what I’m saying Bert and Mabel are stopping here tonight

    33. Later on Bert and Mabel went back to his house we would have gone with them only his father had gone to look after a sick uncle so Helen and I went to the ‘Electric Palace’ which was a moving picture house and was the only one left open in town I cant remember what we saw but there was some newsreels of the war which I found quite interesting if a bit false and staged

    34. “Oh so I se you got rid of him well I cant say as I blame you I mean trying to get his hand between your legs that would put you off but was that the only reason?” I gave her my best integrating smile when I had first started she looked a bit mad but now a grin came to her face as she replied

    35. “Then I will wait out here I cant leave her in her hour of need”, and I looked down at the carpet close to tears

    36. “I know all that but I’m mortified that he would plan and rape Rosie because of me I just cant grasp such evil

    37. “Good because I’m not sorry about anything that’s happened neither am I ashamed of what we have done and I cant wait for you to be my husband

    38. “Find these shirkers something to do Sgt Kenny we cant have them lounging around the trench like a lot of Parisian whores

    39. I can"t help wondering whether he said that consistently

    40. “Come on old son you cant expect us to swallow that she chose you at random from all the soldiers in there you must know her

    41. I can"t help wondering just what he would have put into his cod piece, if he in fact wore one

    42. One can"t help wondering why they are looked down upon by the majority of America"s liberal so-called intellectuals

    43. If the Congress can"t touch the free exercise of religion, neither can the courts

    44. One can"t help wondering how large his own carbon footprint is, considering the gas-guzzling SUV he drives, as well as his not infrequent flights on private jets

    45. Can"t help wondering whether they were more at odds than the Montagus and Capulets

    46. You say you can"t stand it? Then try turning off the stove rather than leaving the kitchen

    47. As Thomas Wolfe reminds us: „You can"t go home again

    48. Then low and behold a lone German lad bumps into me don’t ask me what he was doing out there because I don’t know but you cant look a gift horse in the mouth can you?” He shook his head laughing at the memory and said

    49. I can"t help wondering why, at just about the time in the 1860"s of the unification of Italy, with the resultant loss, to the Papacy, of the Papal States, the decision was made to portray Mary as having been conceived blameless for original sin

    50. “Its to deep to do any real damage but it will have blocked it enough to trap them down there and if they cant dig themselves out then so much the better”, an evil smile lit up his face as he told them this

    1. I screamed as the bath canted over and I was left suspended by the most delicate part of my anatomy

    2. A very loud, very ominous crack suddenly rent the air as the gable end of the house disintegrated, causing a large section of the roof to slip forward, where it canted over, then broke away

    3. He canted his head to the

    4. At first Fairchild thought the napalm can had somehow hung up on the ejector rack, and was making his F-100 fly canted

    5. “As you most likely have already seen, Moshe”—his canted head directed Moshe's eyes

    6. a Colonial farmer, but his neck was canted at a funny angle, as if he’d been

    7. Some had canted against their neighbours; others had fallen and lay flat

    8. canted upward at a crazy angle, and seemed to be off its carriage

    9. She spins around again to run out the back door but he’s already standing there, his head canted forward, a scowl between his brow

    10. She was a minute speck in a cold blue sky as she passed between the towering triplet of alps, and once through she canted her wings to begin a soaring descent, her heavy respiration gradually calming back to normal

    11. meaning they need to canted one way or the other

    12. thing, if you have them canted wrong at all, it is probably better to

    13. have the upper boots canted out a hair too much rather than canted

    14. could be canted out to far; if you keep doing the splits, your legs

    15. could be canted in too far

    16. I followed Captain Nemo, who, via one of the doors cut into the lounge's canted corners, led me back down the ship's gangways

    17. Crossing through the lounge, I arrived at the door, contrived in one of the canted corners, that opened into the captain's stateroom

    18. By the time she got home from work, the last sun would be bleeding off the horizon beyond the World Trade Center, and just before she pulled the blinds, the canted bowl of the harbor would appear to her as a sheet of lead, broken only by the lights of a slow-moving ferry

    19. He had a knife raised high in one hand, canted in my direction

    20. I picked out a spot midway between the old fireplace and a towering oak tree that canted toward the farmhouse

    21. The man Rob believed—hoped, anyway—to be Karyl Bogomirskiy canted his head right

    22. Nor is it, altogether, the remembrance of her cathedral-toppling earthquakes; nor the stampedoes of her frantic seas; nor the tearlessness of arid skies that never rain; nor the sight of her wide field of leaning spires, wrenched cope-stones, and crosses all adroop (like canted yards of anchored fleets); and her suburban avenues of house-walls lying over upon each other, as a tossed pack of cards;—it is not these things alone which make tearless Lima, the strangest, saddest city thou can'st see

    23. A continual cascade played at the bows; a ceaseless whirling eddy in her wake; and, at the slightest motion from within, even but of a little finger, the vibrating, cracking craft canted over her spasmodic gunwale into the sea

    24. As both steel and curse sank to the socket, as if sucked into a morass, Moby Dick sideways writhed; spasmodically rolled his nigh flank against the bow, and, without staving a hole in it, so suddenly canted the boat over, that had it not been for the elevated part of the gunwale to which he then clung, Ahab would once more have been tossed into the sea

    25. Then he canted over to port and reached down into his pocket

    26. “Oh, do be careful, Arch!” cried Lucy, for the ponderous machine ground through the soft bank that hemmed in the road on that side, and canted dangerously for a second or two

    1. stern of the boat – canting the deck violently to port, then starboard

    2. favoured, he effected at once, by canting up my thighs over his naked

    3. my head down on the edge of it, and, with the other canting up my

    4. Dost envy Darby Dullman there with his Joan? A canting jay and a rheumeyed curdog is all their progeny

    5. Straining me then close to his bosom, as he stood up foreright against me, and applying to the obvious niche its peculiar idol, he aimed at inserting it, which, as I forwardly favoured, he effected at once, by canting up my thighs over his naked hips, and made me receive every inch, and close home;

    6. I straddled, I humoured my posture, and did my best in short to buckle to it; I took part of it in, but still things did not go to his thorough liking; changing them in a trice his system of battery, he leads me to the table and with a master-hand lays my head down on the edge of it, and, with the other canting up my petticoats and shift, bares my naked posteriors to his blind and furious guide; it forces its way between them, and I feeling pretty sensibly that it was not going by the right door, and knocking desperately at the wrong one, I told him of it:—"Pooh!" says he, "my dear, any port in a storm

    7. Considering that statistics had not yet embraced a calculation as to the number of ignorant or canting doctors which absolutely must exist in the teeth of all changes, it seemed to Lydgate that a change in the units was the most direct mode of changing the numbers

    8. As to Christian or unchristian, I repudiate your canting palavering Christianity; and as to the way in which I spend my income, it is not my principle to maintain thieves and cheat offspring of their due inheritance in order to support religion and set myself up as a saintly Killjoy

    9. Out of the cabin, ye canting, drab-coloured son of a wooden gun—a straight wake with ye!"

    10. Suspicious? The instant the idea was fairly before my mind, I knew I had let his canting fool me once more

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    Synonyme für "cant"

    bevel cant chamfer buzzword pious platitude argot jargon lingo patois slang vernacular bank camber cant over pitch slant tilt deceit show hypocrisy pomposity empty talk dishonesty pretence