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    canvassing Beispielsätze


    1. Fizzicist, said to my Mum he didn't approve of people canvassing for votes

    2. canvassing board to throw out 44 U

    3. interested in canvassing, and watched him carefully

    4. As for the man that Gianni and Jill visited, in the disguise of canvassing Jehovah's Witnesses, well, it turned out that he was big, also

    5. Yet in spite of the high caliber canvassing and the focused presentation, Global had no takers from among the front-runners

    6. They picketed party meetings and disrupted canvassing activity during election campaigns, but their membership did not improve, and support started to dwindle

    7. Then one day an activist from the Labour party who was canvassing door to door before the last general election was abducted on his way home

    8. The study could be too limited by only canvassing people with cancer

    9. He called Ruddy Montana, and asked him to send his best 100 agents out into the field immediately to begin canvassing every house within the cordon, starting with the houses closest to the bomb site

    10. And yet, when we were filming with BJP–RSS workers out canvassing on a door-to-door campaign, we heard the chant repeatedly

    11. Nick’s men, during a preliminary canvassing of the caverns directly beneath Kathy and Annie’s property, which they’d done in order to secure these premises from future invasions, found some diaries and journals down there, along with an extensive amount of surveillance and listening devices, which indicate that the demented reverend is most likely responsible for these crimes, as well

    12. They began canvassing the streets searching for anyone who saw the officer or the priestess

    13. He did some samples of showcard and window tickets and endeavoured to get some orders by canvassing the shops in the town, but this was also a failure, for these people generally had a ticket-writer to whom they usually gave their work

    14. Generally, after a day's canvassing, he returned home unsuccessful and faint with hunger and fatigue

    15. Once, when there was a bitterly cold east wind blowing, he was out on one of these canvassing expeditions and contracted a severe cold: his chest became so bad that he found it almost impossible to speak, because the effort to do so often brought on a violent fit of coughing

    16. Canvassing for death

    17. He does some canvassing for ads

    18. He does canvassing for the

    19. They had been canvassing schools all morning and it was now almost two in the afternoon

    20. She spent a couple days canvassing for Greenpeace, but found it hard to knock on doors knowing they’d be slammed in her face

    21. Brooke in the lurch when he needed "coaching" for the election, and when there was so much canvassing, direct and indirect, to be carried on

    22. Brooke on this occasion abstained from boasting of his tactics to Ladislaw, who for his part was glad enough to persuade himself that he had no concern with any canvassing except the purely argumentative sort, and that he worked no meaner engine than knowledge

    23. Deputations without and voices within had concurred in inducing that philanthropist to take a stronger measure than usual for the good of mankind; namely, to withdraw in favor of another candidate, to whom he left the advantages of his canvassing machinery

    24. “I want all of you canvassing around that shop until you get somewhere or someone

    25. The four of us, along with another team from Robbery, worked the streets adjacent to the mercado, canvassing dives and whorehouses and apartments in the area

    26. Canvassing area wine shops, Jacobi’s team had unearthed a few names, nothing more

    27. “Hell no,” Sandy said, thinking of the door-to-door canvassing that had been going on because of the heated school board elections

    28. At home in DC, I’d start by canvassing

    29. I signed up with crime-scene attendance and immediately ordered a canvassing detail to start knocking on doors

    30. FOR THE SECOND DAY of canvassing at homeless shelters, I did what I already should have and pulled in more of my team, including Sampson

    31. I had no intention, sir, of canvassing very strictly this report

    32. I would not have submitted to the task of canvassing it, if gentlemen had not thrown the gauntlet with the air of sturdy defiance

    33. But nevertheless the answer to an address, although that answer might finally contain the most exceptionable passages, was in fact the greatest opportunity which the opposition to the measures of the administration had of canvassing and sifting its measures; and, in my mind, whatever goes to take away this opportunity, goes so far to narrow down the rights of the minority or opposition, commonly so called, and in fact to enlarge the rights of the majority and the administration party so called; and I beg leave not to be understood as speaking of the state of parties at this time, but of that which has always existed

    34. This opportunity of discussion of the answer to an address, however exceptionable the address might be when it had received the last seasoning for the Presidential palate, did afford the best opportunity to take a review of the measures of the administration, to canvass them fully and fairly, without there being any question raised whether the gentlemen were in order or not; and I believe the time spent in canvassing the answer to a speech was at least as well spent as a great deal that we have expended since we discontinued the practice

    35. That people are much addicted to think for themselves, and in canvassing the propriety of such an invasion, they will consider the actual condition of those colonies, their natural relations to us, and the effect which their conquest and ruin will have, not only upon the people of those colonies, but upon themselves, and their own liberties and constitution

    36. an answer to the address was in fact the greatest opportunity which the opposition to the measures of the administration had of sifting and canvassing those measures, 127;

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