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    carefully chosen Beispielsätze

    carefully chosen

    1. Hearing the third ring Maggie fully expects the carefully chosen words of the voicemail lady to lay down the usual barriers to direct communication, but Maggie's rattling train of thought is rudely derailed by a male voice

    2. She’d carefully chosen a spot that wasn't as wide as the rest

    3. She finally said with carefully chosen

    4. They are not random, they are carefully chosen to test the speed and mobility of the enemy, as they constantly have to move to adapt

    5. been carefully chosen for the way they used oxygen

    6. His hideout was carefully chosen and gave him a clear view of the path where it went over some rocks down a slight incline

    7. “I hear he’s possessed,” the old lady with a half bag of carefully chosen apples added

    8. disrobing that Laura prolonged with carefully chosen delays

    9. will be carefully chosen

    10. Their experiences have been as carefully chosen for them by their ‗Infinite I‘ as yours have been for you

    11. ‘Initially, sufficient new cities will be created to house governments, the civil service, the military, economic institutions, the scientific community, vital industries and carefully chosen citizens to provide the necessary personnel to complete a balanced population in each city

    12. “I could say anything in my most sincere voice and with my most carefully chosen words and I doubt you would believe me

    13. Using high energy electrical pulses tuned to certain carefully chosen frequencies, it would destroy higher level electronics while leaving lower level electronics intact

    14. prints from the handle of the knife he used – a knife he had carefully chosen for

    15. enable him – and a handful of carefully chosen associates – to rewrite the book on self-defense

    16. While the older, much noisier MING and ROMEO-Class boats were on their way to form a patrol line east and north of the Diaoyus and would send warning of any Japanese ship approaching the archipelago, the twelve newer and more quiet submarines were going to take ambush positions at carefully chosen locations

    17. She wore rugged footwear, ideal for rough terrain and climbing, and carried a small leather bag across her body, its contents carefully chosen for the mission

    18. Carefully chosen testimonials can be very effective in convincing prospects to try the affiliate product, service or membership

    19. Inacio crouch-walked softly along a carefully chosen path

    20. Having said all that, here are a few, carefully chosen sites that you might want to consider

    21. Do you, then, want to be pitied? I will pity you if you like, in so many carefully chosen words; but they will not be words from the heart but only, as the charming little child in the flat below us, the child with the flaunting yellow hair and audacious eyes, said of some speech that didn't ring true to her quick ears, 'from the tip of the nose

    22. When she was quite hot she would sit down in a carefully chosen spot where, if possible, a deciduous tree, a maple or a bird cherry, splashed its vivid green exquisitely against the peculiar misty bloom of pink and grey that hung about the pine trunks, a tree that looked quite little down among these giants, hardly as if it reached to their knees, and yet when she stood under it it was almost as big as the lime-trees in the Kökensee garden

    23. Who would not be galled by the discovery that he has become a background? Who would have supposed that she who in Kökensee thought him so wonderful, so clearly realised who he was, who walked with him there in the rye-fields and offered him every sort of incense that sweet words could invent, would, let loose in Italy, take the background he had so carefully chosen for his lovemaking and hug it to her heart and be absorbed in it and adore it beyond reason, and that he himself would turn into the background--incredible as it seemed, into just the background of his ownbackground?

    24. When she spoke it was with soft, carefully chosen words

    25. When he did it was in a low voice and his words were carefully chosen, if they did somewhat resemble a rehearsed script

    26. no harm in them if they are carefully chosen

    27. now – or have ever had and will ever have – has been carefully chosen and created for

    28. I also know the experience they're having has been carefully chosen for

    29. The location of the detonation – on the side of the Washington Monument facing toward the Mall – was carefully chosen

    30. wet-weather clothes, whip carefully chosen,

    31. oh god, no…no trust? Better for all of us?’ His eyes looked past the letter and there, on the wooden floor, was the wedding ring he had so carefully chosen all those years ago, for the woman he loved

    32. He smiled and said, “Pretty close, but not just any girl will do, you know? You were carefully chosen

    33. As the guests assembled in the room which my father, without self-consciousness, called 'the Gallery', it was plain to me that they had been carefully chosen for my discomfort

    34. This last part of your life, the part with Alzheimer’s, and this end that you’ve carefully chosen, is tragic, but you did not live a tragic life

    35. ) Though every trade on this chart would have resulted in a win, there are a few points to consider: First, and obviously, you should be inherently suspicious of any carefully chosen example in a book

    36. Any of these stops will work well in strongly trending markets, but there is an important point here—anything will work well on carefully chosen examples in strongly trending markets

    37. These are a handful of isolated examples, but they have been carefully chosen and provide a good foundation for learning these patterns

    38. Paradoxically, though it is important for traders to spend time studying the market and its patterns, studying carefully chosen trade examples can actually be counterproductive; too many traders waste time trying to figure out how to reproduce the 1-in-10,000 trade

    39. It is reckoned to be a mixture of ignorance (they have not been following the share’s performance), sentimental attachment to a carefully chosen share, and a sort of inertia that suggests hanging on for just another day or so in case it bounces back

    40. I had carefully chosen the most recent issues that carried sensational stories of lynchings on their front pages

    41. It will be seen that all these men were carefully chosen

    42. Most people with $20,000 to $200,000 to invest should consider limiting themselves to four or five carefully chosen stocks they know and understand

    43. I heard afterwards the mamma of the interesting child, deeply touched, beg Yulian Mastakovitch, in carefully chosen phrases, to do her the special honour of bestowing upon them the precious gift of his acquaintance, and heard with what unaffected delight Yulian Mastakovitch accepted the invitation, and how afterwards the guests, dispersing in different directions, moving away with the greatest propriety, poured out to one another the most touchingly flattering comments upon the contractor, his wife, his little girl, and, above all, upon Yulian Mastakovitch

    44. If the food for the body and the various bodily exercises are carefully chosen both as regards their quantity and their quality, in conformity with the man's growth, so much more cautious have we to be in the choice of food and exercises for the mind

    45. Only the highest quality beans, carefully chosen, are used

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