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    carting Beispielsätze


    1. He gave up questioning and turned to small talk about carting luggage around while traveling and his favorite means of travel

    2. Some were carting in great armloads of flowers

    3. He began carting stones to the center of the mountain

    4. It was a relief knowing the police wouldn't be carting her

    5. When he realised Jarek was carting all his worldly possessions around in the back of his ute, he offered to store them; an offer too good to refuse

    6. He saw the naked stranger carting his lifeless wife off into the

    7. The priest was carting the coffin with his right hand in front and his left hand

    8. Henrietta explained what was going on to her friends, as this took place, and told them the bomb squad was carting the explosive device to a more secure location, where it could be detonated safely, for even though it had been diffused, it still needed to be dismantled

    9. He used to sit in the early morning on my special seats in the garden, and strictly meditate the thankless muse when he ought to have been carting manure; and he made his fellow-apprentices unspeakably wretched by shouting extracts from Schiller at them across the intervening gooseberry bushes

    10. I was running around madly, carting my heavy hand luggage with me

    11. And if he was already dead, I couldn't bear the thought of the law swarming all over the place, carting his body off, pestering Zee and the children

    12. He had a good tenor voice, and he loved to learn all the songs his friend could teach him, so that he could sing whilst he was carting

    13. pillory, carting, and the whole process of that nature

    14. Jesus, I had to laugh at the way he came out with that about the old one with the winkers on her, blind drunk in her royal palace every night of God, old Vic, with her jorum of mountain dew and her coachman carting her up body and bones to roll into bed and she pulling him by the whiskers and singing him old bits of songs about Ehren on the Rhine and come where the boose is cheaper

    15. Godwyn said: “You can begin carting stones from the quarry tomorrow – but I suppose it’s too late to get much building done before the winter frosts

    16. The wagons were to begin carting manure earlier, so as to get all done before the early mowing

    17. But Konstantin Levin found it dull sitting and listening to him, especially when he knew that while he was away they would be carting dung onto the fields not ploughed ready for it, and heaping it all up anyhow; and would not screw the shares in the ploughs, but would let them come off and then say that the new ploughs were a silly invention, and there was nothing like the old Andreevna plough, and so on

    18. Now, in our own day, we landowners in the serf times used various improvements in our husbandry: drying machines and thrashing machines, and carting manure and all the modern implements—all that we brought into use by our authority, and the peasants opposed it at first, and ended by imitating us

    19. ‘That peasant near Mozhaysk where the battle was said the men were all called up from ten villages around and they carted for twenty days and still didn’t finish carting the dead away

    20. “That peasant near Mozháysk where the battle was said the men were all called up from ten villages around and they carted for twenty days and still didn’t finish carting the dead away

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    cartage carting