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    cawing Beispielsätze


    1. It fluttered above her head, cawing irritably, waiting for her to give it a perching place

    2. Far away a crow was cawing

    3. Deep in the gorge, the morning broke quietly, with just the cawing of a rook, warning his friends that there was another days foraging ahead

    4. One overheated and bothered crow began cawing in a sweetgum tree by the lane, but all she was saying was, “Can I borrow an icepack from someone? Anyone? I’m stinkin’ hot!” (A blue jay in the next tree, a tulip poplar, rolled his eyes and replied that they were birds and therefore didn’t have icepacks

    5. As the last crow left it circled the electricity pole twice, cawing its pleasure

    6. the crows at 4:30 cawing, “some place else

    7. The raven circled overhead, cawing, and then dove once again into the battle

    8. began to circle, cawing out as if to reproach these visitors that

    9. times while cawing out

    10. As he topped the farther crest of the slope, a raucous screaming burst out over his head, and looking up, he saw the raven flapping high above him, cawing incessantly

    11. The quietness was punctured by the loud cawing of a crow

    12. cawing of a bird, very loud and

    13. The moment it took the gods to harness their horses to the chariot of the new day which broke along a vast horizon of fire to the song of garden birds, punctuated by more distant crowing, barking, and cawing

    14. Gusto was indifferent to her cries, cawing and snapping at the circus trainers and reporters at the base of the mast

    15. The galling noises of screeching and cawing filled the air

    16. sitting above them flew off the branches in surprise, cawing their annoyance

    17. Chirping, cawing, and rustling could be heard from different directions

    18. As we continued to walk, the birds seemed to call after us, cawing frenetically as we walked by, calling out to us as if trying to draw us back to the natural order

    19. The tide was going in and out, splashing against our feet, and the seagulls overhead were cawing at us like they do in fast food restaurant parking lots when they want French fries or something similar

    20. They circled, cawing, and stayed directly above me

    21. One cawed, followed by another and then another, until they were all cawing at me

    22. David shut his sensitive ears, and even Heyward apprised as he was of the nature of the cry, looked upward in quest of the bird, as the cawing of a crow rang in the air about them

    23. A colony of rooks inhabited the high trees around the keep, and strutted on the battlements like sergeants, cawing their dissatisfaction

    24. No speech could have been more thoroughly honest in its intention: the frigid rhetoric at the end was as sincere as the bark of a dog, or the cawing of an amorous rook

    25. It was a lovely afternoon; the leaves from the lofty limes were falling silently across the sombre evergreens, while the lights and shadows slept side by side: there was no sound but the cawing of the rooks, which to the accustomed ear is a lullaby, or that last solemn lullaby, a dirge

    26. I shovel a handful of the fresh snow into my mouth, listen to the muffled stillness broken only by the cawing of crows

    27. "So here we are, installed in this beautiful old house, and from both my bedroom and the drawing room I can see the great elms of the cathedral close, with their great black stems standing out against the old yellow stone of the cathedral, and I can hear the rooks overhead cawing and cawing and chattering and chattering and gossiping all day, after the manner of rooks--and humans

    28. Some crows, scenting blood, flew among the birch trees cawing impatiently

    29. Its grey front stood out well from the background of a rookery, whose cawing tenants were now on the wing: they flew over the lawn and grounds to alight in a great meadow, from which these were separated by a sunk fence, and where an array of mighty old thorn trees, strong, knotty, and broad as oaks, at once explained the etymology of the mansion’s designation

    30. I was yet enjoying the calm prospect and pleasant fresh air, yet listening with delight to the cawing of the rooks, yet surveying the wide, hoary front of the hall, and thinking what a great place it was for one lonely

    31. At last the woods rose; the rookery clustered dark; a loud cawing broke the morning stillness

    32. Big square Plymouth Rock chickens strolled about, cawing contentedly and cocking their heads at the newcomers

    33. The tree was black with crows all cawing at once

    34. Rising and cawing at the gun's report,

    35. At the sound of a cawing overhead I looked up at the huge fighting-machine that would fight no more for ever, at the tattered red shreds of flesh that dripped down upon the overturned seats on the summit of Primrose Hill

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